Upper Limb Recovery After Stroke Is Associated With Ipsilesional Primary Motor Cortical Activity (original) (raw)
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Stroke, 2014
Background and Purpose-Although neuroimaging studies have revealed specific patterns of reorganization in the sensorimotor control network after stroke, their role in recovery remains unsettled. To review the existing evidence systematically, we performed activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies investigating upper limb movement-related brain activity after stroke. Methods-Twenty-four studies using sensorimotor tasks in standardized coordinates were included, totaling 255 patients and 145 healthy controls. Across the entire brain, we compared task-related activity patterns in good and poor recovery and assessed the magnitude of spatial shifts in sensorimotor activity in cortical motor areas after stroke. Results-When compared with healthy controls, patients showed higher activation likelihood estimation values in contralesional primary motor soon after stroke that abated with time, but were not related to motor outcome. The observed activity changes were consistent with restoration of typical interhemispheric balance. In contrast, activation likelihood estimation values in ipsilesional medial-premotor and primary motor cortex were associated with good outcome, reorganization that may reflect vicarious processes associated with ventral activity shifts from BA4a to 4p. In the anterior cerebellum, a novel finding was the association of poor recovery with increased vermal activity, possibly reflecting behaviorally inadequate compensatory strategies engaging the fastigio-thalamo-cortical and corticoreticulospinal systems. Conclusions-Activity in ipsilesional primary motor and medial-premotor cortices in chronic stroke signals good motor recovery, whereas cerebellar vermis activity signals poor recovery. Functional MRI may be useful in identifying recovery biomarkers. (Stroke.
Movement-dependent stroke recovery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of TMS and fMRI evidence
Neuropsychologia, 2008
Evidence indicates that experience-dependent cortical plasticity underlies post-stroke motor recovery of the impaired upper extremity. Motor skill learning in neurologically intact individuals is thought to involve the primary motor cortex, and the majority of studies in the animal literature have studied changes in the primary sensorimotor cortex with motor rehabilitation. Whether changes in engagement in the sensorimotor cortex occur in humans after stroke currently is an area of much interest. The present study conducted a meta-analysis on stroke studies examining changes in neural representations following therapy specifically targeting the upper extremity to determine if rehabilitation-related motor recovery is associated with neural plasticity in the sensorimotor cortex of the lesioned hemisphere. Twenty-eight studies investigating upper extremity neural representations (e.g., TMS, fMRI, PET, or SPECT) were identified, and 13 met inclusion criteria as upper extremity intervention training studies. Common outcome variables representing changes in the primary motor and sensorimotor cortices were used in calculating standardized effect sizes for each study. The primary fixed effects model meta-analysis revealed a large overall effect size (E.S. = 0.84, S.D. = 0.15, 95% C.I. = 0.76-0.93). Moreover, a fail-safe analysis indicated that 42 null effect studies would be necessary to lower the overall effect size to an insignificant level. These results indicate that neural changes in the sensorimotor cortex of the lesioned hemisphere accompany functional paretic upper extremity motor gains achieved with targeted rehabilitation interventions.
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2019
Background: The acute phase of stroke is accompanied by functional changes and interplay of both hemispheres. However, our understanding of how the time course of upper limb functional motor recovery is related to the progression of brain reorganization in the sensorimotor areas remains limited. This study aimed to assess the time course of hemodynamic patterns of cortical sensorimotor areas using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and motor recovery within three months after a stroke. Method: Eight right-handed first ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke patients (60 ± 8 years, 3 women) with mild to severe hemiparesis were examined with repetitive fNIRS measurements and motor recovery tests (Fugl-Meyer score) during two months. Hemodynamic changes over the ipsilesional and contralesional sensorimotor areas were collected from a multi-channel fNIRS system during intermittent isometric muscle contractions at self-selected submaximal force levels for each arm. Lateralization index was computed to evaluate the changes in the interhemispheric balance between the cortical sensorimotor areas. Results: Lateralization index values during non-paretic arm movements showed no significant changes over time in patients and were comparable to those observed in eight healthy controls. Paretic-arm movements were associated early with a bilateral cortical activity before shifting to ipsilesional patterns (p < 0.01). Progressive lateralization observed over the two months (p < 0.05) evolved concomitantly with an increase in the Fugl-Meyer score (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Cortical reorganization monitoring using fNIRS during the first weeks after stroke may be applied for assessing progressive brain plasticity in addition to clinical measures of performance.
Parietal operculum and motor cortex activities predict motor recovery in moderate to severe stroke
NeuroImage: Clinical, 2017
While motor recovery following mild stroke has been extensively studied with neuroimaging, mechanisms of recovery after moderate to severe strokes of the types that are often the focus for novel restorative therapies remain obscure. We used fMRI to: 1) characterize reorganization occurring after moderate to severe subacute stroke, 2) identify brain regions associated with motor recovery and 3) to test whether brain activity associated with passive movement measured in the subacute period could predict motor outcome six months later. Because many patients with large strokes involving sensorimotor regions cannot engage in voluntary movement, we used passive flexion-extension of the paretic wrist to compare 21 patients with subacute ischemic stroke to 24 healthy controls one month after stroke. Clinical motor outcome was assessed with Fugl-Meyer motor scores (motor-FMS) six months later. Multiple regression, with predictors including baseline (one-month) motor-FMS and sensorimotor network regional activity (ROI) measures, was used to determine optimal variable selection for motor outcome prediction. Sensorimotor network ROIs were derived from a meta-analysis of arm voluntary movement tasks. Bootstrapping with 1000 replications was used for internal model validation. During passive movement, both control and patient groups exhibited activity increases in multiple bilateral sensorimotor network regions, including the primary motor (MI), premotor and supplementary motor areas (SMA),
Stroke, 2005
Background and Purpose-Motor recovery after stroke is associated with cerebral reorganization. However, few studies have investigated the relationship directly, and findings are equivocal. We therefore aimed to characterize the relationship between motor impairment, motor recovery, and task-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow (⌬rCBF) longitudinally. Methods-We obtained a profile of motor impairment and recovery in the upper limb and conducted positron emission tomography motor activation studies using a simple finger-tapping task in 9 stroke patients 2 to 7 weeks after stroke and 6 months later. For correlation analysis, mean images of task-related ⌬rCBF for each individual were linearly regressed with motor impairment scores. Motor recovery was correlated with longitudinal ⌬rCBF images. Results-Patients (7 males; 72.0Ϯ9.8 years) demonstrated a wide range of impairment severity and variable recovery.
Early imaging correlates of subsequent motor recovery after stroke
Annals of Neurology, 2009
There is unexplained variability in the extent to which patients recover after stroke, particularly from the reference point of the first few days after onset. Among studies tracking motor impairment and recovery, only 30-50% of the variance of recovery is explained by the most commonly reported predictors --lesion volume and initial stroke severity 1 , 2. We hypothesized that functional imaging early after stroke could provide information over and above initial severity and lesion volume about the degree of subsequent recovery. Several prior functional imaging studies have reported altered brain activation patterns in patients at various stages of motor recovery after stroke3 -6. These studies describe brain activation related to concurrent recovered performance at the time of scanning that differs to varying degrees from what is seen in age-matched controls. In this study we used functional imaging to ask a specific and unique question about motor recovery after stroke: can functional imaging in the early period after stroke detect brain activation related to subsequent recovered performance? Should such activation be identified then it could serve as a physiological target for intervention (e.g. non-invasive brain stimulation) in this early time period.
Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Motor Recovery After Stroke in Adults
Stroke, 2003
Background— The precise mechanisms of and biological basis for motor recovery after stroke in adults are still largely unknown. Reorganization of the motor system after stroke as assessed by functional neuroimaging is an intriguing but challenging new field of research. Provocative but equivocal findings have been reported to date. Summary of Review— We present an overview of functional neuroimaging studies (positron emission tomography or functional MRI) of motor tasks in patients recovered or still recovering from motor deficit after stroke. After a brief account of the connectivity of motor systems and the imaging findings in normal subjects, the literature concerning stroke patients is reviewed and discussed, and a general model is proposed. Conclusions— Both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have demonstrated that the damaged adult brain is able to reorganize to compensate for motor deficits. Rather than a complete substitution of function, the main mechanism underlying ...
Brain Communications, 2021
Somatosensory function plays an important role for upper limb motor learning. However, knowledge about underlying mechanisms of sensorimotor therapy is lacking. We aim to investigate differences in therapy-induced resting-state functional connectivity changes between additional sensorimotor compared with motor therapy in the early-phase post stroke. Thirty first-stroke patients with a sensorimotor impairment were included for an assessor-blinded multi-centre randomized controlled trial within 8 weeks post stroke [13 (43%) females; mean age: 67 ± 13 years; mean time post stroke: 43 ± 13 days]. Patients were randomly assigned to additional sensorimotor (n = 18) or motor (n = 12) therapy, receiving 16 h of additional therapy within 4 weeks. Sensorimotor evaluations and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging were performed at baseline (T1), post-intervention (T2) and after 4 weeks follow-up (T3). Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging was also performed in an a...
Motor recovery after stroke: Lessons from functional brain imaging
Several theories have been proposed to explain recovery from stroke. Functional brain imaging offers an opportunity to evaluate these theories and visualize recovery after stroke. Functional brain imaging has proven to be an effective tool to map brain areas activated during a speci c task. This paradigm can extend our understanding of the mechanisms of motor recovery after stroke. Functional brain imaging tools such as functional MRI, PET, transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, and transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used to evaluate motor activation after stroke. Functional imaging is proving useful in identifying areas, pathways and mechanisms involved in motor recovery after stroke. Studies have shown changes in motor organization with rehabilitation. Functional brain imaging may assist in the selection of rehabilitation methods that best foster recovery. [Neurol Res 2002; 24: 453-458]