Object clitics in Spanish and Catalan (original) (raw)

The Spanish pronominal clitic system

Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural

Resumen: En este artículo se presenta un modelo del sistema de pronombres clíticos del español. Se presenta una revisión detallada del fenómeno incluyendo la llamada "subida de clíticos" tanto simple como compleja, así como el fenómeno relacionado de los reflexivos, y también las formas impersonales de la pasiva-refleja y la impersonal-activa. Se presenta también un análisis del estatus representacional de los pronombres clíticos y se postula un modelo dual en el que mientras los enclíticos son inflexiones, los proclíticos se realizan como unidades léxicas independientes y por lo mismo son clíticos propiamente. Se presenta también la formalización del modelo en Headdriven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG); para esto la maquinaria estándar de HPSG se extiende con un esquema de combinación sintáctica, la regla Head-Proclitic Rule y el principio de clíticos. Este principio establece que en las oraciones bien formadas que incluyen pronombres clíticos todo dominio clítico se encuentra bajo el alcance de un clítico fonológico. Estas nociones se introducen también en el presente artículo. En particular, los dominios clíticos se forma sobre las operaciones de cliticización, composición y subsumsión de clíticos, que también se presentan en este artículo. La teoría ha sido validada mediante la programación de un sistema prototipo en el ambiente Linguistics Knowledge Building (LKB), el cual también se describe en el presente artículo. Palabras clave: Pronombres clíticos, subida de clíticos, composición y subsumsión de clíticos, perífrasis del español, pasiva refleja, impersonal activa. El clítico se.

Syntax-driven bindings of Spanish clitic pronoun

Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural, 2005

Resumen: Este trabajo presenta el análisis del sistema de pronombres clíticos del español y su relación con la teoría de binding. Los pronombres clíticos del español presentan un comportamiento dual dado que pueden ser unidades morfológicas o sintácticas. Como unidades morfológicas los pronombres son sufijos, mientras que como unidades sintácticas son clíticos. En el segundo caso los clíticos son pronombres por lo que es necesario que las estructuras en las que aparecen cumplan con los principios de binding. En particular, presentamos los análisis de reflexivos, clíticos pleonásticos y verbos de control de objeto.

Variable constraints on Spanish clitics: A cross-dialectal overview--REVISED

Handbook of Variationist Approaches to Spanish, 2020

Linguistic research on Spanish clitic pronouns has analyzed the expression, placement, and gender or number marking of direct and indirect objects. We first provide a brief overview of the literature concerned with this variable clitic use, then offer a variationist perspective of three specific phenomena, with a focus on their linguistic conditioning: use of se los for se lo in ditransitive constructions (Schwenter & Hoff forthcoming); use of le for les with plural dative referents (Gustafson 2017); and DO (and IO) clitic position or "clitic climbing" (Davies 1995, Torres Cacoullos 1999, Schwenter & Torres Cacoullos 2014). Using both new and existing data and pairing qualitative and quantitative methods, we demonstrate that while these three phenomena are distinct and vary across Spanish dialects, they are united by important cross-dialectal and cross-constructional patterns. Specifically, all three phenomena showcase the interrelated nature of direct and indirect objects and the effects of animacy and referent accessibility on the expression of both DOs and IOs.

Direct Object Clitic Doubling in OT-LFG: A New Look at Rioplatense Spanish

Spanish expresses the direct object argument of transitive clauses as a Direct Object Clitic, as a lexical or independent pronominal NP, or both ((Direct Object) Clitic Doubling). The latter structure presents an obvious puzzle to theories that assume one form or another of functional uniqueness. Although much research has been devoted to the structural representation and semantics of DOCLD, a rather natural question has been left uninvestigated in the linguistic literature: what drives these different types of expression?

Object Clitics and Lexical Doubles Semantics in Teopantlan Spanish

The Syntactic Import of Object Clitics and Lexical Doubles Semantics in Teopantlan Spanish, 2018

In this paper I will discuss data from an under-represented variant of Spanish spoken in Teopantlan, Puebla in Central Mexico, which shows several particularities within the pronominal clitic system: (1) it has a reduced inventory in favor of the prevalence of the clitic , which in Standard Spanish encodes [3.M.SG.ACC], in most contexts even when some other form is expected, (2) an overwhelming preference for the proclitic position even when some other position (i.e. enclitic) is licensed, and (3) the near null agreement interaction between lexical doubles and clitics in doubling contexts, in particular, the absence of a-phrases in Differential Object Marking (DOM) environments obligatory in Standard Spanish.

A Note on Catalan Clitics


The purpose of this paper is to suggest an interpretation of the colloquial clitic system of Barcelona Catalan (and other dialects) in the light of the notion of "phonetically empty object". The analysis proposed draws on some considerations on empty objects in Brazilian Portupese found in Farrell(1990). In this paper I discuss in what way the arguments of a head

A lexical functional grammar account of Spanish weak dative pronominals


This thesis is concerned with Spanish weak dative pronominals. Similar elements-generally labelled as clitics- in many languages have been focus of much research in Linguistics. The present study, however, abstracts away from classic approaches that had the external form of clitics as their main focus and provides description and analysis of very specific uses of dative pronominal items, namely when they appear on ditransitive constructions, with psychological predicates or in a configuration where they are not lexically specified in the valency of the verb, the so-called non-selected datives. The analysis of the dative in ditransitive constructions is twofold. We claim that the distribution of the dative in such configurations has semantic and syntactic implications. The presence of the dative pronoun is becoming grammaticalised and provides an entailment of affectedness. In instances of clitic doubling where we have both the pronoun and a noun phrase, we are treating the pronoun a...