The role of the parties in mangrove ecosystem recovery in Juntinyuat Coast, West Java, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
Sayung coast is experienced very high coastal erosion and has a huge impact on the lives of the surrounding communities. One of the efforts in handling coastal erosion is the rehabilitation of the mangrove ecosystem.The purpose of this study was to prioritize mangrove ecosystem management strategies in rehabilitation areas. Data were collected from three coastal villages, namely, Bedono, Timbulsloko, and Surodadi, through in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and field observations. The data analysis was carried out using the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method. The result showed that the priority problems in the mangrove ecosystem management on the Sayung coast were: conversion of mangrove land, failure of mangroves to grow, lack of monitoring and supervision. Therefore, the priority solution for optimizing mangrove ecosystem management is rehabilitation and conservation, increasing community participation, and monitoring by involving the community.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Plenty of mangrove rehabilitation programs have been implemented on the northern coast of Java, including in Karawang Regency, both by the community and private companies' participation through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Over ten years, millions of mangrove plants have been planted. However, the results and impacts on the ecology and socio-economy have not been widely evaluated. An assessment and evaluation of the mangrove rehabilitation were carried out to determine the mangrove rehabilitation program's results and effectiveness. This paper aims to determine rehabilitation's condition and its impact on ecology and socioeconomic surrounding the rehabilitation area. Mangrove rehabilitation activities at the northern coast of Karawang Regency have been provided new evidence that planting mangroves for rehabilitation purposes can not be seen as tree planting activities only. However, the impact and multiplier effects of its extraordinary benefits have not been paid much attention. Rehabilitation results have provided significant results, seen from the increase in the mangrove area, ecosystem quality, and positive impacts on ecology and significant socioeconomic impacts indirect impacts, secondary impacts or cumulative impacts. It is necessary to develop and utilize rehabilitation results through a good socioeconomic and institutional development approach to impact the community positively.
This study analyses changes in shoreline and mangroves status at the gulf coast of Sayung-Demak, Indonesia. Data on shoreline changes were from high-resolution imagery in 2005, 2010 and 2017 by ArcGIS 10.3, while mangrove diversity data were observed from field studies using the transect method at three locations at the Semarang-Demak beach frontier. Based on the analysis and calculations, it was found that the coastline was decline by 0.49 km from 2005 to 2010, and incline by 3.30 km from 2010 to 2017. Abrasion occurred was 285.07 ha and accretion of 2.40 ha. The composition of mangroves on the border of Semarang-Demak consists of A. alba, A. marina, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, S. casseolaris. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor changes in shoreline and the status of mangroves on the Semarang-Demak border. In addition, it is essential to do integrated environmental management in coping with abrasion.
Mangrove Cultivation Community Based in Karangsong, Indramayu, West Java
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Community based is an effort to mobilize the society to show local potential in solving problems that are being faced. Community based as a way to improve community development in sustainable development. Mangrove cultivation as a solution for coastal abrasion is a way to coastal rehabilitation. But sometimes mangrove cultivation does not succeed as set as a goal. Mangrove cultivation can be done by community based approach. Empowering and involving community in mangrove cultivation is not only to provide awareness of the importance of mangrove for coastal areas, but also to indirectly can provide economic value. Karangsong was an affected area by abrasion since 1993 to 2007. To overcome the abrasion mangrove cultivation has been done with community based approach. In 2015 Karangsong became mangroves ecotourism area in Indramayu. This paper reviews how mangrove cultivation community based have been doing in Karangsong, Indramayu, and role of actor in community empowerment to encourage mangrove cultivation. To achieve the success community involvement in mangrove cultivation requires an economic approach that offer advantage to community on a long term and can generate awareness of the importance of mangroves in coastal areas.
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2015
PT. Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) conducted a mangrove restoration program in Sedari village as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. The program is named Orang Tua Asuh Pohon (OTAP). OTAP aims to restore the degradation of mangrove in the village as well as to develop capacity of local community in mangrove conservation. The activities started in 2012, comprising of planting mangrove at Sedari riverbank, and the coastal area as buffer zone (green belt) to prevent abrasion. The first plantation activity was unsuccessful. The failure planting happened was due to lack of knowledge about how to plant the mangrove in appropriate way and also lack coordination with local governments, both district and province. Learning from the failure planting, the initial coastal planted mangrove covering an area of 0,05 ha was conducted in 2013 to provide experiences as learning process for local community to plan mangrove in appropriate way. The program continues with the next implementation program at the area of 2,7 ha of abandoned fish ponds owned by local community. The implementation result showed that the most planted mangrove survived (55.28%). This paper reviews the changing of managerial aspects of mangrove ecosystem in Sedari village. The collaboration between the private sector, local government and community empowerment are particularly important factor in the success of mangrove restoration. The sustainability beyond the program period is expected to be implemented by the role of local government including development of alternative livelihood for local community.
Condition of shore and mangrove area in the coastal area of Karawang Regency, Indonesia
AACL Bioflux, 2020, Volume 13, Issue 2., 2020
The coastal area of Karawang Regency has the largest mangrove potential in the north of West Java but excessive environmental pressure causing disasters such as shore erosion has inhibited its even spread in the area. This study therefore aimed to determine the condition of the shore and mangrove areas in the coastal region of Karawang Regency. Primary data were collected using field observations while secondary data were obtained from desk studies. The results showed the presence of erosion and accretion on the shore in several areas with the largest erosion found in Subdistricts of Cibuaya, Cilebar and Pakisjaya, while the Subdistricts of Cilamaya Wetan, Cilebar and Tirtajaya had the largest accretion. Moreover, the mangrove vegetation in the accretion area was predominated by Avicennia marina spreading evenly to the coastal area while Rhizophora mucronata and R. apiculata were widely found in aquaculture areas. However, the A. marina has a high value of density, frequency, and dominance, at the level of trees, saplings, and seedlings in non-forest areas.
Mangrove Conservation Group Management in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology (ISET 2020)
The damage level of mangrove forest in Semarang City has caused disasters for coastal communities, particularly abrasion and rob. These conditions drive the concern of coastal communities in rehabilitating mangroves via mangrove conservation groups. There are four mangrove conservation groups spread in four coastal districts of Semarang City. This study aims to determine the management of mangrove conservation groups in the coastal of Semarang City. The descriptive qualitative research approach is used to describe the management of mangrove groups as an effort to rehabilitate coastal mangroves in Semarang City. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation with the mangrove conservation group management. The data analysis model was carried out using three panels: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The results showed that the management of mangrove groups has an important role in the rehabilitation effort includes the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling activities. The participation of universities, private parties, and the government is very helpful in the existence of mangrove conservation groups. It can be concluded from the research that the group members have implemented management using Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling (POAC) principles well.
Mangrove Forest Destruction in Damas Beach, East Java, Indonesia: Socio-Ecological Analysis
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
The high percentage of land conversion from mangrove forests to plantation for coconut and other crops between 1998 and 2013 resulted in sharp decline of mangrove forest in Damas Beach. Damas beach is one of the areas covered by mangrove forests in Teluk Prigi and located on the most western area. The total area of the mangrove forest in 1998 was 10 hectares. The number decreased to 30% in 2013. Even though reforestation had been taken place, the mangrove area keeps decreasing. It affected coastal resources, more particularly the number of catch. Fish is the backbone of the local communityliving around the mangrove forest. The purpose of the study was to give information, for both personal and institutional, that is likely to impact the dynamics of mangrove forest area in Damas Beach. In addition, it also describes the level of mangrove forest destruction more particularly as the effect of human activity. It is expected that soci-ecological system is taken into account in order to establish sustainable management program for mangrove forest.
E3S Web of Conferences
The development of coastal areas is growing rapidly in line with the high population growth that will threaten the continuity of coastal areas and ecosystems. Mangrove area located in the coastal area of Karawang Regency becomes an ecologically challenged area that greatly affects its sustainability. This study aims to examine mangrove ecosystems and community perspectives on the management of the mangrove ecosystems continuously and sustainably. The method used was a survey study at Nine Districts in Karawang Regency using the descriptive method with case study and perspective analysis on ten categories. Data were collected through interviews, observation and supported by secondary data. The description of this study was focused on mangrove ecosystem condition and community perspective in mangrove area management in coastal district Karawang. Data analysis used was a descriptive qualitative approach based on average with scales. The analysis results showed that most of the coastal ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
The existence of local communities around mangrove ecosystems plays essential role to support the effort of conservation programs in this area. This study is aimed to investigate a set of situation faced by local communities in the southeastern Gulf of Kupang (SGK), East Nusa Tenggara Province which led to the rehabilitation of once degraded mangrove forests in SGK and the strategies to conserve the recovered mangrove forests. A case study approach was developed using purposive sampling to collect information regarding the historical situation of mangrove forests in SGK. Further, remote sensing method using multi-temporal observation data was used to investigate the changes in mangrove cover from 1994 to 2019. This study revealed that a series of situations became the fundamental of the success in retaining the existence of mangrove ecosystems in SGK. First, the negative impacts of mangrove degradation affected the communities badly in relation to their livelihoods in fisheries and marine sector as well as other environmental services. Then, this situation led to the emergent of a local champion to initiate mangrove rehabilitation efforts which firstly did not get attention from most of the communities. After some initial successes, the efforts of the local champion was then followed by other members of communities, triggering a bigger scale of mangrove rehabilitation. Having the mangrove recovered, the communities set of highly strict local indigenous rules in which every indigenous people who conducting illegal logging in the mangroves would be expelled from the village, while a large fine was given for outside people who did the similar action. Currently, more than 90% of respondents have understood the benefits of mangroves and derived advantages from it, particularly in improving their prosperity and security. The results of the success of mangrove rehabilitation and conservation in SGK was confirmed by the increasing extent of mangrove vegetation using remote sensing data. The case study of rehabilitation and conservation in SGK provided valuable learning for communities in other areas.