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The objective of this paper is to give a comprehensive overview of the academic literature focusing on a rapidly emerging field of Integrated Reporting (IR) practice in Sri Lanka. The paper reviews the existing literature and gives insights on the integrated reporting practice which is at the embryonic phase in the Sri Lankan context. Semisystematic approach of literature review was utilized for this study. The level of IR adopted, motives behind IR adoption, benefit of adopting IR and barriers and limitations of adopting IR in the Sri Lankan context have been mainly identified in this paper. This analysis revealed that the degree of compliance with the content elements prescribed in the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRF) by Sri Lankan listed companies is rapidly increasing. However, it is discovered that the disclosures under the content elements of "risk and opportunity," "strategy & resource allocation," performance," and "forecast" need to be improved. Awarding schemes, programs and workshops on IR which is conducted by professional accounting bodies, pressure from auditors, pressures from competition, global trend, corporate image and code of best practice in corporate governance have affected more in achieving a high degree of IR adoption among the Sri Lankan listed companies. The study's key limitation is that it relies on literature that is still in its early stages of development. Academics, regulators, and reporting organizations may benefit from this research, which raises awareness of areas of integrated reporting that require further development and much more evidence to enhance policy and practice improvements. This study identified some areas where more academic research is needed. As an evolving phenomenon, limited empirical studies are exploring IR practice and this paper provides some contribution to the understanding of IR practice in the Sri Lankan context as a voluntary regime.
Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research, 2020
Business reporting in India is becoming more transparent and dynamic as it is impacted by regulatory changes and varying information needs of stakeholders. In recent days, Indian companies are increasingly investing their financial and intellectual capital in undertaking, managing and reporting economic, environmental and social aspects. Reporting economic, environmental and social aspects in a single report is termed as integrated reporting (IR). The present paper is empirical in nature and involves analysing the awareness level of IR practices among academicians, accountants and auditors. It also evaluates the level of compliance of voluntary IR practices with GRI. Data were collected both from primary and secondary sources and collected data were analysed with the help of statistical tools such as reliability analysis, t-test, levene’s test. The study concludes that the academicians, accountants and auditors positively perceive the impact of IR practices on various aspects of business and there exist differences in IR reporting practices among selected companies as per GRI guidelines
Integrated Reporting Practices in Indian Companies
Today, financial reporting is not only limited to producing financial information. Besides financial information, non-financial information is also provided to the information seekers. The system of communicating both financial and non-financial information in a single report is known as Integrated Reporting (IR) system. The present study is intended to analyse the current status of IR in Indian context and also to analyse the compliance level of IR disclosures by selected companies as per IIRC guidelines through secondary data. The study evidently found that all the 8 selected companies are disclosing human and social and relation capital related information in a good manner and that these companies' disclosure practices will become the motivation for other Indian companies for practicing integrated reporting voluntarily.
Reporting dimensions in Accounting and Finance arena have been gradually evolved and it is still transforming for new aspects which gives superior disclosures. Recently most of the companies around the world have adopted Integrated Reporting (IR) concept which some far beyond the sustainability reporting in their financial statements. Since this is newly emerged concept and unavailability of considerable amount of research studies, most companies have not adopted IR for their reporting. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the firm characteristics that affect towards the adoption of IR which are listed in Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE). For this study, 50 companies which have adopted IR for their reporting are randomly selected out of 61 IR adopted companies and 50 non IR adopted companies as the sample. Data was collected from the annual reports of selected companies for the year 2016. Adoption of IR was used as the dependent variable while structure related, performance related and market-related firms' characteristics of a firm were selected as independent variables. Structure related variables are firm's listed age, leverage and ownership dispersion. As the performance related variables, profitability, assets and total sales were considered. Market value, audit firm size and industry type were selected as market related variables. Logistic Regression was employed to analyze data as the model has dichotomous categorical outcome. Findings revealed that there is a significant impact of firm's total assets on adoption of IR. Findings of this study provide information to capital market regulators and government considering the policy to mandate IR and promote IR.
Integrated reporting practices and firm performance: A review study
Corporate and Business Strategy Review
The purpose of this article is to provide a taxonomy of existing literature on the relationship between integrated reporting and business performance. Published research articles related to integrated reporting practices were collected from various reputed journals published by Springer, Taylor & Francis, JSTOR, Wiley, Elsevier, Sage, and Emerald. A total of 110 research articles were examined. After reviewing all the articles rigorously, we found that the study related to the assessment of integrated reporting practices was mostly concentrated in developed countries as compared to developing countries. The result differs in various cultural and economic contexts and there is no universally accepted direction of the relationship between integrated reporting and firm performance. We further found that there is some decline in research studies in recent years. This study contributes to the academic literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of the various types of studies that w...
An empirical study on company’s perception of integrated reporting in India
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 2021
Purpose International Integrated Reporting Council is in its 10th year of establishment and the integrated reporting (IR) framework released in 2013 was under revision in the year, 2020. Despite some significant developments in the past 10 years, the authors know very little about the perception of preparers towards IR. This paper aims to study the perception of the preparers and to understand the current status of the adoption of IR in India. Design/methodology/approach The top 500 companies from ET 500 list have been analysed. Banks and financial institutions (a total of 69) have been excluded for the study. Out of 431 companies, the status of IR has been checked by the questionnaire-based survey. Principle component analysis, a dimensionality reduction technique was performed on the responses to understand the important components impacting the perception of companies. Also, a case study methodology has been adopted to compare and analyse the IR trends in the manufacturing and in...
Exploring the implications of integrated reporting on organisational reporting practice
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 2016
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine “how” the adoption of integrated reporting (IR), and the embedded multiple capitals framework, has influenced organisational reporting practice. In particular, the paper examines how companies report and integrate multiple capitals in various organisational reporting channels following the introduction of an “apply or explain” IR requirement in South Africa. Design/methodology/approach Using a qualitative case study approach based on discourse analysis, this paper examines various organisational reports including integrated reports, standalone sustainability reports, websites and other online materials of highly regarded, award-winning, integrated reporters in South Africa over a four-year period (2011-2014), following the introduction of IR requirement. The authors draw five impression management techniques, namely, rhetorical manipulation, thematic manipulation, selectivity, emphasis in visual presentation and performance comparisons...
The purpose of this ongoing study, at this stage, is to present a checklist to assess the gap between present corporate reporting practices and the International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC) Guidelines on preparing an integrated report. Since integrated reporting is "principle driven" than "rule based" there is a need to assess the emerging integrated reporting practice against what IIRC has laid down in their guidelines. The check list we develop here attempts to overcome the inherent several weaknesses in the existing few check lists. Hence, this check list was developed by perusing the extant literature on integrated reporting. This check list, in addition to providing a tool for evaluating the corporate integrated reports against IIRC Guidelines, can also be used by corporate managers to assess the level of their integrated reporting. This assessment could also be a catalyst in creating the requisite changes to the corporate practice, in particular to the integrated thinking process.
Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości, 2017
Practical use of the integrated reporting framework – an analysis of the content of integrated reports of selected companies The purpose of the article is to provide a research tool for an initial assessment of whether a company’s integrated reports meet the objectives set out in the IIRC Integrated Reporting Framework and its empirical verification. In particular, the research addresses whether the reports meet the goal of improving the quality of information available and covering all factors that influence the organization’s ability to create value. The article uses the theoretical output on the principles of preparing integrated reports and analyzes the content of selected integrated reports. Based on the source analysis, a research tool has been developed for an initial assessment of whether an integrated report fulfills its objectives. It consists of 42 questions that verify the coverage of the defined elements and the implementation of the guiding principles set by the IIRC. ...