The Construction of Social Reality through the Use of the English Language: A Study with Argentinean Pre-Service Teachers/ Construccion De la Realidad Social Mediante El USO del Idioma Ingles: Un Estudio Con Profesores Argentinos De Pregrado (original) (raw)
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HOW, 2010
This case study aims at replicating a study conducted in 2007 with a group of ten trainees at the English Teacher Training Program at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. In 2007, the participants recorded a dyadic interactive task. Speech data were analyzed to see how, through the use of language, learners construed their social reality. In the present work, seventeen pre-service English language teachers enrolled in a four-year program at Instituto Superior IDRA, in Mar del Plata, Argentina, completed a task similar to the one carried out by the 2007 group. Findings from both groups were cross-checked. Results revealed that most learners in both groups preferred to satisfy personal needs such as traveling, buying a house and a car to getting involved in doing academic research.
Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods
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La nocion de practicas de ensenanza de la lengua y la literatura, tambien de practicas de lectura y escritura, presenta en la actualidad un lugar preponderante en distintos desarrollos de la didactica de la lengua y la literatura realizados en la Argentina. Asi, tanto en los lineamientos curriculares como en la formacion docente inicial y continua, se ha naturalizado que las practicas de ensenanza de la lengua y la literatura se planifican , y que las practicas de lectura y escritura se ensenan . En la presente articulo, problematizare estas resignificaciones del concepto de practicas mediante una recuperacion de algunas de sus fuentes teoricas, es decir de las perspectivas sociales y culturales que lo han acunado, en procura de retornar a sus aportes como modo de abordaje de la ensenanza y las lecturas y escrituras que se desarrollan en el cotidiano escolar. Dichos abordajes suponen para la formacion y el trabajo docente una opcion explicativa de las particularidades que asumen la ...
Características lingüísticas de los textos de ciencias sociales en la formación del profesorado
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El treball que aquí es presenta té per objectiu analitzar la situació sociolingüística als centres d'educació secundària de Catalunya a partir de les dades obtingudes amb l' "Estudi sociodemogràfic i lingüístic als centres d'educació secundària de Catalunya" dut a terme l'any 2006, pel Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya amb la col·laboració de la Secretaria de Política Lingüística. En primer lloc, es repassa la metodologia que es va aplicar amb la realització d'aquesta enquesta. Posteriorment es descriuen els resultats obtinguts en els diferents temes tractats: les dades sociodemogràfiques de l'alumne i la seua família, les principals dades sociolingüístiques, les competències, usos i representacions lingüístiques i el consum cultural. La visió explicativa de les dades obtingudes en l'estudi pot ser consultada de manera exhaustiva a la publicació del Consell Superior d'Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu (2008) consultable ...
GiST Education and Learning Research Journal
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English Education Journal, 2016
This thesis is about sociocultural relations among participants in articles on teacher as researcher and teacher as educator. The aim of this research is explaining the sociocultural power in the opposing texts which are realized in the linguistic choices used by both authors. I choose this study because there is different role of teacher in two texts that brings out contrasting opinions about the importance of teachers becoming researchers. In this study, I used critical discourse analysis proposed by Fairclough (2001) both as research methodology and framework of the study. The findings show that sociocultural relations are realized in the lexical, grammatical and textual structures relations. From the lexical relation, both authors have different choice of words for assigning participants in the texts as well as their choices in rewording, formality, euphemism and the negative and positive evaluation. Next, from the grammatical relation, it can be seen from the tenses, the use of...
Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 2017
This papers aims at discussing some principles of a genre-oriented approach to foreign language teaching from the perspective of Functional Linguistics. We also argue in favor of the relevance of using technological tools to enrich writing pedagogy. To do that, we analyze some sample in-class activities that come from two different educational contexts: a Diploma course intended to English teachers in continuing education and a course on academic writing, designed to medical graduate students. Our findings point to the significance of combining a process and a product-oriented approach to writing, including instruction; text revision and rewriting; and scaffolding. Finally, we make the case that a functional view of language should underpin a genre-oriented pedagogy, as it opens room for analyzing language as a social enterprise.
Efeitos de um programa de linguagem no funcionamento social de crianças do Ensino Fundamental
CoDAS, 2017
Purpose: the purpose of this study was to describe a language stimulation program, including teacher training and practical activities in the classroom, and investigate the effectiveness of this action on the social functioning and behavioral problems of elementary school children. Methods: 136 children from six classrooms of a public school and their teachers participated in this research. Of these, half were given the language stimulation program: 16 hours of training for teachers and 9 meetings in the classroom with activities for students. The activities involved instruction for the use of language reflection and practice with the narrative structure. Teachers filled out questionnaires about the social skills and behavior problems of their students before and after the program. Results: there was no statistically significant difference between the research groups pre-and post-program in terms of assertiveness/ social resourcefulness (1st and 5th grades) and cooperation/affection (1st and 3rd grades). In the research groups, children of the 3rd grade, different from the 1st and the 5th grade, showed more evolution in their self-control abilities, which may be related to the lower frequency of externalizing problems in this group. Conclusion: the language program had positive effects on social assertiveness/resourcefulness skills and social cooperation/affection. RESUMO Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever um programa de estimulação de linguagem, incluindo capacitação docente e atividades práticas em sala de aula, e investigar o efeito deste sobre o funcionamento social e problemas comportamentais de escolares do Ensino Fundamental. Método: participaram 136 crianças de seis salas de uma escola pública e seus professores. O grupo pesquisa recebeu o programa de estimulação de linguagem: 16 horas de capacitação docente e 9 encontros em sala de aula com atividades para os escolares. As atividades envolveram reflexão e prática com a estrutura narrativa. Os professores preencheram questionários sobre as habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento de seus alunos, pré e pós-programa. Resultados: houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre pré e pós-programa dos grupos pesquisa em assertividade/desenvoltura social (1º e 5º anos) e cooperação/afetividade (1º e 3º anos). Nos grupos pesquisa, diferente dos escolares do 1º e do 5º anos, crianças do 3º ano apresentaram maior evolução em suas habilidades de autocontrole, o que pode estar relacionado à menor frequência de problemas externalizantes neste grupo. Conclusão: o programa de linguagem proporcionou efeitos positivos nas habilidades de assertividade/desenvoltura social e cooperação/afetividade.
With an interest to go beyond an emphasis on linguistic and textual features that seem to prevail in writing practices, this qualitative action research study looked at EFL argumentative essay writing within a genre-based approach, where writing was understood as a situated social practice. A group of undergraduate students from a B.Ed. program in Modern Languages participated in the study. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, class recordings, and students' artifacts. Findings revealed that participants undertook the writing of argumentative essays by bonding with their audience, establishing personal involvement with their texts, and giving support to their arguments. The study suggests that it is important to encourage students to focus on their sociocultural and personal context so that EFL writing can be approached in a more purposeful and meaningful way. Key words: Writing as a situated social practice, argumentative essay writing, genre-based teaching. Resumen Con el interés de ir más allá de un énfasis en las características lingüísticas y textuales que parecen prevalecer en las prácticas de escritura, el presente estudio de investigación-acción cualitativa analizó la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera dentro de un enfoque basado en la enseñanza de géneros, donde la escritura se entiende como práctica social situada. Un grupo de estudiantes de un programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas participó en el estudio. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, cuestionarios, grabaciones de clase, y artefactos producidos por los estudiantes. Los resultados revelan que los participantes emprendieron la escritura de ensayos argumentativos estableciendo vínculos con su audiencia, involucrándose con sus textos, y sustentando sus argumentos. El estudio sugiere que es importante animar a los estudiantes a enfocarse en su contexto sociocultural y personal de modo que la escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera pueda abordarse de una manera más útil y significativa. Palabras clave: Escritura como práctica social situada, escritura de ensayos argumentativos, enseñanza basada en géneros. Résumé Avec l'intérêt d'aller au-delà d'un 'accent mis sur les caractéristiques linguistiques et textuelles qui semblent dominer les pratiques d'écriture, cette enquête de recherche-action qualitative a fait l'analyse de l'écriture d'essais argumentatifs en Anglais comme langue étrangère, avec une approche fondé sur l'enseignement de la théorie du genre, où l'écriture est comprise comme une pratique sociale située. Un groupe d'étudiants de Licence en Langues Modernes a fait part de cette enquête. Les données ont été recueillies à travers d'entretiens semi-dirigées, des questionnaires, d'enregistrements dans la salle de classe et des écrits produits par les étudiants. Les résultats montrent que les participants ont entrepris l'écriture d'essais argumentatifs en créant des liens avec leurs lecteurs, s'engageant avec leurs textes et soutenant leurs arguments. L'enquête suggère l'importance d'encourager les étudiants à se centrer dans leur contexte socioculturel et personnel, en sorte que l'écriture en Anglais comme langue étrangère puisse être abordée d'une manière plus utile et significative. Mots clés : l'écriture comme une pratique sociale située, l'écriture d'essais argumentatifs, l'enseignement de la théorie du genre.