The evolution of plasmid stability: Are infectious transmission and compensatory evolution competing evolutionary trajectories? (original) (raw)

Rapid compensatory evolution promotes the survival of conjugative plasmids

Mobile Genetic Elements, 2016

Conjugative plasmids play a vital role in bacterial adaptation through horizontal gene transfer. Explaining how plasmids persist in host populations however is difficult, given the high costs often associated with plasmid carriage. Compensatory evolution to ameliorate this cost can rescue plasmids from extinction. In a recently published study we showed that compensatory evolution repeatedly targeted the same bacterial regulatory system, GacA/GacS, in populations of plasmid-carrying bacteria evolving across a range of selective environments. Mutations in these genes arose rapidly and completely eliminated the cost of plasmid carriage. Here we extend our analysis using an individual based model to explore the dynamics of compensatory evolution in this system. We show that mutations which ameliorate the cost of plasmid carriage can prevent both the loss of plasmids from the population and the fixation of accessory traits on the bacterial chromosome. We discuss how dependent the outcome of compensatory evolution is on the strength and availability of such mutations and the rate at which beneficial accessory traits integrate on the host chromosome.

Natural Selection, Infectious Transfer and the Existence Conditions for Bacterial Plasmids

Genetics, 2000

Despite the near-ubiquity of plasmids in bacterial populations and the profound contribution of infectious gene transfer to the adaptation and evolution of bacteria, the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of plasmids in bacterial populations are poorly understood. In this article, we address the question of how plasmids manage to persist over evolutionary time. Empirical studies suggest that plasmids are not infectiously transmitted at a rate high enough to be maintained as genetic parasites. In part i, we present a general mathematical proof that if this is the case, then plasmids will not be able to persist indefinitely solely by carrying genes that are beneficial or sometimes beneficial to their host bacteria. Instead, such genes should, in the long run, be incorporated into the bacterial chromosome. If the mobility of host-adaptive genes imposes a cost, that mobility will eventually be lost. In part ii, we illustrate a pair of mechanisms by which plasmids can be maintain...

The Role of Clonal Interference in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Plasmid-Host Adaptation

mBio, 2012

Promiscuous plasmids replicate in a wide range of bacteria and therefore play a key role in the dissemination of various host-beneficial traits, including antibiotic resistance. Despite the medical relevance, little is known about the evolutionary dynamics through which drug resistance plasmids adapt to new hosts and thereby persist in the absence of antibiotics. We previously showed that the incompatibility group P-1 (IncP-1) minireplicon pMS0506 drastically improved its stability in novel host Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 after 1,000 generations under antibiotic selection for the plasmid. The only mutations found were those affecting the N terminus of the plasmid replication initiation protein TrfA1. Our aim in this study was to gain insight into the dynamics of plasmid evolution. Changes in stability and genotype frequencies of pMS0506 were monitored in evolving populations of MR-1 (pMS0506). Genotypes were determined by sequencing trfA1 amplicons from individual clones and by 454 pyrosequencing of whole plasmids from entire populations. Stability of pMS0506 drastically improved by generation 200. Many evolved plasmid genotypes with point mutations as well as in-frame and frameshift deletions and duplications in trfA1 were observed in all lineages with both sequencing methods. Strikingly, multiple genotypes were simultaneously present at high frequencies (>10%) in each population. Their relative abundances changed over time, but after 1,000 generations only one or two genotypes dominated the populations. This suggests that hosts with different plasmid genotypes were competing with each other, thus affecting the evolutionary trajectory. Plasmids can thus rapidly improve their stability, and clonal interference plays a significant role in plasmid-host adaptation dynamics.

Intracellular Competitions Reveal Determinants of Plasmid Evolutionary Success

Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020

Plasmids are autonomously replicating genetic elements that are ubiquitous in all taxa and habitats where they constitute an integral part of microbial genomes. The stable inheritance of plasmids depends on their segregation during cell division and their longterm persistence in a host population is thought to largely depend on their impact on the host fitness. Nonetheless, many plasmids found in nature are lacking a clear trait that is advantageous to their host; the determinants of plasmid evolutionary success in the absence of plasmid benefit to the host remain understudied. Here we show that stable plasmid inheritance is an important determinant of plasmid evolutionary success. Borrowing terminology from evolutionary biology of cellular living forms, we hypothesize that Darwinian fitness is key for the plasmid evolutionary success. Performing intracellular plasmid competitions between non-mobile plasmids enables us to compare the evolutionary success of plasmid genotypes within the host, i.e., the plasmid fitness. Intracellular head-to-head competitions between stable and unstable variants of the same model plasmid revealed that the stable plasmid variant has a higher fitness in comparison to the unstable plasmid. Preemptive plasmid competitions reveal that plasmid fitness may depend on the order of plasmid arrival in the host. Competitions between plasmids characterized by similar stability of inheritance reveal plasmid fitness differences depending on the plasmid-encoded trait. Our results further reveal that competing plasmids can be maintained in coexistence following plasmid fusions that maintain unstable plasmid variants over time. Plasmids are not only useful accessory genetic elements to their host but they are also evolving and replicating entities, similarly to cellular living forms. There is a clear link between plasmid genetics and plasmid evolutionary success-hence plasmids are evolving entities whose fitness is quantifiable.

Frequent conjugative transfer accelerates adaptation of a broad-host-range plasmid to an unfavorable Pseudomonas putida host

FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2000

IncP-1 plasmids are known to be promiscuous, but it is not understood if they are equally well adapted to various species within their host range. Moreover, little is known about their fate in bacterial communities. We determined if the IncP-1b plasmid pB10 was unstable in some Proteobacteria, and whether plasmid stability was enhanced after long-term carriage in a single host and when regularly switched between isogenic hosts. Plasmid pB10 was found to be very unstable in Pseudomonas putida H2, and conferred a high cost (c. 20% decrease in fitness relative to the plasmid-free host). H2(pB10) was then evolved under conditions that selected for plasmid maintenance, with or without regular plasmid transfer (host-switching). When tested in the ancestral host, the evolved plasmids were more stable and their cost was significantly reduced (9% and 16% for plasmids from host-switched and nonswitched lineages, respectively). Our findings suggest that IncP-1 plasmids can rapidly adapt to an unfavorable host by improving their overall stability, and that regular conjugative transfer accelerates this process.

Evolutionary paths that expand plasmid host-range: implications for spread of antibiotic resistance

Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015

The World Health Organization has declared the emergence of antibiotic resistance to be a global threat to human health. Broad-host-range plasmids have a key role in causing this health crisis because they transfer multiple resistance genes to a wide range of bacteria. To limit the spread of antibiotic resistance, we need to gain insight into the mechanisms by which the host range of plasmids evolves. Although initially unstable plasmids have been shown to improve their persistence through evolution of the plasmid, the host, or both, the means by which this occurs are poorly understood. Here, we sought to identify the underlying genetic basis of expanded plasmid host-range and increased persistence of an antibiotic resistance plasmid using a combined experimental-modeling approach that included whole-genome resequencing, molecular genetics and a plasmid population dynamics model. In nine of the ten previously evolved clones, changes in host and plasmid each slightly improved plasmid persistence, but their combination resulted in a much larger improvement, which indicated positive epistasis. The only genetic change in the plasmid was the acquisition of a transposable element from a plasmid native to the Pseudomonas host used in these studies. The analysis of genetic deletions showed that the critical genes on this transposon encode a putative toxin-antitoxin (TA) and a cointegrate resolution system. As evolved plasmids were able to persist longer in multiple na€ ıve hosts, acquisition of this transposon also expanded the plasmid's host range, which has important implications for the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Modeling the evolutionary dynamics of plasmids in spatial populations

Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '11, 2011

One of the processes by which microorganisms are able to rapidly adapt to changing conditions is horizontal gene transfer, whereby an organism incorporates additional genetic material from sources other than its parent. These genetic elements may encode a wide variety of beneficial traits. Under certain conditions, many computational models capture the evolutionary dynamics of adaptive behaviors such as toxin production, quorum sensing, and biofilm formation, and have even provided new insights into otherwise unknown or misunderstood phenomena. However, such models rarely incorporate horizontal gene transfer, so they may be incapable of fully representing the vast repertoire of behaviors exhibited by natural populations. Although models of horizontal gene transfer exist, they rarely account for the spatial structure of populations, which is often critical to adaptive behaviors. In this work we develop a spatial model to examine how conjugation, one mechanism of horizontal gene transfer, can be maintained in populations. We investigate how both the costs of transfer and the benefits conferred affect evolutionary outcomes. Further, we examine how rates of transmission evolve, allowing this system to adapt to different environments. Through spatial models such as these, we can gain a greater understanding of the conditions under which horizontally-acquired behaviors are evolved and are maintained.

Positive epistasis between co-infecting plasmids promotes plasmid survival in bacterial populations

ISME Journal, 2013

Plasmids have a key role in the horizontal transfer of genes among bacteria. Although plasmids are catalysts for bacterial evolution, it is challenging to understand how they can persist in bacterial populations over the long term because of the burden they impose on their hosts (the 'plasmid paradox'). This paradox is especially perplexing in the case of 'small' plasmids, which are unable to self-transfer by conjugation. Here, for the first time, we investigate how interactions between co-infecting plasmids influence plasmid persistence. Using an experimental model system based on interactions between a diverse assemblage of 'large' plasmids and a single small plasmid, pNI105, in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we demonstrate that positive epistasis minimizes the cost associated with carrying multiple plasmids over the short term and increases the stability of the small plasmid over a longer time scale. In support of these experimental data, bioinformatic analysis showed that associations between small and large plasmids are more common than would be expected owing to chance alone across a range of families of bacteria; more generally, we find that co-infection with multiple plasmids is more common than would be expected owing to chance across a wide range of bacterial phyla. Collectively, these results suggest that positive epistasis promotes plasmid stability in bacterial populations. These findings pave the way for future mechanistic studies aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms of plasmid-plasmid interaction, and evolutionary studies aimed at understanding how the coevolution of plasmids drives the spread of plasmid-encoded traits.

Plasmids persist in a microbial community by providing fitness benefit to multiple phylotypes


The current epidemic of antibiotic resistance has been facilitated by the wide and rapid horizontal dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in microbial communities. Indeed, ARGs are often located on plasmids, which can efficiently shuttle genes across diverse taxa. While the existence conditions of plasmids have been extensively studied in a few model bacterial populations, their fate in complex bacterial communities is poorly understood. Here, we coupled plasmid transfer assays with serial growth experiments to investigate the persistence of the broad-host-range IncP-1 plasmid pKJK5 in microbial communities derived from a sewage treatment plant. The cultivation conditions combined different nutrient and oxygen levels, and were non-selective and non-conducive for liquid-phase conjugal transfer. Following initial transfer, the plasmid persisted in almost all conditions during a 10-day serial growth experiment (equivalent to 60 generations), with a transient transconjugan...