Adaptive control for car like vehicles guidance relying on RTK GPS: rejection of sliding effects in agricultural applications (original) (raw)
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Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003) (Cat. No.03CH37453), 2003
A very accurate vehicle guidance is required in numerous agricultural applications, as seeding, spraying, row cropping, . . . Accuracy in vehicle localization can be obtained in realtime from a RTK GPS sensor. Several control laws, relying on this sensor, have been previously designed and provide satisfactory results as long as vehicles do not slide. However, sliding has to occur in agricultural tasks (sloping fields, curves on a wet land, . . .). The challenge addressed in this paper is to preserve vehicle guidance accuracy in such situations. A nonlinear adaptive control law is here designed. Simulation results and field experiments, demonstrating the capabilities of that control scheme, are reported and discussed.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA '04. 2004, 2004
Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems are able to supply very accurate coordinates of a point (about 2 cm with a RTK GPS), such a sensor is very suitable to design vehicle guidance system. It is especially the case in agricultural tasks where a centimeter precision is often required (seeding, spraying, ...). To answer to growing high precision agriculture principle demand, several control laws for automated vehicle guidance relying on this sensor have been developed. Such guidance systems are able to supply an acceptable steering accuracy as long as vehicle does not slide (path tracking on even ground with good adherence properties...), what alas inevitably occurs in agricultural tasks. Several principles are here presented to steer vehicle whatever properties of ground and path to be followed are. In this paper a new extended kinematic model with sliding accounted is presented which allows to describe vehicle dynamics in all guidance conditions. Via this model a new non linear control law can be designed, which integrates sliding effects. Its capabilities are investigated through simulations and experimental tests.
Application to automatic guidance of farm vehicles using RTK GPS
Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems are able to supply very accurate coordinates of a point (about 2 cm with a RTK GPS), such a sensor is very suitable to design vehicle guidance system. It is especially the case in agricultural tasks where a centimeter precision is often required (seeding, spraying, ...). To answer to growing high precision agriculture principle demand, several control laws for automated vehicle guidance relying on this sensor have been developed. Such guidance systems are able to supply an acceptable steering accuracy as long as vehicle does not slide (path tracking on even ground with good adherence properties...), what alas inevitably occurs in agricultural tasks. Several principles are here presented to steer vehicle whatever properties of ground and path to be followed are. In this paper a new extended kinematic model with sliding accounted is presented which allows to describe vehicle dynamics in all guidance conditions. Via this model a new non linear control law can be designed, which integrates sliding effects. Its capabilities are investigated through simulations and experimental tests.
Since Global Navigation Satellite Systems are able to supply very accurate coordinates of a point (about 2 cm with a RTK GPS), such a sensor is very suitable to design vehicle guidance system. It is especially the case in agricultural tasks where a centimeter precision is often required (seeding, spraying, ...). To answer to growing high precision agriculture principle demand, several control laws for automated vehicle guidance relying on this sensor have been developed. Such guidance systems are able to supply an acceptable steering accuracy as long as vehicle does not slide (path tracking on even ground with good adherence properties...), what alas inevitably occurs in agricultural tasks. Several principles are here presented to steer vehicle whatever properties of ground and path to be followed are. In this paper two extended kinematic models with sliding accounted are presented. They allow to describe vehicle dynamics in all guidance conditions. Via these models, new non linear control laws can be designed (depending on model structures), which integrate sliding effects. Their capabilities are investigated through experimental tests.
2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37566), 2004
When designing an accurate automated guidance vehicle system, a major problem is sliding and pseudosliding effects. It is especially the case in agricultural applications, where a five centimeters accuracy with respect to the desired trajectory is required, even if vehicles move on a slippery ground. Previous works have established that RTK GPS was a very suitable sensor to achieve automated guidance with such a high precision: several control laws have been designed for vehicles equipped with that sensor, and provide the expected guidance accuracy as long as vehicles do not slide. Further control developments have been previously proposed to take sliding into account: guidance accuracy in slippery environment has been shown to be preserved, except transiently at beginning/end of curves, ... In this paper, design of such a control law is first recalled and discussed. Model Predictive Control method is then applied in order to preserve guidance accuracy even during these transitions. Finally, the global control scheme is implemented, and improvements with respect to previous guidance laws are demonstrated through full scale experiments.
Application to trajectory tracking of farm vehicles relyin g on a single RTK GPS
When designing an accurate automated guid- ance vehicle system, a major problem is sliding and pseudo- sliding effects. It is especially the case in agricultural a p- plications, where a five centimeters accuracy with respect to the desired trajectory is required, even if vehicles move on a slippery ground. Previous works have established that RTK GPS was a very suitable sensor to achieve automated guidance with such a high precision: several control laws have been designed for vehicles equipped with that sensor, and provide the expected guidance accuracy as long as vehicles do not slide. Further control developments have been previously proposed to take sliding into account: guidance accuracy in slippery environment has been shown to be preserved, except transiently at beginning/end of curves, ... In this paper, d esign of such a control law is first recalled and discussed. Model Predictive Control method is then applied in order to preserve guidance accuracy even during these tran...
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