Hierarchical organization of fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cells (original) (raw)

2014, Experimental cell research

Mammalian hematopoiesis is a hierarchically organized process in which all types of mature blood cells are continuously generated from more primitive cells that lack any morphological evidence of differentiation. However, it is now accepted that this morphologically homogeneous precursor population consists of multiple distinct subsets of cells. The most primitive of these are defined by their ability to produce similarly undifferentiated progeny through many cell divisions, in addition to generating cells with activated differentiation programs. The term hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is now conventionally restricted to cells with this long-term self-sustaining ability. Nevertheless, clonal tracking studies have revealed significant heterogeneity in the behavior of such stringently defined HSCs. Moreover, superimposed on the heterogeneous behavior that can be elicited from the HSCs present at any given time during development are additional differences that distinguish HSCs at diffe...

One Size Does Not Fit All: Heterogeneity in Developmental Hematopoiesis

Cells, 2022

Our knowledge of the complexity of the developing hematopoietic system has dramatically expanded over the course of the last few decades. We now know that, while hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) firmly reside at the top of the adult hematopoietic hierarchy, multiple HSC-independent progenitor populations play variegated and fundamental roles during fetal life, which reflect on adult physiology and can lead to disease if subject to perturbations. The importance of obtaining a high-resolution picture of the mechanisms by which the developing embryo establishes a functional hematopoietic system is demonstrated by many recent indications showing that ontogeny is a primary determinant of function of multiple critical cell types. This review will specifically focus on exploring the diversity of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells unique to embryonic and fetal life. We will initially examine the evidence demonstrating heterogeneity within the hemogenic endothelium, precursor to all defi...


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