Hochschul-Symposium 2016 (original) (raw)
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2016-Wissenschaftsphilosophen im Krieg – Impromptus
Abstract: (For a pdf-file of the published version contact: gereon.wolters@uni-konstanz.de) Not all German scholars served in the armed forces in the Great War; many of them fought through their writings and speeches. Among philosophers, too, we find a fair number of war propagandists. This paper deals with the nascent subdiscipline philosophy of science, drawing on correspondence and diaries. The most important young philosophers of science (the oldest was 32) either reacted with naive enthusiasm (RudolfCarnap, at least initially), or opposed the war (Moritz Schlick, Otto Neurath, Hans Reichenbach), or were complctely apolitical and preoccupied with themselves (Hugo Dingler). The only war propagandist was Heinrich Scholz. During the war, however, Scholz was still a theologian, who moved to philosophy of sciencc only after the war--· after reading the Principia Mathematica of the pacifist-inclined Bertrand Russell. Among German scholars of the time we find a feeling of being collectively humiliated by the rest of the world. This presumed humiliation they took as justification for war. I see alarming parallels to sentiments with scholars in present day Russia amd in large parts ofthe Islamic World.
Dahschur. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2016
The focus of the field work at Dahshur (Egypt) lays on the investigation of the area surrounding the valley temple of the Bent Pyramid. The aim was to investigate the development of the temple precinct and its surrounding area. Excavation work was conducted in six sections located to the north, east and south of the temple enclosure. Among the main results are the discovery of a settlement for priests south of the temple and the identification of various rituals that took place in and around the temple precinct. Die Grabungen in Dahschur konzentrierten sich im Frühjahr 2016 auf den Tempelbezirk des König Snofru im Tal der Knickpyramide. Ziel der Kampagne war die Klärung der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tempelanlage und seines Umfeldes. Auf der Nord-, Ost-und Südseite des Tempels wurden insgesamt sechs Grabungsschnitte angelegt (Abb. 1. 2). Dabei wurden Reste einer Priestersiedlung entdeckt sowie vielfältige Hinweise auf die Rituale, die im Laufe der Zeit in und um den Tempel vollzogen wurden.
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