Analysis Problems of Low Skill English Speaking for Senior High School Students in Indonesia (original) (raw)

An Analysis of Students’ English Speaking Skill at Coastal Schools of Bengkulu City, Indonesia

Journal of English Language Studies, 2018

This research was not only aimed at describing students' speaking skill in English especially in coastal areas of Bengkulu city, Indonesia, but also investigating the factors which influenced the skill. Mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) was used in this research. Meanwhile, the subjects of the research were 159 students (males and females) in total, coming from three different schools. The data were obtained through video recording, and a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using Interactive Model namely data reduction, data display, and drawing a conclusion. Data analysis showed that the students' speaking skill in English was in moderate category in which grammar, vocabulary and fluency became main problems for them in studying English speaking skill. In addition, lack of practice and confidence were positively believed to be the triggers of those problems.

An Exploration on Students’ Problems in Speaking English at the English Department of Serambi Mekkah Banda Aceh


The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems faced by the English Department students in speaking English. The subject of the study is the sixth and seventh semester students of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Serambi Mekkah Banda Aceh. There were 70 students who were choosen as the subject of the study. Purpossive sampling technique was applied in determining the subject. In order to collect the data for this study, the closed ended questionnaire was used with 11 questions related to the students’ speaking problems. The research finding shows that students get different problems in speaking English such as pronunciation and grammatical mistakes, vocabulary use, having no idea, less confidence, feeling afraid of making mistakes, lack of opportunity, insufficience support, the influence of mother tounge, and the effect of the lecturers’ teaching strategy. Key words : Students’ Problems, Speaking English ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan ...

Investigating Problems and Difficulties of Speaking That Encounter English Language Speaking Students of Junior High School


This study is aimed at investigating the students’ ability, the problems of why they faced problems on English speaking. The triangulation of mixed methods was used in this study to show and measure the speaking difficulties encountered by students of 7 th grade Junior High School at MTS N 2 Kudus. The quantitative data gathered from the speaking test result in by involving 31 students of MTSN 2 Kudus and the qualitative data gathered from the questionnaire and interview results from the selected students who meet criteria. The findings showed that the students’ ability was categorized difficulties in speaking English (26.009); the students have problems on vocabulary (100%), pronunciation (100%), grammar (83.9%), and fluency (96.7%). The causes of problems faced by students on English speaking that English were not only having limited knowledge on the components of speaking skills including vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency but also they have their own personal reaso...

The Attitude of Indonesian Senior High School Students towards Learning English

World Journal of English Language

This study aims at investigating the senior high school students’ attitudes toward learning English. Therefore, a Mix-method was applied to this study in which quantitative data were collected by using questionnaire and qualitative data were collected through semi structured interview. Furthermore, 21 female and 15 male students were randomly selected based on the class's free time as the sample of this study. As results, the findings demonstrate that the students at the senior high school have a positive attitude toward learning English and the English language. Three factors shape the attitude: cognitive, affective, and behavioral. The students demonstrate a positive attitude by saying positive words about English and how they feel about English.

Difficulties and Strategies in Learning English: An Analysis of Students From English and Non-English Education Department in Indonesia


Two different contextual backgrounds may yield other influences. This research aimed to examine the difficulties of the English Language Education Department (ELED) students and non-English Language Education Department (non-ELED) in learning English language and their strategies to cope with their difficulties. This research utilized a qualitative approach and employed interviews as a means to gather data. In this research, the researcher involved 6 participants 3 from ELED and non-ELED, respectively. Both ELED and Non-ELED Students shared common problems in learning English related to the issues of vocabulary shortage, grammar difficulties, pronunciation problems, low speaking and listening skills. The noticeable difference was seen on the difficulty in developing ideas that is only faced by ELED students while difficult in all aspects of writing skills faced by non-ELED students. The strategies implemented by both ELED and non-ELED students included jotting down the unknown words...

A Study of English Speaking Skills of Grade Eleventh Students at Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School

A Study of English Speaking Skills of Grade Eleventh Students at Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School, 2019

This study aimed 1) to study the problems of English speaking skills of the grade eleventh students, 2) to find out the ways to improve English speaking skills of the grade eleventh and 3) to propose the ways to solve the problems of English speaking skills of the grade eleventh. Research methodology was mixed methods, which combined such as quantitative and qualitative research. The samplings were comprised 69 students of Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School. The statistics used for analyzing data were Frequency, Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), and Percentage (%). In-depth interview was conducted with 6 lecturers. These instruments were used to get the data of students' problems in speaking English. The study findings showed that students of Pakthongchaiprachaniramit School had many problems it came from their internal and external factors. Students thought that English was good, but they did not feel confident to speak, too shy to practice speaking English with foreigners, not brave to speak because their pronunciation was not good, difficult to speak English, English teachers did not speak English in class, did not understand teacher's pronunciation, and the students' still lack of understanding of grammatical patterns. These show that students still have many problems of speaking English. Therefore, the researcher could give the ways to improve English speaking skills. Students must taking English every day, always use English as habitually and even daily conversation, thinking in English while speaking, practice English speaking skills from BBC, CNN news, self-confidence in speaking and try to speak like a native speakers.

What is Important With English Language Skills Students? Survey in University at Bekasi City, Indonesia

International Journal of Linguistics

The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence success motivation, creativity, and student perceptions about the ability of faculty to the effectiveness of the practice of the English language, either individually or jointly. This research method uses a survey of for three university students as the city of Bekasi, West Java in 2018 with 920 students total number of observations. The data analysis technique used is the regression technique. The results showed that was a positive effect on the motivation of success, creativity, student perception of the role of lecturers in the ability of the English language.

Knowing the importance of speaking skills for the community, the Indonesian government sets the regulations related to English language learning at schools in Indonesia. According to Government


Article history: Received: Jan 13, 2022 Revised: Feb 09, 2022 Accepted: Feb 16, 2022 This study aims to investigate whether or not the learning strategy using YouTube videos from the Shaw English Online Channel is effective on students' speaking skills in asking questions and giving opinions. This research was conducted at Islamic Senior High School 2 North Bengkulu. The method applied in this research was quantitative with a quasi-experimental design. The total sample used for this study was 70 students consisting of 35 students from the eleventh grade of natural sciences class 1 (experimental class) and 35 students from the class eleventh grade of natural sciences class 2 (control class). The instrument in this study was an online oral test and the data was the students' pretest and post-test scores which were calculated and analyzed using SPSS 26 software. Then, the results obtained were used to determine whether there was an effect given by variable x to variable v. In c...

Junior high school students’ difficulties of English language learning in the speaking and listening section

ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching, 2020

This study aims to determine students' problems in learning English, especially in terms of speaking and listening. Basically, the teaching and learning process will run smoothly if students feel comfortable with the learning activities; therefore, this research provides some appropriate suggestions for teachers in overcoming difficulties faced by students. The respondents of this study were junior high school students. This study used a questionnaire as an instrument to determine the extent of students' skills in English. This study also conducted data analysis by analyzing the importance of English in students' views, the difficulties encountered in learning English, and also the teacher's teaching strategies desired by students. The results of this study indicate that most students have some difficulties in speaking due to lack of confidence and skills such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Likewise, the difficulty in listening is caused by students' ...

The Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English of Eight Grade Studentsat SMPN 1 Majasari

PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), 2021

This research aims to describe and analyse the factors of students' difficulties in speaking English language faced by eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Majasari. This research uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis technique. The population in this study were 82 students in the eighth grade; which were divided into three classes (VIII A consisted of 29 students, VIII B consisted of 30 students, and VIII C consisted of 23 students). Therefore, the sample of the population in this research were taken by a simple random sampling technique; six students (two students each class) to answer the interviews, and 33 students (11 students each class) to answer the questionnaires. In collecting data, the instruments used in this study were tests in the form of multiple choice questions and recorded interviews. While to analyze the data, qualitative data analysis procedures were administered through data display, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the factors of students' difficulty to speak English in class VIII SMPN 1 Majasari were; affective factors (low motivation & anxiety), listening ability, inhibition, focus on grammar, social environment and mother-tongue use. It is recommended for the English teachers to use some strategies to help the students overcome their difficulties in speaking.