Chemical scarification of papaya seed (original) (raw)
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Escarificación química de semilla de papaya
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2018
La germinación tardía y errática de semilla de papaya es afectada por la presencia de la sarcotesta, membrana que contiene compuestos fenólicos inductores de latencia, misma que inhibe el intercambio de líquidos y gases, prolongar el período de secado y facilitar la colonización de fitopatógenos. Las técnicas utilizadas en el benef icio de semilla de papaya para eliminar la sarcotesta son limitadas, por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue obtener tecnología útil en éste aspecto, para lo cual se comparó tratamientos a base de hidróxido de sodio, ácido sulfúrico y clorhídrico, y evaluó su efecto en la calidad física,sanitariayfisiológicadelasemilla.Lainvestigaciónse realizó en el Laboratorio de Análisis de Semillas del Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Estado de México, en 2011. El NaOH al 25% y 15 min de inmersión, eliminó 98% de sarcotesta, presentó sólo 2% de incidencia de micoflora, incremento y homogeneizó la germinación. El H2SO4 eliminó al 100% la sarcotesta,...
Chemical treatment of papaya seeds aiming at long-term storage and control of damping off
Revista Ceres, 2014
RESUMO Tratamento químico de sementes de mamão, visando ao armazenamento prolongado e ao controle do tombamento O tombamento é uma doença de viveiro de grande importância econômica na cultura do mamoeiro e o tratamento de sementes pode ser uma medida eficaz para seu controle. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a qualidade de sementes de mamão, tratadas com fungicidas, em formulação pó molhável, e armazenadas sob duas condições de acondicionamento (embalagens) e de ambiente. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a eficiência do tratamento com fungicidas no controle do tombamento causado por Rhizoctonia solani. Sementes de mamoeiro (cv. Golden) foram tratadas com os fungicidas captan, tolylfluanid e mistura captan+tolylfluanid. Sementes sem tratamento constituíram a testemunha. As sementes foram armazenadas por nove meses em duas condições: (i) acondicionadas em papel aluminizado e mantidas a 7±1 ºC; (ii) acondicionadas em papel permeável tipo kraft e mantidas em ambiente não controlado. No início e a cada três meses, avaliaram-se a qualidade das sementes (testes de vigor e de germinação), a emergência, o índice de velocidade de emergência, a altura, a massa da matéria seca e o tombamento de plantas, em pré e pós-emergência (substrato com e sem inóculo micelial de R. solani). Ambas as condições de armazenamento bem como os tratamentos fungicidas preservaram a germinação e o vigor das sementes. No substrato infestado, a emergência de plântulas foi favorecida pelos fungicidas, mas, em pós-emergência, estes, sozinhos, não controlaram o tombamento causado por R. solani. Já, em substrato limpo não se observaram sintomas de tombamento. Conclui-se que os tratamentos fungicidas poderão ser utilizados no pré-tratamento de sementes de mamoeiro, para fins de armazenamento prolongado e comercialização.
Analysis of the Effect of Scarification Process on Papaya (Carica papaya Lin.) Seeds Germination
Seed Dormancy and Germination [Working Title]
The presence of the aril (sarcotesta) in the papaya causes a slow and low germination, being necessary to break the state of dormancy. Calcium hydroxide that was applied in order to evaluate its scarifying effect was the objective. The sample consisted of 60 randomly selected fruits of hermaphrodite plants in a commercial production batch of approximately 1 ha (2222 plants) showing commercial maturity, of homogeneous size (±2 kg). The treatments were calcium hydroxide Ca(OH) 2 at three doses, dipping the seed for a period of 24 h; the standardized sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 25% with a 15 min immersion time. The highest germination and vigor seeds were obtained applied Ca(OH) 2 with highly significant differences respect to the rest treatment, especially for the dose of 60 g l −1 of water for reasons of diminishing expenses. Significant correlations were found, with direct relations (aril and mechanical damage) and inverse relations (abnormal seeds) between the variables evaluated related to the vigor and germination of the seeds. It can be an ecological and not expensive methodology to improve the germination and vigor of papaya seeds in relation to other chemical compounds to scarify.
Ratio of seeds and sodium hypochlorite solution on the germination process of papaya seeds
Journal of Seed Science, 2016
Sarcotesta, a mucilaginous layer found in papaya seeds, negatively affects the germination of papaya seeds and its removal has been manually performed. The use of sodium hypochlorite can be an alternative to manual removal of sarcotesta in papaya seeds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different active chlorine concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%)
Rapid loss of seed viability of Carica papaya L. (papaya) and its high commercial price impairs the availability of high quality seed to growers. Certified papaya seed cv. Maradol was utilized to define practical methodologies to restore the seed germination performance. Seed was submitted to: 1) hydropriming: 4 d of hydropriming rose seed germination up to 84%, 250% more than the untreated seeds; however, the seedlings generated from untreated seeds accumulated more biomass than the other treatments; 2) chemopriming: seeds treated 4 d in a 10 − −− −−5 M calcium chloride solution germinated 262% more than did the untreated seeds and in addition, the seedlings generated from treated seeds accumulated more biomass than the control seedlings. When seeds were treated either in the 10 − − − − −4 M salicylic acid or in Agromil S® solution high germination was accomplished 81 and 73% higher than the untreated seed respectively. All treated seeds germinated faster than the untreated ones.
En Mexico, la papaya es un fruto importante de exportacion; sin embargo, este mercado exige calidad bio, constituyendo un reto en la produccion con el uso de tecnologias bio-ecologicas y sostenibles. Los hongos micorrizicos arbusculares (HMA) pueden contribuir significativamente en la nutricion vegetal, en especial en la obtencion de fosforo (P). El empleo de los HMA en papaya es alentador, pero falta definir aspectos sobre el manejo agronomico de productos a base de HMA. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del HMA Glomus sp. Zac-2 y la fertilizacion con P, sobre el crecimiento de papaya var. Cera, durante la etapa de vivero. Para ello, se realizo un experimento trifactorial 2 x 3 x 4 (inoculacion HMA, fuente y dosis de P) en un diseno completamente al azar. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta (AP) y diametro de tallo (DT), cada 15 dias; biomasa seca (BS) y densidad de esporas (DE), al final del experimento (90 dias). A partir de la BS de plantas con y sin ...
The present experiment was carried out at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) under two way Factorial experiments with three replications during 2011-12. Four varieties-Pusa Dwarf, Pant papaya 1, Pusa Giant and Washington were taken. The maximum seed germination (64.66%) was recorded in variety Pusa Giant and the minimum (63.22) in Washington. The maximum seed germination (92.50%) was recorded in control while the minimum (20.75%) was with 5000ppm of EMS treatment. The maximum and minimum plant heights were noted 28.69cm and 18.78cm in variety Pusa Giant and Pusa Dwarf, respectively at three month stage. The maximum plant height (26.57cm) was recorded under control which was followed by 2000ppm, 1000ppm and 3000ppm of EMS solution. The maximum as well as minimum stem girths (0.313cm and 0.246cm) were recorded in variety Pusa Giant and Pusa Dwarf, respectively. The maximum stem girth (0.336cm) was recorded under 2000ppm of EMS treatment. Maximum as well as minimum leaves (25.500 and 17.167) were noted in variety Pusa Giant and Pusa Dwarf, respectively. The maximum leaves (25.917) were recorded under 2000ppm of EMS solution.The maximum and minimum petiole lengths (22.667cm and 18.572cm) were noted under Pusa Giant and Pusa Dwarf varieties, respectively.The maximum as well as minimum petiole lengths were recorded under 2000ppm and 5000ppm of EMS treatment. As is evident that EMS @2000ppm was most effective for development of vigour rather than other concentrations where as 5000ppm of EMS drastically reduced the vigour of the plant. Thus, on Yogesh Prasad Rajbhar et al 316 observation of the data it was found that for development of ultra dwarf strains of papaya, higher concentrations of EMS will be effective for successful improvement of papaya cultivars. 3. Experimental Results COTROL (T0) T1(1000ppm) T2 (2000ppm) T3 (3000ppm) T4 (4000ppm) T5 (5000ppm) Plate 1: Effect of different concentrations of Ethyl methane sulphonate on Papaya Variety Pusa Dwarf at three month stage Studies on Effect of EMS (Ethyl Methanesulphonate) on Papaya 317 COTROL (T0) T1(1000ppm) T2 (2000ppm) T3 (3000ppm) T4 (4000ppm) T5 (5000ppm) Plate 2: Effect of different concentrations of Ethyl methanesulphonate on Papaya Variety Pant Papaya 1 at three month stage COTROL (T0) T1(1000ppm) T2 (2000ppm) T3 (3000ppm) T4 (4000ppm) T5 (5000ppm) Plate 3: Effect of different concentrations of Ethyl methane sulphonate on Papaya Variety Washington at three month stage. COTROL (T0) T1(1000ppm) T2 (2000ppm) T3 (3000ppm) T4 (4000ppm) T5 (5000ppm) Plate 4: Effect of different concentrations of Ethyl methane sulphonate on Papaya Variety Pusa Giant at three month stage.
Effects of chemical treatments on fresh-cut papaya
Food Chemistry, 2016
Four treatments (control, 0.1% cinnamaldehyde, 0.75% calcium chloride and combination of 0.1% cinnamaldehyde and 0.75% calcium chloride) were used to evaluate chemical effects on shelf life, quality and sensory acceptability of fresh-cut papaya (Carica papaya L.). Papaya slices were packed and covered with polypropylene film, stored at 5°C; and evaluated after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days for microbiological and physicochemical changes. A sensory evaluation was performed at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 days. There was no occurrence of Salmonella, Escherichia coli or psychotropic bacteria. The cinnamaldehyde alone and a combination of cinnamaldehyde and calcium chloride treatments yielded better control of the total coliforms. The combination treatment decreased the CO 2 concentration and increased the maintenance of papaya firmness. All the treatments had acceptability. The combination treatment was the most effective treatment for flavor, taste, and preservation until day 12.
Postharvest Seed Treatments to Improve the Papaya Seed Germination and Seedlings Development
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 2013
Practical technologies are required to preserve the viability of seeds particularly those known to be short-term viable species like Carica papaya (papaya). Papaya seeds were imbibed in water or chemical solutions (CaCl 2 10 -5 M, salicylic acid 10 -4 M, and gibberellic acid 10 -5 M) combined with inoculation of bacterial cell suspension to determine their effects on seed germination, plant growth, biomass production and chlorophyll accumulation. Seeds imbibed in water germinated 40 % more than control seeds and the time required to reaching 50 % seed germination was reduced two days in comparison to untreated seeds; however, the untreated seeds generated the largest (9.2 cm) and most vigorous seedlings. When seeds were imbibed in CaSG solution, a significant increase of the growth parameters such as fresh and dry biomass weight was observed. Seeds that were primed in gibberellic acid solution followed by inoculation with a mixture of Azospirillum brasilense cell suspension exhibited high seed germination (69 %), plant emergence (47 %) and seedling height (19 %), higher than the control. Differences in chlorophyll accumulation by seedlings were minimal.