Teaching for What? - Investigating the Effect of Teacher's Pedagogical Knowledge on Elementary School Students' Life Satisfaction and Outcome (original) (raw)

Job Satisfaction, Beliefs and Instructional Practice: The Case of Latvian and Estonian Mathematics Teachers

Introduction. An effective teaching and learning environment has been identified as a factor having an impact on the functionality of school. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the satisfaction level of mathematics teachers with their collaboration and recognition at school as a significant component of general job satisfaction, and their general and subject-specific beliefs about teaching and learning as well as their self-reported instructional practice.

Student's Satisfaction on Today's Teaching Pedagogy

The main focus of the study is to know about student's satisfaction on today's pedagogy used in the class room by the teachers,student's satisfaction based on when student's perception on which their need should met in the educational institution.In this research the author want to study the level of satisfaction by the student in the class room. The sample size is 100 students from different courses is selected for present study (35females and 65 males)and it is a descriptive study and the data is collected through questionnaire as primary data where as secondary data is collected through books, and journals. Mainly the students satisfaction is based on three elements in the educational institution ,one is teachers performance and second is pedagogy used in the class room. From the study it is clear that student are satisfied by the element of the teachers performance in class roomand students have very much satisfaction on teaching pedagogy used by teachers in the class room, only the students who are not regular to the class they are not aware of the methodology used in the class, those students are rare satisfied with the pedagogy used.

Kompetensi Pedagogik Melalui Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Secara Efektif, Empatik Dan Santun Dengan Peserta Didik

Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pendidikan dan Multi Disiplin 3 (SNIPMD 3). ISBN: 978-623-6566-35-0, 2020

Pedagogic Competence is an educational science that teaches teachers to educate students as well as well, and a teacher must have. Communication is one of the many pedagogic competencies. Communication is a process carried out by a person or persons when conveying information. Educator communication with students has an important role in preparing and the learning process, therefore communication skills are one of the competencies that an educator must possess. An educator must master good communication applications so that the learning process takes place effectively. Teacher communication can lead to students' understanding of the subject matter delivered. The purpose of this study is to examine, see, describe and explain how the teacher's communication skills increase student motivation and to see that there is no effect of teacher communication skills on student learning satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach using descriptive analysis methods with analysis through the help of the Google application where this application is useful for analyzing questionnaires quickly and widely via a link that is brought to the research subject. From the research results obtained that the ability of teachers to develop positive attitudes in learning activities there are still teachers who are less sensitive to give proper appreciation for the beliefs made by students and there are still teachers who seem to differentiate students from other students, while the ability of teachers to prove flexible and open in learning activities that are not applied so that students do not understand the material being taught, as well as an increase in the increase in the ability of teachers to appear passionate and earnest in learning activities.

Are Teachers Who Promote Student-Centred Approach More Satisfied with Their Lives?


The article gives an overview of the characteristics of a good teacher, because the quality of teaching depends on the quality of a teacher. A good teacher’s teaching is directed towards the pupil. In pupil-oriented teaching, the pupil is an active participant. The teacher is no longer a lecturer but an organiser, associate, leader, mentor this teacher is effective and pupils’ achievements are the result of the teacher’s effectiveness. Research studies acknowledge that the more satisfied someone is with their life, the more effective they are. The purpose of this article is to ascertain whether teachers’ life satisfaction affects their teaching conception. Presumption is that the more satisfied teachers are more likely to be directed towards the pupils and teaching. The survey comprises around 150 male and female primary school class teachers and specialists/subject teachers with different years of service in five Croatian primary schools. The research employed the Survey of teachin...

The opinion of teachers and pupils on teaching and learning in elementary school Jovan Dučić

Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja, 2020

Changes in the contemporary society have brought a new way of working at schools. The traditional method of teaching was focused on the teacher and required the expertise of the teachers primarily as a lecturer. Active learning refers to the student who is directly involved in the learning process, whereas the teacher should give the students an intellectual incentive, encourage their curiosity and support them in their work. T he objective of this paper was to examine the students’ and the teachers’ opinions on the teaching process, on the methods and the ways of students’ learning and the teachers’ way of working in order to improve the quality of the teaching and the learning process itself. The research was carried out both among the students from the 5th to the 8th grade and the selected subject teaching teachers at school “Jovan Dučić”. It was noted by descriptive analysis that there is a certain degree of disagreement in the way the students and the teachers see the teaching process. The research showed that the teachers should relate more material of their subjects to other school subjects, include more integrative and project teaching in their work as well as link school materials with everyday life. According to the students’ answers, we can conclude that they would find the learning process more interesting if the experts in certain areas attended their lessons or if the elder students taught the younger ones. In addition, it is necessary to encourage students to strengthen their interdisciplinary competence 343raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobraževanja and to link the acquired knowledge with the real requirements of the working context of the 21st century. One of the important conclusions of our research shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the individual characteristics of each student. By adopting these changes in the working process, the teachers would approach the principles of active learning, whereas the students would be more prepared for the future. Key words: teaching, learning, student differentiation in teaching, multiple linking of teaching materials, career guidance for students.

Determination Of Life Satisfaction Of Pre-Service Teachers Enrolled In Pedagogical Formation Program In Terms Of Age, Gender, Department And Academic Achievement

Proceedings of IAC in Vienna 2018, 2018

The aim of the study was to determine whether the level of life satisfaction and academic achievement of the trainees enrolled in the pedagogical formation program showed a significant difference; to determine whether the age and academic success of trainees significantly predict life satisfaction. The data were obtained from a total of 188 trainees, 115 of whom were female and 73 were male. Life Satisfaction Scale was developed by Diener, Emmons, Laresen and Griffin (1985) and adapted to Turkish by Dağlı and Baysal (2016). Female trainees were more successful than male trainees and life satisfaction levels were higher. In the study group, it was found that the academic success of the participants did not predict the life satisfaction, but the age variable was a significant predictor of life satisfaction. The age of the trainees explains 3.4% of their life satisfaction.

Students' Satisfaction with Pedagogy Teaching

Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2019

Satisfaction with the training process is seen as one of the main criteria for accreditation of all higher education programs, according to the requirements of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency in Bulgaria. Students' satisfaction is connected with the students' perception of the extent to which their needs or expectations have been met in the learning process. The aim of the research was to study students' satisfaction with the quality of pedagogy teaching at the National Sports Academy. The research involved 65 students (33 men, 32 women). The satisfaction survey was conducted using an online-based questionnaire (Google-Form). Subjects did not indicate their names, but only their group and gender. The results obtained show that, as a whole, students were satisfied to a very large extent with pedagogy teaching. Gender did not affect satisfaction. However, the attendance rate affected it. Students who attended all lectures had the highest degree of satisfaction, while students who did not attend any lectures had the lowest. Students who had finished elite secondary school (which is related to very high expectations of teaching), were the least satisfied and they were the ones who most often skipped lectures. The most important factor affecting students' satisfaction was the behavior of lecturers and their interaction with the students.

The influences of teacher' teaching style upon the pupils' well-being

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences , 2019

Today, teaching is no longer an approach as a simple act. The complexity of the society has led to a more careful study of the teaching process, so that, over the last 10 years, specialists are increasingly discussing about teaching styles as differentiating elements of the quality of educational services offered to students. The present study tries to reveal the impact that teacher' teaching style has upon the student's well-being level. We investigated 180 Romanian teachers who teach different disciplines (48.3% at secondary school' pupils and 51.7% at high school' pupils), and 385 Romanian pupils: 48.16% coming from secondary schools and 51.84% coming from high schools, aged 10-18 years old. Using specific and adapted investigative tools (The 'Teaching style questionnaire' and 'The Ryff's Well Being Scale'), we found specific influences of teacher' teaching style upon the elements that define the well-being level.

The Effect of Academic Supervision of School Principles and Teachers’ Performance Satisfaction in Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence

Jurnal Basicedu

This study aims to determine the effect of the principal's academic supervision and teacher performance satisfaction on improving the pedagogic competence of teachers in PAB schools, Deli Serdang Regency. This type of research is quantitative with a survey method involving teachers. The data was collected by means of observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis used instrument validity and instrument reliability. The results of hypothesis testing have a positive and high relationship between the principal's academic supervision and teacher job satisfaction together with the teacher's pedagogic competence. The magnitude of the effect is indicated by the coefficient of determination R2 (R square) = 0.431, meaning that the principal's academic supervision and teacher job satisfaction together have an influence on the teacher's pedagogic competence of 43.1% and the remaining 56.9% is determined by other factors. The results of simple regression analy...