Improving the Quality of Learning New Testament Theology Courses with Quantum Learning Methods (original) (raw)
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Improving Student Learning Results Through the Application of the Quantum Teaching Model
Journal on Mathematics Education, 2019
Improving Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes through the Application of the Quantum Teaching Model. This study aims to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of students using the TANDUR type Quantum Teaching learning model with the assisted discussion method of Student Worksheets (LKS). This study is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The subject of this study were all students of class VIII.9 SMP Negeri 1 Maros totaling 38 students. Data sources came from students and teachers. Data collection techniques used observation, documentation and tests. The analysis technique used in this study was quantitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the application of the TANDUR type Quantum Teaching method can improve student learning outcomes. in learning Mathematics in class VIII.9 1 Public High School Maros. In addition there is an increase in student activity and teacher performance.
ISLAMIC EDUCATION BASED ON QUANTUM LEARNING: Conceptual and Methodological Perspective
Madania, 2018
Islamic Education Based on Quantum Learning: Conceptual and Methodological Perspective. This article philosophy of Islamic education. There were three foci of the literature studied-the human aspect as both the subject and the object of the education, the learning environment, and the learning methodology. This paper is a study of relevant literature of quantum learning and the philosophy of Islamic education. The result of the comparison shows that conceptually the views of quantum learning as it pertains to human beings as both the subject and the object of the education, the learning environment, and learning methods have many similarities with the spirit of Islamic education. In could be viewed that philosophically, quantum learning has a strong foundation in Islamic eduation. Quantum learning is the concrete form of Islamic education, as developed by the Abstrak: Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Quantum Learning: Tinjauan Konsep dan Metodologi. Artikel ini bermaksud melakukan studi komparatif antara quantum learning, sebagai sebuah pendekatan baru yang efektif bagi pendidikan di dunia barat dengan falsafah pendidikan Islam. Ada tiga aspek yang menjadi fokus kajian yakni pada aspek manusia sebagai subjek dan sekaligus objek pendidikan, lingkungan belajar, dan metode pembelajaran. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian kepustakaan yang melakukan telaahan terhadap berbagai referensi yang relevan dengan isu yang diangkat, yakni quantum learning dan filsafat pendidikan Islam. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara konseptual pandangan-pandangan quntum learning tentang manusia sebagai subyek dan obyek pendidikan, lingkungan belajar dan metodologi pembelajarannya memiliki kemiripan dengan spirit pendidikan Islam. Dengan kata lain, bahwa quantum learning secara filosofis memiliki dasar yang kuat dilihat dari kacamata filsafat pendidikan Islam dan quantum learning merupakan bentuk konkret dari filsafat pendidikan Islam yang dikembangkan dengan baik oleh dunia pendidikan di Barat.
Al-Fikra: Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman , 2011
Quantum Learning and Teaching: Forward to the Meaningful Learning: Quantum Learning and Teaching is a trend of meaningful learning that allows the creation of fun atmosphere. Suggestion and motivation is one of the tricks or the key attraction of the students in the process of teaching and learning interactions. Happiness situation gives the positive impact on students peacefulness, which is absolutely recommended to every educator, is to be able to design or to combine various educational approaches in order to create a suggestion and the desire to gain the knowledge.
Application of Quantum Teaching Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
The research aims to find out the increase of student learning outcomes on the subject of algebra operation after the implementation of quantum teaching model. Quantum teaching is the converting the kind of interaction into the light which occurs at the lerning activities. The subject matter in Quantum teaching is associated with the general student experience so the learning not abstract anymore, it is the point cause quantum teaching be the effective and efficient learning model. The kind of research is classroom action research, that is the research be intended for the share information how the great action for increasing student learning outcomes. The research was done in SMP Negeri 1 Setia Janji in academic year 2011/2012 exactly on the 38 students class VIIIC. The object in this research is application of quantum teaching learning model for increase the student learning outcomes on algebraic operations. Based on analysis of data at cycle I and cycle II, we can conclude that there is an increase student learning outcomes in study algebraic operations by using quantum teaching learning model.
The Implementation of Quantum Teaching on Student’s Learning Outcomes on the Theme of Universe
Jurnal Pena Sains
This study aims to determine the influence of the Quantum teaching-learning model on the learning outcomes of class VII students on the theme of the Universe. The type of this research is Quasy Experiment with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The research population is all students of class VII SMPN 13 Serang city. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, which selected class VII G as the control class with Discovery learning and VII H as the experimental class with the Quantum teaching-learning model. Data was collected using a test technique in the form of pretest-posttest to measure cognitive learning outcomes and non-test in a questionnaire to measure affective learning outcomes and observation sheets to measure psychomotor learning outcomes. The collected data were analyzed using a t-test at a significance level of 0.05. The results showed an influence of the Quantum teaching-learning model on the learning outcomes of class VII students at SMPN 13 Serang city. In ...
Memorizing Bible Verses with the Association Method of Quantum Learning in Sunday School
Journal Didaskalia
In the world of teaching, it takes a variety of creativity, so that students benefit from the learning process. The same thing happened in the Sunday School class held by the church. The core material is certainly from the Bible. This includes memorizing Bible verses from certain parts. Students are required to memorize the verses. Many face failure in the memorization process. They have difficulty remembering the verses. However, there is still an interesting method to make it easier for children to memorize Bible verses, namely by association methods found in quantum learning. The problem is whether the Sunday school teachers understood this association method? With descriptive research methods have found a solution that in the process of memorizing with this association method, can increase the number of verses memorized. This can be shown from the results of evaluations that have been carried out, there is an increase in the number of memorized verses that can be memorized by Su...
Development of Quantum Teaching-Based Shorof Materials at Madrasah Aliyah
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
This research is motivated by the problems of students who find it difficult and feel bored in understanding learning, which is caused by the use of monotonous methods and the high language of the book used. This study aims to develop quantum teaching-based Shorof material to increase student learning effectiveness and determine how students respond to this teaching material. This study uses the Borg and Gall research and development (RD) design model with six steps, namely 1) potential and problems, 2) data collection, 3) product design, 4) design validation, 5) design revision, and 6) product trial. This teaching material product was validated by material experts and media experts and responded to by 11 Putri Azzahro Islamic Boarding School students. The results of the development of this textbook were based on the results of the textbook needs questionnaire with an average percentage of 88.44%, with valid criteria, the results of the material test expert reached a validity level ...
article, 2020
Quantum Education is the natural way to learn to motivate and excite students to take responsibility for their learning. In quantum learning, the environment of learning is prepared with didactic materials for the children to learn at their own learning pace. Students learn without formal pedagogical machinations, without consciously participating in the learning activities. The present study was conducted to attempt at improving students' language competence through quantum learning. The present classroom action study was triggered by the fact that the subjects under study still faced a problem in improving language competence. The present classroom action study made use of pre-test and post-test research design with descriptive and quantitative analysis. The grand mean figures for the first cycle and second cycle showed significantly increasing mean figures. The significant difference mean figure further suggests that the second cycle was more effective than the first cycle. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire scores clearly showed the students' attitudes and motivation in improving their language competence through quantum learning. Therefore, it could be concluded that quantum learning is an effective teaching model to improve the students' language competence.