A call-by-name lambda-calculus machine (original) (raw)
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Journal of Functional Programming, 2009
The Impact of the Lambda Calculus in Logic and Computer Science
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 1997
A Provably Correct Translation of the λ-Calculus into a Mathematical Model of C++
Theory of Computing Systems, 2008
The minimal relevant logic and the call-by-value lambda calculus
Otter-lambda, a Theorem-prover with Untyped Lambda-unification
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2004
Synthese, 2003
Soundness and completeness of simply typed λ-calculus
On the Proof Theory of Program Transformations
Logic Journal of IGPL, 1995
An Introduction to the Lambda Calculus
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
Lambda Calculus with Types, 2009
The weak lambda calculus as a reasonable machine
Theoretical Computer Science, 2008
Bind Induction : Extracting Monadic Programs from Proofs
The intensional lambda calculus
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Constructive Computation Theory
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Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2002
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From computation to foundations via functions and application: The λ-calculus and its webbed models
Theoretical Computer Science, 2000
Efficient self-interpretation in lambda calculus
Journal of Functional Programming, 1992
Verifying Programs in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
Formal Aspects of Computing, 1997
Lambda Calculus and Intuitionistic Linear Logic
Studia Logica - An International Journal for Symbolic Logic, 1997
A Sound and Complete CPS-Translation for λμ-Calculus
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Soundness of the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus in ACL2
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Nordic Journal of Computing, 2006
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Deriving interpretations of the gradually-typed lambda calculus
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, 2014
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Information and Computation, 1997
Turing's contributions to lambda calculus
ArXiv, 2021
A Linear-non-Linear Model for a Computational Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus (Extended Abstract)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
Formal SOS-Proofs for the Lambda-Calculus
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2009