The Governance of Public Policy Evaluation Systems: Policy Effectiveness and Accountability (original) (raw)

Framework for exploring the interplay of governance and evaluation

Offentlig Forvaltning Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 2012

The article develops a conceptual framework for the interplay between evaluation and governance and explores key functions of evaluation in democratic governance, mainly the accountability and improvement function. Using this framework contributes to knowledge of how governance affects evaluation and evaluation systems, and how evaluation may contribute to policy or governance change. Functions of evaluation are explored as effects of evaluative information produced by different evaluations on the one hand, and as evaluation system effects on the other. The framework can be used to map out and explore the interplay between evaluation and governance in different policy sectors. Program theory methodology is used to unpack the assumptions underlying evaluation in the state and network models of governance. The program theories can be used to illuminate and discuss how evaluation should work in different models of democratic governance, as well as for empirical research of the interplay between governance and evaluation. Att studera samspelet mellan utvärdering och governance I artikeln utvecklas en analysram för att studera samspelet mellan utvärdering och governance och centrala funktioner som utvärdering kan fylla i demokratisk governance, främst ansvarsutkrävande och förbättring. Begreppen governance och demokratisk governance refererar till olika former av samhällsstyrning. Analysramen bidrar till att utveckla kunskap om hur governance påverkar utvärdering och utvärderingssystem och hur utvärdering kan förändra policy och governance. Utvärderingars funktioner studeras i artikeln dels som effekter av kunskap producerad i olika utvärderingar, dels som effekter av utvärderingssystem. Analysramen kan bland annat användas för att utforska samspelet mellan utvärdering och governance inom olika policysektorer. Antaganden som finns bakom statlig governance respektive nätverks governance analyseras med hjälp av programteorimetodologi. De framtagna programteorierna kan användas för att synliggöra och diskutera hur utvärdering bör fungera i olika former av governance och för att studera samspelet mellan utvärdering och governance i praktiken.

Advancing public policy evaluation: Learning from international experiences

Evaluation Practice, 1995

This volume is a contribution to what I hope to be an emerging literature on the comparative and international analysis of evaluation research and policy making. Another recent more modest contribution to this literature is the 1989 work of Cave, Hanney, Kogan, & Trevett (1989) on performance indicators in higher education. Those authors were particularly interested in the relationship between the development of such indicators and political systems. Unfortunately for those interested in transnational regularities, Cave et al. report that, ". . .the introduction of performance indicators may be adventitious, or may be used in different places to advance quite different ends" (p. 54). In contrast to the focused concern of the Cave et al. publication, that is, higher education, Advancing Public Policy Evaluation is not limited in its policy area. That is, examples include evaluation of the FBI in the USA, research and development and employment and immigration policy in Canada, approaches to homelessness and the elderly in Spain, and national audits in a number of countries. Indeed, this book emerged from what was perhaps the first international conference on policy and program evaluation. The conference was attended by 35 participants from 13 nations, and was held in December 1990 in The Hague. The volume reflects the international composition of the conference. The four editors represent three countries (Canada, The Netherlands, USA), and the authors of the 27 papers represent 12 countries. I was surprised that only two of the 27 papers were coauthored, and that both of these were written by a team (two authors) from the UK, There

From New Public Management to New Political Governance: Implications for Evaluation

Public administration scholars have discerned a shift in the federal governance context in Canada, from what was traditionally a strong, nonpartisan public service to a more politicized, even partisan, model of public decision-making with power concentrated in the upper reaches of the political executive. We explore the potential implications of these changes for evaluation in the federal bureaucracy.

Theoretical essay on public policy evaluations


From the identification of the current and growing demand for higher quality, efficient and effective public services, the evaluation of public policies becomes increasingly indispensable. This article highlights the importance of this stage of the political cycle regarding the exercise of evaluation as a crucial tool for the improvement and development of the management of public policies, especially those of a multidimensional nature.This research is characterized as a theoretical essay with the purpose of constructing a broad and integrated analysis on public policy assessments based on the published literature, in addition to understanding and proposing reflections on the model currently adopted mainly in relation to actions carried out by multilateral agencies.

The contribution of evaluation to accountability mechanisms

Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, 2023

Accountability is considered a central concept in public administration. Accountability refers to a mechanism that consists of key elements, including the information provision by an agency to its principal, debating between the agency and the principal, and the following consequences based on debate (Bovens, 2007; Brandsma & Schillemans, 2013). This conceptualization of accountability can be looked at in terms of a mechanism rather than a virtue or public value (Bovens, 2010). To pursue the mechanism in an effective and thorough manner could improve the performance of public agencies (Han, 2020). Accountability as a mechanism is related to accountability as a virtue. For example, the more agencies provide quality information about their activities to their principals such as government or citizens, debate the information with them, and achieve the relevant consequences, such as a budget increase or blame, the more the agencies' performance can be enhanced. Transparency and liability in the policy evaluation process can contribute to the accountability mechanism (Koppell, 2005). If enhanced agency performance via the accountability mechanism is what citizens demand, it indicates that agencies' responsiveness to citizens is obtained. As a result, citizens can support the government, which implies democratic accountability as a virtue is ensured. According to the principal-agent perspective, public agencies need to meet the needs of citizens-that is, the principals-which is a critical configuration of public accountability (ibid.). As such, accountability as a mechanism can be a tool to achieve accountability as a value (Dubnick, 2005).

Evaluation Strategies and Analysis of the Policy Process

Evaluation, 1996

ABSTRACT This article focuses on the theoretical development of evaluation research from the perspective of public-policy analysis. The discontinuity between the first stage of evaluation research and its more recent stage is assessed by arguing that the main problems in early evaluation research were related to an inadequate conceptualization of the evaluator's role, whilst the recent debate in evaluation research correctly acknowledges the endogeneity of the evaluator to the policy process. Consequently, it seems possible to elaborate upon this by investigating the strategies available to the evaluator as actor. In this respect the literature on the cognitive aspects of politics provides useful hints. Following a discussion of this literature, the authors argue that the choice of evaluation strategies is contingent upon the characteristics of the policy process. Two dimensions of the policy process (i.e. the degree of social conflict and the degree of innovation) are employed in order to present a typology of strategies.

7. The contribution of evaluation to accountability mechanisms

Handbook of Public Policy Evaluation, 2023

Accountability is considered a central concept in public administration. Accountability refers to a mechanism that consists of key elements, including the information provision by an agency to its principal, debating between the agency and the principal, and the following consequences based on debate (Bovens, 2007; Brandsma & Schillemans, 2013). This conceptualization of accountability can be looked at in terms of a mechanism rather than a virtue or public value (Bovens, 2010). To pursue the mechanism in an effective and thorough manner could improve the performance of public agencies (Han, 2020). Accountability as a mechanism is related to accountability as a virtue. For example, the more agencies provide quality information about their activities to their principals such as government or citizens, debate the information with them, and achieve the relevant consequences, such as a budget increase or blame, the more the agencies' performance can be enhanced. Transparency and liability in the policy evaluation process can contribute to the accountability mechanism (Koppell, 2005). If enhanced agency performance via the accountability mechanism is what citizens demand, it indicates that agencies' responsiveness to citizens is obtained. As a result, citizens can support the government, which implies democratic accountability as a virtue is ensured. According to the principal-agent perspective, public agencies need to meet the needs of citizens-that is, the principals-which is a critical configuration of public accountability (ibid.). As such, accountability as a mechanism can be a tool to achieve accountability as a value (Dubnick, 2005).

Do All Paths Lead to Rome? Comparative Analysis in the Institutionalization of Evaluation

DT-159-MyE Do All Paths Lead to Rome Comparative Analysis in the..., 2017

In recent years, evaluation has gained importance within public administrations of different countries. Even still, in many cases, it is implemented in a fragmented manner, in response to specific and isolated requests. On the other hand, to speak of a “system” with regards to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) implies that the practice derives from stable institutional arrangements that distribute the functions between those involved in the process, as well as other definitions with an orientation towards quality assessment information in a regular and sustained manner. This document analyzes different institutional arrangements of a set of countries with federal governments with respect to M&E. Those analyzed include Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The case studies of the following sub-national governments are included as well: Catalonia, Jalisco, Pernambuco and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Said studies demonstrate that if a single pattern of institutionalization of M&E functions does not exist, it is important to consider transversal aspects that affect its development. The formation of a system does not end with the creation of an agency or body responsible for M&E. For this organism to have the necessary capacities to carry out its functions, it requires an institutional insertion that guarantees a certain degree of political independence, while also enabling it to promote evaluations as a management tool. Likewise, it is necessary to establish rules defining responsibilities, rules that establish the obligation to evaluate and define quality standards in addition to defining a financing mechanism that guarantees the autonomy, perdurability of the system, and the commitments of evaluated programs or organisms. With respect to the evaluative practice, it is important to consider, not only the definition of an evaluative plan, but also quality control of information produced, and the promotion of evaluation, the use of which improves accountability, transparency of government actions, and decision making. This last facet requires the instauration of mechanisms promoting the use of information in management but also the generation of M&E information that could easily translate into decisions, improving programs and policies. The analyzed case studies demonstrate that M&E systems have started to expand to a level of sub-national states. These governments should act as an active partner in the design and implementation of the national M&E systems and promoters of their own systems. Because of this, the development of capacities and the institutionalization of areas in the government with these specific attributions from said matters are key.