Pengaruh Akun Dakwah Youtube Terhadap Perilaku Religiusitas Siswa DI Man 2 Palembang (original) (raw)

Kontribusi Youtube Terhadap Aktvitas Dakwah DI Masa Pandemic COVID-19

Jurnal Mercusuar, 2021

The main problem of this research is how the role of youtube in preaching activities during the Covid 19 pandemic? The subject matter is then checked down into several sub-problems or research questions, namely: 1) the process of preaching through youtube media during the Covid 19 Pandemic? 2) how did youtube contribute to da'wah activities during the Covid 19 pandemic? This type of research is classified as a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research that is field-oriented (field research). The data source of this research is the dai who has a youtube channel and the community of youtube media users. Furthermore, the data collection methods used were observation, interviews, documentation and reference tracing. Then, the data processing and analysis techniques were carried out through four stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the process of preaching during the Covid 19 pandemic through youtube media, there are stages or steps taken by the preachers including 1.) having an official channel account, 2) determining an interesting theme, 3) having supporting equipment or tools, 4) natural editing, 5) sharing of content via social media, as well as teamwork for editing. In addition, the youtube media contributes to the community using youtube, namely 1) as a dissemination of information that reaches the wider community, 2) expands community insight, 3) provides a changing effect on society, 4) focuses attention, 5) fosters an atmosphere of entertainment, 6) creates an atmosphere build. The implications of this research are: 1) The use of youtube channels should carry out a da'wah process that attracts the attention of dakwah viewers on youtube 2) The preachers who have a youtube channel should have a da'wah theme syllabus so that the lectures on the YouTub channel.

Pengaruh Kredibilitas Pendakwah Dan Terpaan Media Sosial Dakwah Terhadap Tingkat Religiusitas Remaja DI Kota Pekanbaru


The role of religiosity in suppressing crime and on changing adolescent behavior has been studied widely; however, studies on the influence of the preacher’s credibility and social media exposure are still limited. This study aims to examine the influence of the preacher’s credibility with the media exposure on the religiosity of adolescents in Pekanbaru. Even though similar studies have been done by other authors, this research has a different view and analysis. This research is based on cognitive theory as the Grand Theory and S-O-R Theory as the Middle Theory which explains the relationship between these three variables. Meanwhile, the Source Credibility Theory and the Hypodermic Needle Theory are applied theories that can explain the effect of the independent variables. This research was conducted on 96 moslem adolescent respondents in Pekanbaru who met certain criteria. Data were analyzed using a quantitative approach, using multiple linear regression analysis, in which each va...

Persuasi Dakwah Youtube Pada Mahasiswa Islam di Kota Surabaya Selama Pandemi

Ishlah: Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah

Youtube can make it easy for the public to enjoy and learn the content. The main target students in the use of youtube are good school materials, physical materials that they don't know about in their everyday lives. The aim of this research is how effective the short video in the story of every person who uses as a reminder because the truth of every Muslim is a reminder to other Muslims. With this research it will be useful for the Da’i in a time of much material and more effective long-term education. This type of research is qualitative that uses phenomenological studies in students, data analysis in this study is data reduction and data synthesization. While the group was observing and interviewing. The result of this research is to reveal about Dakwah Media, Youtube Dakwah Media, Youtube Video Adaptation Dakwah on Khalayak, Social Media and Student Self-Concept and the Dakwah symphony through this youtube can also be enjoyed anywhere and whenever. The subject or the indict...

Hubungan Menonton Channel Youtube Remotivi Terhadap Pemahaman Literasi Media Pada Kader Pelajar Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Besar


Youtube is one of the most accessed social media platforms, namely 88 percent of its total users in 2019. This video-based media is widely used for several purposes, including reviewing media literacy that every social media user must understand. This is due to the impact of social media itself, especially on adolescents who are of a vulnerable age. This study aims to reveal the relationship between the intensity of watching Remotivi's YouTube channel and the understanding of media literacy among the Indonesian Islamic Student cadres in Yogyakarta Besar. To answer this problem, a combination of Moderate Media Effect theory and Ues and Grativications is used. The type of research is a survey with data collection using a questionnaire, assisted by interviews, and documentation. Based on the analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between watching Remotivi's YouTube channel and understanding media literacy in the Yogyakarta Besar Indonesian Islamic Student cadre. This can be seen from the tiered correlation value of 0.47 with a significance level of 5%. This shows that there is indeed a relationship between watching the Remotivi channel and literacy understanding even though it is at a moderate level.

Hubungan Tayangan Youtube “Nussa Official” terhadap Sikap Religi

Prosiding Hubungan Masyarakat, 2019

Youtube is everyone's favourite form of new media and become the number one social media used in Indonesia. Youtube users is consist from the younger age to the elderly. Various content available at this media so users can determine which content that they want. Knows that kids programs that related to religious content are very minim and several Youtube content or programs are apprehensive and can be damaging to the morale of the audience, then a few youth creator came up with an kids animation that has Islamic values, "Nussa Official" program. Nussa is a clever boy who loves to read Qur'an so he will teach his friends to know more about Islamic values. The purpose of this program is to give an education and became a valuable entertainment and also to educate kids. This study aims to know about the relationship of "Nussa Official" program with the elementary school students' religious behaviour. This research used a quantitative method by using corellational approach. Data collecting technique that is used by researcher were questionnaire and literature review. Sampling technique used is Probability Sampling. The result of this research, there is strong relationship between watching Youtube show "Nussa Official" and religious attitude of elementary school childern in Bandung. Among the viariables that have been calculated, there is one aspect is low. However, the another aspects have a strong relationship and strong enough relations.

Analisis Konten Dakwah pada Akun Youtube Bale Films Edisi Diary Ramadhan 2018

Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, 2022

This study discusses the analysis of da'wah content on the bale films YouTube account diaryramadhan 2018 edition. The purpose of this study is to determine the content of da'wah messages contained in the Bale Films YouTube account, the strategy for presenting da'wah messages contained in the account and to determine the communication process of da'wah messages. on Bale Films' YouTube account. This research focuses on da'wah contained in da'i, mad'u, methods, messages and media. This study uses the S-M-C-R theory or often called the Berlo Model theory to answer the problem. The method used by the researcher is the method of content analysis. This method is used to analyze, explain, understand and describe the problems that exist in the research. The steps taken in this research are to determine the type of data, data sources, data collection techniques, analyze to answer all the problems that exist in the research. The results of the study explain that...

Hubungan Konsumsi Media Religius Terhadap Religiusitas Remaja Muslim (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Paramadina Dan Universitas Islam X DI Jakarta)


This research is investigating the relationship between religious media consumption and religiosity among youth. The research is based its assumption on media cultivation effect theory. According to this theory, media consumption is correlated with audiences' perception about the world. The religiosity in this research is divided into two variables, the level of religiosity and the religiosity orientation (extrinsic and intrinsic orientation). The research use quantitative methodology and survey as the method of data collection. Population is drawn from students at two universities, Universitas Paramadina and Universitas Islam X at Jakarta (sample size is 600 respondents). The research found significant but very weak relationship between religious media consumption and the level of religiosity ( p= 0,046, r= 0,083), significant and weak correlation between religious media consumption and intrinsic religious orientation ( p = 0,008, r= 0,110), and no significant relationship betw...

Pengaruh Media Sosial Dan Lingkungan Sosial Sekolah Terhadap Perilaku Religius Siswa

Wawasan: Jurnal Kediklatan Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta, 2021

This study aims to determine and test empirical data related to the influence of media and school social environment on students' religious behavior separately or simultaneously. In this study, the authors used a survey method with a correlational and regressive approach to quantitative data obtained from the research object, namely the students of class XI at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 17 Jakarta. The sample of this study were one hundred eight respondents from a total of one hundred forty-four population of class XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 17 Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2020/2021 school year. The data was collected using a questionnaire / questionnaire technique, observation, and documentation. The type of analysis used is correlation and regression analysis which is described descriptively. The results of the research are: First, there is a positive and significant influence of social media on students' religious behavior with a correlation coefficient (r) o...

Pengaruh Ekstrakurikuler Kerohanian Islam Terhadap Perilaku Siswa DI Bengkulu

POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam

The study is aimed at seeing how extracurricular Islamic spirituality affects student’s behavior at SMA Negeri 10 Bengkulu. The kind of research that is quantitative research with a quantitative descriptive approach. The data-collection techniques of questionnaire, observation, interview and documentation. The sample in this study is all of the students who have participated in extracurricular Islamic Spirituality at SMA Negeri 10 Bengkulu. Researchers use probability sampling techniques of simple random sampling. Research data analysis using simple linier regression analysis, F-Test, t-test and coefficient determinations (R2) with help of SPSS 16. The finding of this studies extracurricular activities of Islamic spirituality affect student’s behavior. This is evidenced by tcount of 3,120 whereas ttable of 2,037 at a significant level of 0.05. Based on these results tcount is greater than the excpectation tchart. Thus, it may be concluded that Ha was accepted and Ho is rejected so ...