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Determinants of Exchange Rate Instability in Nigeria
This paper investigates the determinants of exchange rate instability in Nigeria from 1980 through 2013.Without exchange rate the exchange of goods and services among trading partners will be faced with a lot of problems, which may virtually narrow it down to trade by barter. This exchange also is used to determine the level of output growth of the country. Hence, the rate at which exchange fluctuates calls for a lot of attention. However, with already existing exchange rate policies, a constant exchange rate has not been attained. Having obtained the instability of exchange rate through the various econometrics techniques, the regression test and unit root test was used to examine the various determinants of exchange rate instability in Nigeria, while the co-integration analysis reveals the presence of a long term equilibrium relationship between the various variables and its various determinants and also error correction model (ECM). My empirical analysis further shows that exchan...
Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1987-2020)
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
This study is to examine the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on economic growth in Nigeria. The independent variables used for this study are money supply, interest rate, inflation rate and real exchange rate. The data used for this study is obtained from CBN statistical bulletin, 2019. The study used cointegration and Error correction mechanism to estimate the long run and short run relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables. The cointegartion result shows that there is a long run relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The ECM results of the estimate shows that real exchange rate have positive and significant impact on Real GDP at 5% level of significance. The study therefore recommend that the CBN should track and effectively monitor all operators in the foreign exchange market, especially parallel market operators and other speculators so as to stabilize the Naira exchange rate and achieve steady economic growth.
European Journal of Accounting, Finance and Investments, 2019
The Study examined Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate regimes on Nigeria Economic Development, 1986 to 2018. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of foreign exchange rate movements on Nigeria's economic development. The foreign exchange monetary model on which this study was anchored assumes that changes in money supply results to changes in exchange rate either directly or indirectly. The study chose Nigeria as its sample and covered the period from 1986 to 2018. The study used secondary time series data sourced from the central bank of Nigeria and the World Bank and tested the effect of the independent variables (namely-foreign exchange rate, inflation rate and monetary policy rate) on the dependent variable, economic development proxy by Human Development index using the ordinary regression, co-integration and Granger-causality techniques, and tested at the 5% level of significance. The findings showed that foreign exchange rate has positive and significant effect on economic development in the short-run period and an effective co-integration exists between the variables which is also positive and significant. The study concludes that foreign exchange rate has significant effect on economic development of Nigeria and recommends amongst others that monetary authorities should develop a stable and unambiguous foreign exchange rate policy and also, encouraged the fiscal and monetary authorities to galvanize policies and ensure that susceptible leakages from the external reserves balances are blocked.
Efect of Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Nigerian Economy
Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series
This study investigated the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Nigerian economy. The fixed and floating exchange eras were compared to know the exchange rate system in which the economy has fairly better. The time period covered was 1970 to 2012. The study employed the ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression technique for the analysis. The coefficient of determination (R2), F-test, t-test, beta and Durbin-Watson were used in the interpretation of the results. The resulted revealed that about 85% of the changes in macroeconomic indicators are explained in the fixed exchange era. In the floating exchange era, 99% was explained while the whole periods has 73% explanatory power, hence the floating exchange era (1986 to date) is more effective in explaining economic trend in Nigeria. Also, exchange rate has significant positive effect on GDP during the fixed exchange rate era and negative effect the eras floating and all-time; inflation has insignificant negative effect on G...
This research work is centered on the impact of exchange rate fluctuation on the Nigeria’s economic growth from 1986 to 2015. The main type of data used in this study is secondary; sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of various issues. From 1986 being the year the Nigerian monetary authority changed from fixed exchange rate system to flexible exchange rate system. The correlation and regression analysis of the ordinary least square (OLS) were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that exchange rate has positive impact but not significant with (co-efficient =0.01275, t = 1.35) this is affirms previous studies that developing countries are relatively better off in the choice of flexible exchange rate regimes. The result also indicated that interest rate has positive impact but not significant with (co-efficient =0.1353, t = 0.26) while rate of inflation have negative impact on economic growth but not significant with (co-efficient = -0.1363, t = -0.69). Therefore, the paper recommended that government should encourage the export promotion strategies in order to maintain a surplus balance of trade and also conducive environment, adequate security, effective fiscal and monetary policies, as well as infrastructural facilities should be provided so that foreign investors will be attracted to invest in Nigeria Keywords: Nigeria’s economic growth, exchange rate, interest rate, inflation rate
Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation
The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2019
This study examines the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on economic growth in Nigeria using annual data for the period 1970-2016. Specifically, the study seeks to: investigate the existence of a long-run relationship between exchange rate and economic growth in Nigeria; and determine the nature of the causal relationship between exchange rate and economic growth in Nigeria. The study employs the Johansen test of Co-integration, Error Correction Model, and the Granger Causality test to address the specific objectives. The study reveals that: there exists a long run relationship between exchange rate and economic growth in Nigeria. Furthermore, the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) result reveals that it takes approximately two years for the disequilibrium in the long run trend of GDP to be corrected back to the equilibrium level. The Granger Causality Test reveals that there is no causality between economic growth and exchange ratein Nigeria. The study therefore recommends, amongst others, policies that will not only ensure a realistic and stable exchange rate but will also encourage local production to boost national output.
The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Nigerian Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation
This research study examined the impact of exchange rate on economic growth from 1986 to 2013. The main type of data used in this study is secondary; sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of various issues. From 1986 being the year the monetary authority shifted from fixed exchange rate regime to flexible exchange rate regime to 2013. The correlation and regression analysis of the ordinary least square (OLS) were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that exchange rate has positive impact but not significant with (β =0.014, t = 1.783, Pns) this is affirms previous studies that developing countries are relatively better off in the choice of flexible exchange rate regimes. The result also indicated that interest rate and rate of inflation have negative impact on economic growth but not significant with (β =-0.002, t =-0.015, Pns) and (β =-0.023, t =-0.716, Pns) respectively. Therefore, the paper recommended that government should encourage the export promotion strategies in order to maintain a surplus balance of trade and also conducive environment, adequate security, effective fiscal and monetary, as well as infrastructural facilities should be provided so that foreign investors will be attracted to invest in Nigeria
Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Economic Growth in Nigeria
Asian Journal of Economics and Finance., 2013
This study examines the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on economic growth in Nigeria. The main type of data used in this study is secondary; sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of various issues. From 1986 being the year the monetary authority shifted from fixed exchange rate regime to flexible exchange rate regime to 2019. The correlation and regression analysis of the ordinary least square (OLS) were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that exchange rate has positive effect but not significant with (â=0.014, t = 1.783, Pns) this affirms previous studies that developing countries are relatively better off in the choice of flexible exchange rate regimes. The result also indicated that interest rate and rate of inflation have negative effect on economic growth but not significant with (â = 0.002, t = 0.015, Pns) and (â = 0.023, t = 0.716, Pns) respectively. Therefore, the study recommended that government should encourage export promotion strategies in order to maintain a surplus balance of trade. In addition, government should provide a conducive environment for trade, adequate security, effective fiscal and monetary, as well as infrastructural facilities that would attract foreign investments in Nigeria.
IJTSRD, 2017
This study investigated the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Nigerian economy. The fixed and floating exchange eras were compared to know the exchange rate system in which the economy has fairly better. The time period covered was 1970 to 2012. The study employed the ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression technique for the analysis. The coefficient of determination (R2), F-test, t Durbin-Watson were used in the interpretation results. The resulted revealed that about 85% of the changes in macroeconomic indicators are explained in the fixed exchange era. In the floating exchange era, 99% was explained while the whole periods has 73% explanatory power, hence the floating e (1986 to date) is more effective in explaining economic trend in Nigeria. Also, exchange rate has significant positive effect on GDP during the fixed exchange rate era and negative effect the eras floating and all inflation has insignificant negative effect on GDP during the fixed exchange era; significant effect in floating era and significant negative effect in the all time period; money supply has insignificant negative effect GDP in fixed exchange era; and significant positive effect during the floating and all and oil revenue has significant positive effect on the GDP in all the exchange rate regimes (floating, fixed and all-time) in Nigeria. The study thus conclude that exchange rate movement is a good indicator for monitoring Nigerian economic growth. So far exchange rate has always been a key economic indicator for Nigeria. The floating exchange period has @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com | Volume-2 | Issue-1 | This study investigated the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Nigerian economy. The fixed and floating exchange eras were compared to know the exchange rate system in which the economy has fairly ter. The time period covered was 1970 to 2012. The study employed the ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression technique for the analysis. The test, t-test, beta and Watson were used in the interpretation of the results. The resulted revealed that about 85% of the changes in macroeconomic indicators are explained in the fixed exchange era. In the floating exchange era, 99% was explained while the whole periods has 73% explanatory power, hence the floating exchange era (1986 to date) is more effective in explaining economic trend in Nigeria. Also, exchange rate has significant positive effect on GDP during the fixed exchange rate era and negative effect the eras floating and all-time; ant negative effect on GDP during the fixed exchange era; significant effect in floating era and significant negative effect in the all-time period; money supply has insignificant negative effect GDP in fixed exchange era; and significant uring the floating and all-time period; and oil revenue has significant positive effect on the GDP in all the exchange rate regimes (floating, fixed time) in Nigeria. The study thus conclude that exchange rate movement is a good indicator for toring Nigerian economic growth. So far exchange rate has always been a key economic indicator for Nigeria. The floating exchange period has outperformed the fixed exchange rate in terms of contribution inflation, money supply and oil revenue to economic growth. This indicate that the floating exchange rate has been a better economic regime for sustainable economic growth in Nigeria. From the findings, it is evident that oil revenue has positive effect in Nigeria and has remained the mainstay of the economy. It is thus recommended among other things that a positive exchange rate stock should be monitored regularly, so as not to allow those that find exchange rate as an avenue of investment like banks and public carry out their business, which is more devasta the economy.
The main objective of the study was to assess the impact of some exchange rate determinants on the performance of Nigeria's economy. Annual time series obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, covering the period 1981 and 2018 were used in the study. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) methodology and Error Correction Mechanism were adopted in the study. The variables used in the study were Balance of Trade (BoT)as dependent variable, and Growth rate of RGDP (GRGDP), External reserve (EXR), Exchange Rate (XR), prime lending rate (PLR) and inflation rate (IFR) as independent variables. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root test revealed that all the variables were integrated at level and first difference. The existence of long run relationship among the variables was confirmed through ARDL Bounds testing. ARDL long run coefficients showed that GRGDP and EXR relate positively with BoT while XR, PLR and IFR exhibited negative relationship with BoT. Only EXR has significant impact on BoT both in the long and short runs. The ECM revealed that the speed of 59.3 per cent was required to correct the short disequilibrium among the variables. It is recommended that government should work out modalities to attain exchange rate, lending rate and inflation rate that would impact balance of trade significantly and also continue to increase the country's external reserves.