Роль ценностей, присущих культурному наследию, в сфере его охраны (original) (raw)

Cultural and Natural Heritage: Between Theory and Practice, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn: 2015, pp 181


Preface Nowadays, responsibility for the heritage, broadly understood as human and environmental coexistence, is the most important challenge of humanity. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage proclaimed in 1972 by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) reinforced and popularized the Western thought that divided the nature and the culture, which had its beginning in the thought of Enlightenment (MacCormack and Strathern 1980). The nature vs. culture dichotomy, understood as contrasting those two qualities, had huge consequences often depreciating the value of the one for the another. In Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention (UNESCO 2005), the criteria allowing for qualifying properties as examples of cultural or natural heritage were defined. Sandra Pannell lists definitions of cultural heritage we can find in Convention as ‘‘monuments’, ‘groups of buildings’ and ‘sites’, the last ones being the ‘works of man or the combined works of nature and of man’’ (Panell 2006). Definitions of natural heritage are put as ‘‘physical and biological formations’, ‘habitats of threatened species’ and ‘natural sites or natural areas’, which are of ‘outstanding universal value’ from the point of view of science, conservation and/or aesthetics’’(Panell 2006). We can also find ‘mixed heritage’ understood as combination of cultural and natural ones. Nowadays UNESCO proclaims a new way of understanding heritage, a new vision which ‘strives to recognize and protect sites that are outstanding demonstrations of human coexistence with the land as well as human interactions, cultural coexistence, spirituality and creative expression’ (UNESCO 2008). That approach wins more and more supporters not only in the scientific world but also in people all over the world. The discussed process is taking place on numerous planes. Starting from the discussion of specialists on universal values and defining the basic notions, through changes in legal regulations e.g.: connected to implementation of the European Landscape Convention, which is to be accepted by every signing country, to a purely social plane connected with popularization of a new way of understanding, viewing and protecting the Heritage. The term ‘Cultural landscape’ is the actual sample of such a new thinking, and therefore we have decided to focus mostly on the elements of cultural landscape. The subject, approached from various perspectives, from a theoretical (defining and situating cultural landscape in the social space) to a practical one (revitalizations of historically and culturally valuable objects, the value of which forms the identity of the region, winning the sources of financing), from the municipal (examples of Cittaslow towns, urban parks, or ‘The Holy Cemetery’ in Romania) to the rural one (‘Village Renewal’), from a French (an excellent sample of the Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne ) to a Polish one (examples of Warmia and Mazury, as well as Podlasie) constitutes the first part and the core of this publication. The further part deals with the subjects connected with difficult/dissonant heritage basing on the example of Warmia and Mazury, where, due to political and historical conditions, the regional cultural landscape was subjected to ideologization in favour of Polish raison d’état. The authors have presented how important and more and more common it is in that ‘difficult’ environment to discover and build identity of a human being based on the heritage of the region. The final part of the following monograph discusses particular actions taken by various organizational units (the University, societies, funds) to put theory into practice. We let those who make that theory work in practice speak. Launching the cultural and natural studies as well as the Centre for Cultural and Natural Heritage at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, together with work of specific people in associations and organizations show us how important it is to be aware of and to take care for the cultural heritage and what difficult this work it is. The collected examples, however, prove that it may be done successfully. We realize that we have not discussed in this publication numerous important issues and areas of heritage or we have not devoted as much time to them as they deserve. Our intention is to inspire with the expertise and experience of this book as much people, organizations, and self-governments to notice the cultural and natural heritage and to take measures for its protection. The international exchange of experiences presented in this publication would not be possible without personal involvement by the authorities of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the Association France-Pologne de l'Indre and the management of the Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne. We believe that that every initiative to be born under the influence of this publication, which aims at showing how it is possible to take care together for heritage understood according to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre as ‘our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. They are our touchstones, our points of reference, our identity’ (UNESCO 2008), is to serve well for the local societies building, at the same time, a relation with the place of living. M. Śliwa, K. Glińska-Lewczuk

Some Considerations on the Evolving Concepts of Cultural Heritage

ILIRIA International Review, 2014

The history of the property as general heritage and access to the entire society is a phenomenon which took matter during the French Revolution, where the entire heritage, especially of museums, should be considered as a public possession of all, in order to disseminate knowledge to all. In the Albanian context, the history to this heritage and the awareness took place in other circumstances, given the history and various developments in Albania. Given such circumstances, our analysis will be focused on the historical development and attention to national heritage, which was propagated at the same time as raising and awareness of missing values. These values have been attempt in different ways and related and have also changed during years of totalitarian period and then with the change of the political system.The paper tries to bring an overview of holistic term of culture heritage including museum law interpretation as part of cultural heritage legislation.

Cultural Values and their Reception: Exploring the Case of Cultural Heritage

Culture and Values, 2024

In the debates of value-theory, it is often assumed that the problem of relativism is to be addressed in a general way, taking moral values as archetype of values. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a differentiation of this debate by facing the problem of relativism in terms of a specific kind of values, namely that of cultural values ascribed to heritage. It shall be shown that by involving both cultural and value-dimensions, the case of cultural heritage does require an approach more open to historical change and cultural differences. After elaborating the various aspects of cultural heritage, some features of cultural values and their experience are to be described. Discussing the problems of radical absolutist and relativist approaches, I will defend a ‘middle way’ that is able to articulate the historicity and cultural diversity of our reception of heritage and its values without giving up the idea of an irreducibility of value-phenomena: Such a view has to recognise the culturally produced character of objects of heritage, the culturally mediated nature of our experience of its values and finally the specific feature of cultural values, whose realisation is interwoven with cultural acts of recognition and collective identification.

‘Some Remarks on the Motives behind Cultural Heritage Conservation’

There are various explanations for social and cultural dimensions of conserving historical and cultural heritage and multiple viewpoints concerning the past. Industrialization, modernization, collective nostalgia, tourism, the ideology of nationalism, and aesthetic concerns might be implicit factors. I argue that the social and cultural dynamics in historical and cultural heritage preservation in a certain community could be investigated by focusing on discourses about how individuals and institutions describe, legitimize and give meaning to cultural heritage preservation. Official discourses extensively argue that, with well-preserved cultural heritage artifacts, the connection between past and present is strongly established; hence, individuals’ belonging to their culture and society are positively affected. On the other hand, it is a known fact that cultural heritage has been increasingly employed in reinforcing and constituting social and cultural identities in contemporary societies. Heritage conservation has always been related to the nationalistic or religious sentiments. Moreover, because of the economic value of cultural heritage, the issue of conservation has also become an area for financial investment. With the increase in heritage tourism activities, cultural heritage has extensively become a means to foster tourism relations and large numbers of civil and public authorities have invested resources to protect and display their cultural artifacts for that purpose. Yet the concept of heritage is controversial, for the meaning of cultural change is fluid and it can change from one section of society to another. Social and cultural differences play a major role in representation and interpretation of cultural heritage, the viewpoints about the past, and of the heritage production and consumption practices. In this paper, I will investigate the dominant determining factors in cultural heritage preservation practices with reference to Beypazarı, a popular town in Ankara which is famous with its well-preserved cultural and historical artifacts.

The Soviet State and Heritage Policies

website of Russian Program hosted at the George Washington's Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES), 2023

The piece is a part of a short series of two articles that traces the origins and the subsequent evolution of the conceptualization of cultural heritage that underpins its contemporary definitions and conservation practices in Russia. The first part of the series is devoted to the conceptualization of heritage during the Soviet era so as to provide a concise exposition of the defining features of that approach, which remains relevant in the contemporary context.

Controversies Regarding the Concept and Tipology of the Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Moldova

Proceedings of Administration and Public Management International Conference, 2011

The cultural heritage of a country includes the all traces of human activity descovered in the environment. These are irreplaceable sources of information on the life and occupations of people of different ages and artistic, technical skills development over time. Because monuments, sites and cultural environments are not renewable resources, their management must be long term. Thus, cultural heritage is a source of emotional and aesthetic experiences unique, and for this reason modern society has not only benefit from the preservation and active use of its assets and its components.


Globalisation brings similarities into the entire life of society. The response to this process is focusing on the identity problems. The present research aim is to explore attitudes towards these processes. The tasks of the research are: 1) to estimate the similar and distinctive attitudes of awareness regarding cultural heritage in Romania and Latvia; 2) to identify the most important socialization process functions of cultural heritage in both countries. The qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used for various solutions in the process of the research: a survey (Ro-mania – n = 373; Latvia – n = 327), analysis and synthesis; logical and abstract analysis, logical construction; data grouping and comparing. The surveys were carried out in the second half of 2015. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: the understanding of historical and so-cio-economic value of cultural heritage is an important feature of a society in the modern world regardless of a country's location or the ethnicity of the society. The survey results revealed at least two explicit differences: in information channels where information on cultural heritage is acquired from and in shopping places for gastronomic cultural heritage products.

El registro del patrimonio cultural en Ucrania como mecanismo legal para preservar los monumentos históricos y culturales

Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores

El artículo destaca la disposición legal de formar y llenar los registros del patrimonio cultural en Ucrania. Como fundamentos metodológicos de la investigación están los métodos: históricos, análisis y síntesis, y de análisis comparativo. Los resultados de la investigación establecen que la legislación ucraniana en el campo de la protección del patrimonio cultural se basa básicamente en las normas de la legislación soviética, que prevé la aprobación de la Lista de monumentos arquitectónicos que están bajo la protección del estado. El registro no está aprobado oficialmente en forma de un solo documento, y se mantienen registros para colecciones de archivos, museos y bibliotecas. La consecuencia de esto es la ausencia real del Registro Estatal de Bienes Culturales Nacionales, que no garantiza el almacenamiento adecuado, y complica el procedimiento de control asociado con la prohibición de la exportación al extranjero de valores culturales únicos.

The Constitutional Regulation of the Protection of the Hellenic Cultural Heritage and the Content of the Relevant Human Right


This dissertation was written as part of the MSc in Art Law and Art Management 2017-2018 at the International Hellenic University. The protection of cultural heritage in the Hellenic constitution and the relevant right to culture is described in the provision of article 24.1. This article introduces an obligation of the state to protect cultural environment and every person's right to this protection. A further specification is made in article 24.6. This article along with the provisions of its implementing Law 3028/2002, and further constitutional provisions of articles 16.1 and 18.1 form a legal frame regarding the protection of culture. With the help of case-law, the content of the protection is presented. Furthermore, the content of cultural heritage in the international and EU context is presented and explained through research in depicted international and EU legal instruments, and a navigation in designated national constitutions worldwide. This enumeration results in a comparative evaluation and the highlighting of the distinction between the concepts of cultural heritage (patrimoine culturel) and cultural environment (environnement culturel). Equally important is the presentation of the foundations of cultural rights, the explanatory description of the right to culture in the national constitutional context and an analysis of the content and legal function of this right. This dissertation was inspired, influenced and written under the tolerant guidance and supervision of Prof. Anastasia Grammatikaki-Alexiou, whose lectures I can recall word by word. An additional motivation and a reason to express my gratitude was the kind offer of the helping views, books and bibliography on the issue of, in the timely order of contact:

The value of cultural heritage: the state in Belarus and Latvia


It is widely recognised that cultural heritage is increasingly important as a strategic resource for encouraging sustainable economic growth. Traditional cultural expressions such as traditional handicrafts and other expressions of traditional cultures are valuable cultural, social and historical assets, which promote income generation and economic development, particularly in rural areas and at regional level. Moreover, encouraging local cultural expressions contributes to the growth of culture-related economic activities such as revitalising food traditions and producing handicrafts, including artisan or craft foods. Nowadays the relations and collaboration between producers and consumers, so-called co-creation increases significantly. The offer of goods and services is largely determined by consumers’ wishes, their degree of awareness and preferences. The aim of the research is to estimate the influence of nationality on attitude to the cultural heritage as well as cultural herit...