Literature Review on Reasons and Countermeasures on Large-scale Off-grid of Wind Turbine Generator System (original) (raw)

Stability and Reactive Power Compensation Techniques in Wind Farm.

International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2014

Wind energy’s presence in the electric power system has dramatically grown over the past decade and will continue to grow worldwide as many countries have planned future developments. Large number of wind turbines are being installed and connected to power systems. In some of the countries the penetration of wind power is significant high so as to affect the power quality, system operation and control and power system stability. In this paper an attempt is made to predict the reactive power burden of the wind farm based on conventional fixed speed induction generator during wind variation and fault condition. PSCAD/EMTDC based large scale wind farm model is developed where STATCOM is introduced as an active voltage and reactive power supporter to increase the power system stability. STATCOM unit injects reactive power to mitigate power quality problems and to get stable grid operation

Comparative study of different types of generators used in wind turbine and reactive power compensation


Wind turbines convert wind energy into electrical energy. Variable speed wind turbines are most used wind turbines now a days due to its advantages. Different types of generators are used in the wind turbine systems (WTS). The comparative study of different types of generators in wind turbines are briefly explained in this paper. Today more and more wind farms are connected into the power grid. The active power at the output of wind farms is variable and intermittent due to the changeable wind speed, which affects the voltage stability problems in power grids. More reactive power is demanded to maintain the voltage when it drops. The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is widely used in wind farms because it has many advantages. The reactive power control is mainly achieved by two modes, i.e. power factor control and voltage control.

Reactive Power Management for Wind Turbine System to Stabilize the Output Power Through Minimizing Collector System Losses and with Control of Pitch Angle


A reactive power/voltage control strategy is proposed that uses wind turbines as distributed reactive power sources to optimize the power flow in large-scale wind farms and maintain the output power stability. This paper has focussed on several issues related to the stability, power quality and operation of a power system. The whole transmission grid codes to focus on power controllability, power quality and fault ride through where wind turbines are required to offer grid support to the network. The two turbines consist of 20 MVA type III variable speed wind turbines, 10 MVA type I fixed speed wind turbine generators and ±3 MVAr STATCOM connected to 25 kV medium voltage collection bus. To investigated for reactive power management with the 230 kV power grid. An Analytical model of wind turbine has been presented and this was followed by the modelling of the wind farm under Sim Power of Simulink. The master controller is built for reactive power management and algorithm is written. ...

Stability and reliability Wind Power Plant in power grid

Wind power plants must provide the power quality required to ensure the stability and reliability of the power system it is connected to and to satisfy the customers connected to the same grid. When wind energy development began, wind power plants were very small, ranging in size from under one megawatt to tens megawatts with less than 100 turbines in each plant. Thus, the impact of wind power plant on the grid was very small, and any disturbance within or created by the plant was considered to be in the noise level. The size of wind turbines and the size of wind power plants have increased significantly. At the same time, the lack of rules, standards, and regulations during early wind development has proven to be an increasing threat to the stability and power quality of the grid connected to a wind power plant. Fortunately, many new wind power plants are equipped with state of the art technology, which enables them to provide good service while producing clean power for the grid. The advances in power electronics have allowed many power system applications to become more flexible and to accomplish smoother regulation. Applications such as reactive power compensation, static transfer switches, energy storage, and variable-speed generations are commonly found in modern wind power plants. This paper, focuses on power quality. Because a wind power plant is connected to the grid, it is very important to understand the sources of disturbances that affect the power quality. In general, the voltage and frequency must be kept as stable as possible. The voltage and current distortions created by harmonics will also be discussed in this paper as will self-excitation, which may occur in a wind power plant due to loss of line.

Integration of Wind Power Plants to the Grid and Reactive Power Support

European Journal of Technic, 2019

The conversion of wind energy into electrical energy is one of the most environmentally sustainable methods of energy today. According to statistics published by the World Wind Energy Association, the total capacity of wind turbines installed worldwide at the beginning of 2019 exceeded 598 GW. Looking at the situation in Turkey, the number of wind power plants under operation is 180 according to published statistics at January 2019 by the Turkish Wind Energy Association. The total installed capacity of these power plants is 7369.35 MW. By the increasing of wind power capacity, the connection criteria of the power plants which are taken over to the grid become more critical. Although there are systems that are clean, renewable, and reduce external dependence on energy, power quality problems can occur in the grid connections of all wind power plants. In this respect, the grid connection criteria of wind turbines of the countries are essential. The connection requirements of wind turbines in Turkey, on April 22, 2017, revised Turkish Grid Code are determined under Appendix-18. Wind power plants connect to the grid from a medium voltage or high voltage level. At the grid connection point, there are some conditions that the plant must be met like changing wind conditions, switching, fault, etc. These requirements can be summarized as reactive power support, frequency response, contribution to the post-fault system. In this study, the reactive power capacity of a 9x3.6 MW Wind Power Plant to the grid is simulated and investigated.


This manuscript deals with reactive power management, analysis and solution with the static Var compensator (SVC) and UPFC for Grid connected DFIG wind farm system mitigation. The purpose of the paper is to derive and analyze a reactive power control strategy of SVC dedicated for DFIG mitigation. The FACT device Static Var compensator is connected with load bus. Paper has demonstrated the improvement in voltages, power transferred to grid, active and reactive power control. Simulink software is used for the work. Paper demonstrated the simulation results for with and without SVC and UPFC for Grid connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator wind farm system.

Reactive Power Compensation and Mitigation of Current Harmonics in Grid Connected Wind Turbine Generating System (GCWTGS) using STATCOM

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2014

The integration of the wind energy into the conventional power system mitigates the energy crisis but introduces other problems like degradation of the power quality, adding reactive power burden to the existing grid, etc. The modern power system should deliver power with minimal reactive power burden to the grid and also with good power quality. Hence the focus is made on this paper to compensate reactive power and to improve the power quality in grid connected wind turbine generation system (GCWTGS). This work demonstrates the power quality problem due to interconnection of wind turbine with the grid having high density of non linear load. A STATCOM is proposed to resolve the reactive power compensation and mitigation of the power quality problem like current harmonics in a grid connected wind turbine generation system. A control scheme is developed for this purpose. The simulation of the proposed system and validation of results is carried out in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software environment.

Reactive Power Compensation in Order to Improve Static Voltage Stability in a Network with Wind Generation


The most important requirement of a power system for maintaining desired voltage profile and voltage stability is the existence of sufficient amount of reactive power reserve in the proper location of the power system. The requirement to locally generate reactive power, has made determining the installation point to be a requirement. In this paper some methods for identification of critical buses in power system are studied and results obtained from applying different compensation methods on a test system are presented. In addition, the effect of application of wind generation on static voltage stability of the power system, are studied.

Dynamic compensation of real and reactive power in wind farms using STATCOM

Perspectives in Science, 2016

The dynamic stability of Squirrel Cage Induction Generators (SCIG) based wind turbines may be improved by Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM). At the time of starting of wind farm and during short circuit fault the voltage of bus connecting the wind farm reduces drastically (Chen, 2005). A controller for the STATCOM has been developed with its capability to coordinate between the positive and the negative sequences of the grid voltage. This paper investigates effects of Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG) in combination with a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) under normal and during fault condition (Inwai et al., 2005). The results show that the STATCOM can regulate the fast changing voltage at the point of common coupling between the wind farm and the grid in normal and during fault condition. Also it can supply the active power during the short circuit fault condition.