Ali Mustafa Ya’Qub: Criticism of Problematic Hadith and Its Contribution to the Development of the Study of Hadith in Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Ushuluddin
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Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya, 2019
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The Making of Living Hadith: A New Direction of Ḥadīth Studies in Indonesia
Culture and Religion, 2024
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Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam
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METHODOLOGY OF HADITH CONTENT CRITICISM: A Study on the Thought of Salah al-Din bin Ahmad al-Adlabi
ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2016
This article examines Salah al-Din bin Ahmad al-Adlabi's thought on the subject of methodology of criticism of the Prophet's hadith content (matan). Al-Adlabi is a hadith scholar who has significat influence on the research methodology of hadith content. In his work entitled Manhaj Naqd al-Matn 'Inda 'Ulama al-Hadith al-Nabawiy, al-Adlabi outlines that the background necessitating the importance of the research methodology of hadith content comprises two factors, namely, there have been occurrences of falsification of the Prophet's hadith at the time of transmission, and there has been a spread of al-wahm, that is, some errors or mistakes in the transmission of the Prophet's hadith. To determine the quality of a hadith content, al-Adlabi put forward four standards for the validity of hadith content, they are: a), not contradicting to the instructions of al-Qur`an; b), does not conflict with more authentic hadith; c) does not conflict with a healthy mind, senses and history; d) the composition of its statements does not show the characteristics of prophethood. Al-Adlabi's thought on the methodology of criticism of hadith content obviously worth further discussion. Hence, further study and deeper digging is required in order to give birth to more accurate, constructive, and comprehensive ideas. Abstrak Kritik hadis merupakan sesuatu yang penting dalam menilai suatu hadis diterima atau ditolaknya. Kajian atas krtiik hadis terutama kritik sanad sudah banyak dilakukan oleh ulama, sebaliknya kajian atas matan belum banyak. Artikel ini mengkaji Pemikiran Salah al-Din bin Ahmad al-Adlabi tentang Metodologi Kritik Matan Hadis. Al-Adlabi adalah pakar hadis yang memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap metodologi penelitian matan hadis. Dalam karyanya yang berjudul Manhaj Naqd al-Matn 'Inda 'Ulama al-Hadis al-Nabawiy, al-Adlabi menguraikan bahwa latar belakang pentingnya metodologi penelitian matan hadis disebabkan dua faktor yaitu, telah tersebarnya pemalsuan hadis pada masa periwayatan, dan tersebarnya al-wahm yakni berbagai kekeliruan dalam periwayatan hadis.Untuk menentukan kualitas matan suatu hadis, maka al-Adlabi mengemukakan empat tolok ukur kaedah kesahihan matan hadis, yaitu; tidak bertentangan dengan petunjuk al-Qur`an; tidak bertentangan dengan hadis yang lebih kuat; tidak bertentangan dengan akal yang sehat, indera dan sejarah; susunan pernyatannya tidak menunjukkan ciri-ciri sabda kenabian. Pemikiran al-Adlabi tentang metodologi kritik matan hadis, kelihatannya sangat urgen untuk diperbincangkan lebih lanjut. Oleh karenya, masih diperlukan telaah pemikiran dan perbincangan yang lebih dalam, guna melahirkan ide-ide pemikiran yang lebih akurat, konstruktif, dan komprehensip.
This article presents an investigation on a part played by al-Raniri in disseminating Hadith teaching in Malay Region. Special attention is given to his techniques of writing Hadith in order to facilitate a better understanding of the Hadith to Malay readers and also his connections with his teachers and the chains of his teachers with leading Islamic scholars in the Middle East. In the interest of validity and reliability, the study provides multiple sources of evidence including in-depth interviews with expert in the field of seventeenth century education and biographers of the great scholar. Also, from previous documentations and content analysis. The study is qualitative and the approach is hermeneutic. This article upon the earliest Hadith writing in the Malay world would assist in understanding, the importance of Hadith in Malay-Islamic history and its recognition by the devout and how it came to be regarded as part of Islamic Scripture.
Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies
Abstrak: Melestarikan Tradisi Hadis di Era Modern: Pemikiran Muhammad Yâsîn al-Fâdânî tentang Sanad dalam Kitab al-‘Ujâlah fi al-Ahâdîth al-Musalsalah. Selepas kesempurnaan tadwîn (pembukuan hadis), periwayatan hadis bersanad telah berubah menjadi sekadar tradisi formalistik. Sanad hadis telah beralih fungsi daripada penentu status hadis kepada sekadar simbol keberkatan. Namun begitu, apabila kalangan reformis abad modern terlihat merendahkan kepentingan sanad, kalangan tradisionalis tetap melihat sanad dan tradisi periwayatan sebagai sesuatu yang mesti dilestarikan. Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah Muhammad Yâsîn al-Fâdânî (w. 1990), seorang ulama Nusantara yang namanya sering diiringi dengan gelaran musnid al-‘ashr (musnid semasa yang terulung). Artikel ini akan mengkaji pandangan beliau mengenai konsep sanad dan relevansi periwayatan hadis bersanad di abad modern. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan mengaplikasi metode analisis dokumen dan sejarah dengan penumpuan kepada buk...
Al-Jarh Wa Al-Ta’dil (Criticism and Praise): It’s Significant in the Science of Hadith
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
This study aims to investigate a hadith (prophetic tradition) whether it is acceptable or unacceptable based on the trustworthness and weaknesses of narrator in the hadith scholars view. The issues arise when numerous of hadith are found not supported by references, resources and status. This study allows us to make an assessment from the point of acceptance to the hadiths which are carried by a person whether authenticated (sahih), weak (da'if), or fabricated (mawdu') and from its sources and references. This study focuses on the study of hadith literature which will be analyzed individually to determine its validity. This science is the cornerstones in the field of hadith as a science that very important for us to know the status of a hadith. By using descriptive analysis methodology this study aims and expected as contribution to the Muslim community because the people often use hadith without explaining the status. The study found that most of the Hadiths that have been documented are not specified in term of source and status. The existence of this science could help the public to understand how the precision of hadith scholars in maintaining the authority of hadith as the second foundational source after the Qur'an should be guarded.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
This article focuses on specific Hadith text, Bahr al-Madhi al-Sharh Mukhtasar Sahih al-Tirmidhi by Shaikh Idris al-Marbawi. This text is selected for two reasons: firstly, its provide invaluable data for analyses of political teaching in Malaysia (particularly during 20th century); secondly, its were openly acknowledged by the Malay community until recently as highly esteemed sources of revelation from the Prophet (p.b.h), but may now be neglected in favour of more 'modern' versions. The research is therefore undertaken on a threefold premise, as follows: this text should be restored to their former status as clear and authoritative guides for human conduct in areas ranging from manners to political teaching. Al-Marbawi's commentary provides the clearest examples of the use of exegesis as a tool for political teaching, and its written methodology is held to have influenced the great Hadith scholar-al-Tirmidhi-and should therefore be esteemed accordingly. The intention in this is to demonstrate al-Marbawi's deep condemnation at that time of the misconduct of leadership for instance. Therefore, as a criticism of this behaviour, his condemnation is significantly absolute. In the course of history however this condemnation may have been forgotten. One of the main purposes of this study is thus to act as a reminder. In the light of his strong influence upon such esteemed Hadith scholars as al-Tirmidhi, it is argued that the writings of al-Marbawi represent a vital resource for the purposes of educating the Malay people on the subject of the Hadith. In the interests of validity and reliability, the study provides multiple sources of evidence. These include tape-recorded in-depth interviews with researchers (in particular with an expert educationalist in 20th century social, political and religious affairs in Malaysia) and academicians who are biographers of this great scholar identified. Also included are data-gathering techniques such as library and document research. Research methods used to examine the original writings of al-Marbawi are largely 'qualitative', and consist of approaches such as 'hermeneutics and the 'inferential' technique of 'content analyses'.