Pembinaan Pembuatan Blog Sebagai Branding Usaha Toko Habibie Batam (original) (raw)

Personal Branding Through Fashion Blogging


The objective of this research was to analyze personal branding development from personal brand identity, personal brand positioning, and personal brand assessment. The object of this research was Diana Rikasari's blog "Hot Chocolate and Mint". She is one of prominent influence and fashion blogger from Indonesia. The research used the qualitative method with data collection by virtual observation from June until August 2016. Rikasari's personal branding showed on her blog was the fashionably smart woman who had entrepreneurship competence. This research finds out that Diana Rikasari success to make her personal identity by her blog profile and blog posting. Her positioning is clear as Indonesian modern woman. The personal brand assessment can be seen through the achievements and feedbacks on her blog post, both positive or negative.



The number of internet users is continuously expanding, and the number of people with a personal blog is rising in a vertiginous rate from one year to the next. In this context, the Blog Marketing is starting to play an important part within the marketing strategies of companies/organizations/persons. Different aspects of the personal blog are becoming defining elements of the image we are trying to project in the blogosphere. Promotion through the World Wide Web and advertising through the blog are becoming essential elements of the development and attraction of the potential clients' interest for products and services offers by a firm, by a non-profit organization or by a person.

The Role Of Product Branding And Internet Marketing In Increasing Business Revenues KUB "MAJU LANCAR


Community Service Program with the Joint Business Group partner "MAJU LANCAR" located in the Gagan, Pengkol village, Nglipar sub-district, Gunung Kidul regency, were carried out by the Community Service Team (PBM) of the Yogyakarta National Development University. Various problems faced by partners both in the field of production, in the field of management, and in the field of marketing are things that become the focus of attention for the team to find out the solutions to solve problems. Limited equipment, minimal skills and knowledge of good bookkeeping, the absence of product variants, and the lack of partner production sharing, as well as conventional marketing, have made this home-based business unable to develop optimally. Lacking accountable bookkeeping records means that these partners do not have access to capital assistance from formal financial institutions to increase capital in the context of increasing production capacity. This Community Service Program prov...

Creative Marketing Strategies of Sembung Batik


Batik is one of the cultures that is owned by the Indonesian. Batik describes a story in a piece of cloth, about certain events and symbols that are referred to as patterns. Each region has its batik style as a characteristic and differentiator from the other regions. Basically, batik has the same technique, which is to close and draw pictures or patterns and color them. Yogyakarta is famously identified with batik. Therefore batik business magnificently develops in this city. Today's era encourages innovation in making batik is necessary, especially digital marketing, so the products are not only sold in galleries. Some home industry businesses in the city of Yogyakarta have used digital promotion strategies, one of which is Batik Sembung. The data of this research was collected through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the Batik Sembung digital promotion analysis on social media accounts are to promote the products online. Besides, the presence of online serv...

Creative Community Branding in Makassar (Creating a collective identity Jamaah Kreatif Sektor Selatan for creative communities in the Southern Region of Makassar)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 2019

Jamaahkreatifsektorselatan (#jkss) is a branding activity, a creative campaign to build collective identity through community, image, networking and creative entrepreneurship in the field of art and design in Makassar. This article was compiled as a medium to convey the campaign in a broader scope, becoming a benchmark for the effectiveness of this campaign in building the community's creative vision, as scientific responsibility as well as door for networking between the creative community with the academic communities and becoming the next stage of evaluation. This creative campaign was conducted to synchronize the vision and potential behaviors of several creative communities in the south of Makassar, arranged in one identity that can be used together. This effort was built through three steps, specifically mapping the potential of the creative community, initiating a collective space/creative hub to support communities diffuse out activities, and social campaigns using hashtag (#) on social media. Campaign conceptions are done with the Design Thinking approach from IDEO. Creating a collective creative identity is connected through the collaborative management of publications and communication with fellow communities, exchange of information to share simple ideas for creative presentation/creative sharing. The systematic stages and the creative campaign of collective identity through the hashtag #jamaahkreatifsektorselatan on social media can be appreciated as an effort to build creative atmosphere, as a creative city branding that can be developed into a new creative identity for Makassar. Creative imagery from this region particularly can contribute to supporting Makassar's image as one of the creative cities in Indonesia. From this study concluded that community initiatives in responding to their surrounding area, utilizing technological innovations and social media improvement, can contribute to a better creative image of the city.

Pelatihan Pembuatan Blog Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Dan Sarana Literasi Digital Guru

Bhakti Persada, 2020

Masa pandemi ini guru tidak lagi sebagai sumber utama pembelajaran tetapi lebih kepada fasilitator yang dituntut dapat melakukan proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan perangkat teknologi yang berkembang. Dengan tujuan membantu mitra dalam hal ini guru SMAN 1 Sungailiat, maka diselenggarakan pelatihan pembuatan blog sebagai salah satu alternatif media pembelajaran sekaligus sarana literasi digital guru. Platform yang digunakan adalah edublogs yang khusus ditujukan untuk para pendidik maupun siswa. Metode yang digunakan berupa pelatihan mulai dari pembahasan teori literasi digital, media pembelajaran, cara membuat, manfaat blog sampai mempraktekan langsung bagaimana merancang, mendesain dan mengaplikasikan blog. Hasil yang dicapai yaitu para guru dapat membuat blog sendiri dengan desain menarik untuk keperluan di lingkungan sekolah maupun kebutuhan pribadinya. Guru berhasil menggunakan beberapa fitur dalam blog seperti ganti profil, ubah tema, buka kelas, memberikan materi melalui ket...

Pemanfaatan Sosial Media Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Umkm Binaan Yayasan Cinta Baca Indonesia

Jurnal terapan Abdimas, 2022

The advancement of digital technology could help the entrepreneurs to sell their business online. However, it still becomes a challenge for them who don't have the ability to use the digital technology in boosting their businesses. The lack of this ability was an issue for the founders of Small, Medium Business enterprises under the supervision of Cinta Baca Foundation. The purpose for this community service was to give a workshop how to use media social for SME's at Lampung and West Java, in particular using Instagram as promotion platform to sell their products. The workshop was conducted online using zoom platform. The participants for the workshop mostly ladies who have their businesses in tapis and snacks' products. The result from pre-test shown that 97,9% of business owners know and use media social to communicate and 72,3% known about digital marketing, but only 10% from the total respondents has used the platform to promote their products. They didn't know how to use the platform. This first workshop helped them to have more understanding how to optimize the usage of media social, especially Instagram to promote their products. The result from post-test after the workshop shown that 100% or all the participants had understood the concept of digital marketing and the role of Instagram to promote their products. The participants are hoping that there will be more applied trainings to train them how to use the platform.

Optimize your facebook features to improve your product’s future: An opportunity to promote Batik Cimahi, West Java, Indonesia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Batik Cimahi, West Java has been introduced to the public since 2009, but until now, its popularity still cannot compete with batik from Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. This is due to the age factor of Batik Cimahi which is relatively young and also considered having no cultural roots and also lacks a strong philosophical value, the management of promotional and marketing media conducted by Batik Cimahi businesses has also not been done optimally. This can be seen from the company's Facebook account which is owned by the Batik Cimahi business, which has not fulfilled the rules of social media management as a marketing channel with reference to the concept of social media planning from Regina Lutrell. Therefore, this research attempts to conduct a study of the three accounts of Batik Cimahi business people to conduct management analysis that they do. The research was conducted by analyzing the appearance of the three accounts starting from the efforts of business people in displaying the logo as a brand which they wanted to introduce until the efforts they made in making the engagement with their customers.

Pelatihan Website E-Commerce Untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan Budidaya Aglonema Pada Hend'Z Florist Aglonema Sawangan Depok

Jurnal Terapan Abdimas

Aglonema is an ornamental plant that currently has a lot of fans. Aglonema has economic value. There are so many aglonemas in Hend'z Florist Aglonema Sawangan Depok. There are problems faced by Hend'z Florist Aglonema in his cultivation in marketing using only social media such as youtube and conventional word of mouth. Answering the problems of the service team making information technology based on e-commerce websites. The purpose of this activity is to utilize science and technology (IPTEK) for aglonema cultivation business strategy for the creation of welfare based on e-commerce websites. The stages of implementing this service are carried out by providing socialization, training, mentoring, evaluation, simulation, monitoring, and sustainability. The method used is learning by doing, for this method begins with a direct field review to monitor and evaluate the results of the training that has been carried out. The mentoring process in this service includes socialization, training, evaluation, simulation, monitoring, and evaluation. From the results of the assistance carried out by partners, they were able to apply the use of technology by 88%, helping to increase knowledge and skills in the field of digital marketing by 85% and being able to increase the partners' income. To ensure the success of the implementation of community service, the evaluation stage will be carried out at each stage of program development.