Credit Insurance as an Effort to Overcome Bad Credit Risk in Modern Banking Economy in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Indonesia (original) (raw)
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This research was conducted with the aim of finding out how legal protection measures for customers (debtors) as consumers of bank service users and how the accountability of the bank in the event of risks related to bank credit agreements. By using the normative juridical research method, the credit agreement is a standard contract, where the contents or clauses of the credit agreement have been standardized and set forth in a form (blank), but are not bound in a particular form. Prospective debtor customers only need to sign if they are willing to accept the contents of the agreement, not giving the prospective debtor the opportunity to further discuss the contents or clauses submitted by the bank. Standard agreements are needed to meet practical and collective needs. At this stage the position of the prospective debtor is very weak, so that he just accepts the terms offered by the bank, because otherwise the prospective debtor will not get the credit in question. The function of ...
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Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 2024
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the business world in Indonesia was colored by news of defaults by several leading companies in Indonesia. The problem studied in this study is the responsibility of financial services companies (State owned enterprises) and the role of the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) as a financial services supervisory agency for the Indonesian financial services industry that has defaulted. For the normative juridical research method, the main source is secondary data. Qualitative normative data analysis. The results show that financial service companies that have failed to pay their customers because of their mistakes must be legally responsible for the legal consequences and morally responsible for their negligence in not adopting ethical principles in doing business. This responsibility assumes the form of having to pay for the losses suffered by customers when sued, and to restore the confidence of the public, which has been eroded in State owned enterprises (SOE), in addition to their disappointment with the management of State-owned enterprises, SOEs that do not heed ethical principles in doing business. In the case of defaulting SOE, OJK as the supervisor has not played its role of taking early preventive actions aimed at averting irregularities from occurring due to its inability to detect problems during its regular supervision. This shows that the periodic supervision carried out by the OJK is not yet effective.
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This study analyzes the philosophy of banking policies which have implications for the criminal offense. In this regard, Bank Indonesia's decision is in conformity with the authority and office attached to Bank Indonesia officials. Policies made by Bank Indonesia is right or not, is bound by the principle of wise and good etiquette. Bank Indonesia officials have the authority associated with the position. If there are elements that are not good etiquette and undiplomatic in authority that caused state losses then policies can be categorized as a criminal offense banking. The aim of this study was to analyze and find Philosophy as Bank Indonesia Policy In the Bank Restructuring. Type of research is a normative legal research. This study uses the legislative approach, conceptually. Banking policy which resulted in a criminal act can be seen from the administrative aspect, and a criminal in a lawsuit conducted by Bank Indonesia officials. If Bank Indonesia officials make mistakes i...
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The bank is a financial institution that has an intermediary function that bridges the interests of parties who are excess funds (creditors) and those who need funds (debtors). Banks in channeling funds, among others, through the provision of credit to the public. However, loans issued by banks contain a lot of risk, one of them is People's Business Credit (KUR). Issues regarding the risks of granting credit above will be discussed in this study, which this study uses a normative juridical method using the statutory approach. This study shows the arrangements regarding risk management are regulated in PBI Number 11/25/PBI/2009 concerning the Application of Risk Management in Commercial Banks and in Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number 18 / POJK.03 / 2016 Regarding the Implementation of Risk Management for Commercial Banks. The implementation of the prudential principle internally for a bank's Human Resources (HR) is to apply the Banking Risk Management Princ...
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019
This research explores the execution of bad credit guarantee based on the deed of sale and deed of acknowledgement of debt.The case study was conducted at a bank in Bekasi, Indonesia. The collateral elements studied arecollateralas an additional guarantee andcollateral submitted by the debtor to the bank in which the purpose of collecting collateral is to obtain credit or financing facilities. The method used in the researchis Juridical Normative. The juridical approach is literature research approach by studying literature materials to conduct specifications, analyze data, and approach normatively because it relates to the rules of law. By conducting field research, data are collected and analyzed. The establishment of notarizeddeed of sale notifies legal protection for the parties.Considering that anotaryis a public official authorized to make an authentic deed and provide legal advice, the notarized deed of sale can provide equal legal protection for the parties. The results of the research indicate that the execution of bad credit guarantee is not regulated in the land rights guarantee institution, that cause the execution is not easy, does not meet the specialityandand publicity principles.
Breach of contract: an Indonesian experience in akad credit of sharia banking
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan
This research aims to determine and analyze the implementation of the concept of profit-sharing in Islamic banking credit agreements based on regulations in force in Indonesia and also to find out and analyze defaults undertaken by customers in Islamic banking credit agreements. The method used in this research is normative juridical, which is a method that puts forward secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The secondary data in question such as Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia Banking, related books, and legal research journals. This research is based on the high community needs for capital to achieve the objectives of a business into a separate phenomenon. The concept of muamalah on the teachings of Islam that Muslims want to adhere to is one of the reasons for the birth of the concept of Islamic banking in Indonesia. The concept of profit sharing is one of the concepts known in Islamic banking. The risk of breach of contract by the ...
Legal Protection for Creditor Due To Debitors Default in Bank Loan Agreement
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 2019
For bank, loan is one of its core business. In addition to profitability, loan also contains credit risk. Accordingly, Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the supervisory authority of Indonesian banks enforces the credit regulation in Indonesia. This is understandable given that improper credit management may result in bank’s revenue from credit sector, which may disturb the bank’s health due to the decrease of bank's revenue. Therefore, resolution of problem loan is priority for banks. The present study was categorized as normative legal study, the data were analyzed qualitatively. Various attempts were maed to resolve problem loans. One of them is through the filing of small claim court. A number of easiness can be chosen because small claim court is relatively quick and cheap. In the future, the government is expected to provide more pathways to make small claim court, including increasing the maximum nominal of the charge.
International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science
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Breach of contract: an Indonesian experience in credit akad of sharia banking
This research aimed at determining and analyzing the implementation of profit-sharing concept in Islamic banking credit agreements based on regulations in force in Indonesia and also finding out the defaults undertaken by customers in Islamic banking credit agreements. The method used in this research was normative juridical, meant as a method that puts forward secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The secondary data in question were such as Law Number 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia Banking, related books, and legal research journals. This research was based on the high community needs for capital to achieve the objectives of a business into a separate phenomenon. This research found that the concept of muamalah on the teachings of Islam that Muslims want to adhere to is one of the reasons for the birth of the concept of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Besides, the concept of profit sharing is one of the concepts known in Islamic banking. Another...