P −REGULAR AND P −LOCAL RINGS (original) (raw)

On some characterizations of regular and potent rings relative to right ideals

Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 2018

In this paper we study the notion of regular rings relative to right ideals, and we give another characterization of these rings. Also, we introduce the concept of an annihilator relative to a right ideal. Basic properties of this concept are proved. New results obtained include necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring to be regular (potent) relative to right ideal.

Local Rings of Rings of Quotients

Algebras and Representation Theory, 2008

The aim of this paper is to characterize those elements in a semiprime ring R for which taking local rings at elements and rings of quotients are commuting operations. If Q denotes the maximal ring of left quotients of R, then this happens precisely for those elements if R which are von Neumann regular in Q. An intrinsic characterization of such elements is given. We derive as a consequence that the maximal left quotient ring of a prime ring with a nonzero PI-element is primitive and has nonzero socle. If we change Q to the Martindale symmetric ring of quotients, or to the maximal symmetric ring of quotients of R, we obtain similar results: an element a in R is von Neumann regular if and only if the ring of quotients of the local ring of R at a is isomorphic to the local ring of Q at a.

Generalizations of Perfect, Semiperfect, and Semiregular Rings

Algebra Colloquium, 2000

For a ring R and a right R-module M , a submodule N of M is said to be -small in M if, whenever N + X = M with M = Xsingular, we h a ve X = M . If there exists an epimorphism p : P ! M such that P is projective and Kerp i s -small in P , then we s a y that P is a projective -cover of M . A ring R is called -perfect resp., -semiperfect, -semiregular if every R-module resp., simple R-module, cyclically presented R-module has a projective -cover. The class of all -perfect resp., -semiperfect, -semiregular rings contains properly the class of all right perfect resp., semiperfect, semiregular rings. This paper is devoted to various properties and characterizations of -perfect, -semiperfect, and -semiregular rings. We de ne R by R=SocRR = JacR=SocRR and show, among others, the following results: 1 R is the largest -small right ideal of R.

Some results concerning localization of commutative rings and modules

International Journal of Algebra, 2015

In this paper some results that concerning localization of commutative rings and modules are proved. It also, studies the effect of localization on certain types of ideals and modules such as G−ideals, G−submodules, G−weakly submodules and G−modules. Several conditions are given under which certain properties of such types of algebraic structures are preserved under localization.

P.P. Rings and Generalized P.P. Rings

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2002

This paper concerns two conditions, called right p.p. and generalized right p.p., which are generalizations of Baer rings and von Neumann regular rings. We study the subrings and extensions of them, adding proper examples and counterexamples to some situations and questions that occur naturally in the process of this paper.

Rings Close to Semiregular

Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society

A ring R is called semiregular if R/J is regular and idempotents lift modulo J, where J denotes the Jacobson radical of R. We give some characterizations of rings R such that idempotents lift modulo J, and R/J satisfies one of the following conditions: (one-sided) unitregular, strongly regular, (unit, strongly, weakly) π-regular.

On Modules over Local Rings

Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica, 2016

This paper is dealed with a special local ring A and modules over A. Some properties of modules, that are constructed over the real plural algebra, are investigated. Moreover a module is constructed over the linear algebra of matrix M

On finite regular rings

Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1977

Several new properties are derived for von Neumann finite rings. A comparison is made of the properties of von Neumann finite regular rings and unit regular rings, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a matrix ring over a regular ring to be respectively von Neumann finite or unit regular. The converse of a theorem of Henriksen is proven, namely that if R n x n , the n x n matrix ring over ring R, is unit regular, then so is the ring R. It is shown that if R 2 2 is finite regular then a e R is unit regular if and only if there is x e R such that R -aRΛ-x(a°), where a 0 denotes the right annihilator of a in R.