A ug 2 01 4 Gauge Theories on de Sitter Spacetime (original) (raw)

Gauge Theories on de Sitter Spacetime

In this paper we will analyse the inner product for gauge theories in de Sitter spacetime. This will be done by analysing an Euclidean version of the de Sitter metric. Thus, the de Sitter metric will be related to the metric on a four-sphere. Then scalar spherical harmonics and vector spherical harmonics on a four-sphere will be analysed. An inner product for the gauge fields will be constructed using these modes. Finally, a two point function will be constructed, for gauge fields on de Sitter spacetime.

Gauge theories and gravity

Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics — PoS(ICMP 2012), 2013

Pure gauge theories for de Sitter, anti de Sitter and orthogonal groups, in four-dimensional Euclidean spacetime, are studied. It is shown that, if the theory is asymptotically free and a dynamical mass is generated, then an effective geometry may be induced and a gravity theory emerges.

ge nph ] 1 1 D ec 2 01 3 Quantum Field Theory in de Sitter Spacetime


In this paper we will analyse quantum field theory on de Sitter spacetime. We will analyse a general scalar and vector field theory on de Sitter spacetime. This is done by first calculating these propagators on fourSphere and then analytically continuing it to de Sitter spacetime.

Abelian Gauge Theory in De Sitter Space

Modern Physics Letters A, 2005

Quantization of spinor and vector free fields in four-dimensional de Sitter spacetime, in the ambient space notation, has been studied in the previous works. Various two-point functions for the above fields are presented in this paper. The interaction between the spinor field and the vector field is then studied by the Abelian gauge theory. The U (1) gauge invariant spinor field equation is obtained in a coordinate independent way notation and their corresponding conserved currents are computed. The solution of the field equation is obtained by the use of the perturbation method in terms of the Green's function. The null curvature limit is discussed in the final stage.

Quantum Field Theory in de Sitter spacetime


In this paper we will analyse quantum field theory on de Sitter spacetime. We will analyse a general scalar and vector field theory on de Sitter spacetime. This is done by first calculating these propagators on four-Sphere and then analytically continuing it to de Sitter spacetime.

Super-gauge Field in de Sitter Universe

The gauge invariant field equation for "super-gauge" field or massless spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ gauge field in de Sitter space-time is reformulated by the definition of the gauge-covariant derivative and the gauge invariant Lagrangian density in de Sitter ambient space formalism. The Gupta-Bleuler triplet and the indecomposable representations of the de Sitter group are discussed in order to construct the vector-spinor quantum field operator and its corresponding Fock space. The quantum field operator can be written in terms of the vector-spinor polarization states and a quantum conformally coupled massless scalar field, which is constructed on Bunch-Davies vacuum state. The two-point function is also presented, which is de Sitter covariant and analytic.

Group theoretical interpretation of the modified gravity in de Sitter space

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016

A framework has been presented for theoretical interpretation of various modified gravitational models which is based on the group theoretical approach and unitary irreducible representations (UIR's) of de Sitter (dS) group. In order to illustrate the application of the proposed method, a model of modified gravity has been investigated. The background field method has been utilized and the linearized modified gravitational field equation has been obtained in the 4-dimensional dS space-time as the background. The field equation has been written as the eigne-value equation of the Casimir operators of dS space using the flat 5-dimensional ambient space notations. The Minkowskian correspondence of the theory has been obtained by taking the zero curvature limit. It has been shown that under some simple conditions, the linearized modified field equation transforms according to two of the UIR's of dS group labeled by Π ± 2,1 and Π ± 2,2 in the discrete series. It means that the proposed modified gravitational theory can be a suitable one to describe the quantum gravitational effects in its linear approximation on dS space. The field equation has been solved and the solution has been written as the multiplication of a symmetric rank-2 polarization tensor and a massless scalar field using the ambient space notations. Also the two-point function has been calculated in the ambient space formalism. It is dS invariant and free of any theoretical problems.

Solutions of invariant field equations in the (4, 1) de Sitter space

Il Nuovo Cimento A

Elementary solutions of the invariant scalar, spinor and vector field equations in the (4, l) de Sitter space are given and their relations to the representation theory of the S04,1 de Sitter group are pointed out. The solutions obtained for this space-time of constant curvature having curvature radius R are analogous to the plane-wave solutions in flat Minkowski space-time. They are constructed in terms of the so-cMled horospheres determining the wave fronts of these de Sitter plane-wave solutions which are characterized by a timelike four-vector $(• For the case of the continuous series of unitary irreducible representations of S04, ~ the four-vector ~(• is related to the energy-momentum four-vector ~=p~ in the fiat-space limit R-* 0% and the elementary, i.e. horospherical, solutions in de Sitter space-time go over in this limit into the positive-and negative-frequency plane-wave solutions in Minkowski space-time. 1.-Introduction.

A computer aided study of de-Sitter gauge theory of gravitation

Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2006

A gauge theory for gravitation is constructed with the de-Sitter group as structural group and having a Minkowski space-time in spherical coordinates as base manifold. It is supposed that the gravitational field is created by a point-like source of mass m that also has an electrical charge Q. The strength tensors of the gravitational gauge fields are calculated and the field equations are obtained using the energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field. The solutions of these equations are also studied. It is shown that one of the solutions includes simultaneously the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordström and de-Sitter metrics. All the calculations, including the integration of the field equations, have been performed using an analytical program written by us in the package GRTensorII. The program can be applied to any gauge theory having both space-time and internal local symmetries.

Quantum Field Theory in de Sitter Universe: Ambient Space Formalism


Quantum field theory in the 444-dimensional de Sitter space-time is constructed in the ambient space formalism in a rigorous mathematical framework. This work is based on the group representation theory and the analyticity of the complexified pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. The unitary irreducible representations of de Sitter group and their corresponding Hilbert spaces are reformulated in the ambient space formalism. Defining the creation and annihilation operators, quantum field operators and their corresponding analytic two-point functions for various spin fields have been constructed. The various spin massless fields can be constructed in terms of the massless conformally coupled scalar field in this formalism. Then the quantum massless minimally coupled scalar field operator, for the first time, is also constructed on Bunch-Davies vacuum state which preserve the analyticity. We show that the massless fields with sgeq3s \geq 3sgeq3 cannot propagate in de Sitter ambient space formalism. The massless gauge invariant field equations for s=1,frac32,2s=1, \frac{3}{2}, 2s=1,frac32,2 are studied. The gauge spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ fields satisfy the Grassmannian algebra, and hence provoke one to couple them with the gauge spin-$2$ field and the super-algebra is naturally appeared.