The Influence of Chair Drop Training on The Student's Volleyball Smash Ability (original) (raw)

A Model of Volleyball Smash Skills Exercise Model for High School Beginners Athletes

E-Jurnal Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation, 2019

The purpose of this study is to apply and develop a form of smash training for volleyball, obtain empirical data about the effectiveness and efficiency of the results of the development of volleyball smash exercises , Improve the results of volleyball smash accuracy training results Provide variations in the form of training so athletes do not get bored. Research on the development of volleyball attack exercises uses a qualitative approach and uses the Research & Development (R&D) research method which consists of ten steps, among others. The subjects of this study were beginner volleyball athletes of high school age in the city of Jayapura. Before the data were analyzed, a normality test was carried out on the results of the pretest and posttest smash volleyball using the Lilliefors test at a significant level a = 0.05. The volleyball smash results between pretest and posttest obtained tOpretest = 0.7982 and tOposttest = 0.843951699 is greater than tt = 0.114, then the null hypothe...

The Effect of Smash Training Using Hanging Balls on the Accuracy of Open Smash

Horizon Research Publishing(HRPUB), 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of smash practice using a hanging ball on the accuracy of open volleyball smash games. This research method is to use an experimental research design. The research sample consisted of 60 male volleyball players. The sample was divided into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group with the matching ordinary pairing technique. The research instrument was the APHEER test smash skills. The data analysis technique used the t-test to see the effectiveness of increasing the training given to the sample, processing data analysis with the SPSS version 23 software program. The results showed that the average accuracy of the smash of male volleyball players who participated in extracurricular activities was the pretest group results, control of 6.83 and posttest control group of 5.65 which means there is no significant increase. Then for the results of the research group that was given exercise, the pretest score of 6.77 and posttest the experimental group was 10.63. Based on the research data, there was a significant increase in the smash results in the experimental group. The conclusion of this research is that there is an effect of smash practice using a hanging ball on the accuracy of open volleyball smashes. The results of this study provide a contribution for coaches and volleyball players to improve smash skills, especially increasing the accuracy of open smashes.

Analysis of Open Smash Techniques in Volleyball Coaching College Students


This study aims to determine how the open smash technique in volleyball students. This study aims to obtain information about the series of motion of the open smash technique and to analyze the open smash technique. This type of research is a descriptive quantitative survey method. The sample in this study consisted of 7 volleyball coaching students who had the following criteria: (1) Tanjungpura University PKO men's volleyball core team, (2) had participated in competitions according to PBVSI rules. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average volleyball coaching student took the prefix stage where the distance from the net was 3.47 m, with a 3-step approach, swing angle 87 ° , repulsion angle 149 ° , elbow angle 80 ° , back angle 162 ° , jump height 53 cm, the distance between ball and hand about 35 cm, and landing using 2 feet.

Differences in Drills and Stroke Exercises on the Accuracy of Badminton Smash in Class V Students of Ganungkidul 1 Public Elementary School, Nganjuk Regency\_Vol.10\_Issue.2\_Feb2023/IJRR-Abstract65.html, 2023

The accuracy of the smash is a blow that requires the strength of the whole hand and ends with the flexibility of the wrist to get the direction or rate of the shuttlecock down hard, sharp and dipping. There are several variations in practicing smash shots such as through the drilling method and the stroke method so that the accuracy of the stroke will be obtained. The drill method in this study is the exercise is carried out repeatedly by completing the material provided so that the trainees carry out the first material which is carried out repeatedly then the trainees move on to complete the next material. While the stroke training method is a series of strokes carried out sequentially and continuously. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is experimental research, the research design uses a randomized control group pretest-posttest, a sample of 16 people, while badminton smash data is collected using a badminton accuracy test instrument. The data analysis technique used is the free sample t-test or independent sample t-test The results showed that the sig value was 0.001 <0.05 which indicated that there were differences in the drilling training method and the stroke training method for the accuracy of the badminton smash for fifth grade students at Ganungkidul 1 Public Elementary School, Nganjuk Regency. 54 compared to the stroke exercise group with a mean score of 6.5. Where seen from the difference with the average value of 9.04

The Effect of Training Based on Part And Whole Combinations on Smash Techniques Improvement in Volleyball Sports for 11-12 Year Old Athletes

Теорія та методика фізичного виховання, 2022

Objective. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the part and whole combination-based smash training model on smash techniques in volleyball athletes aged 11-12 years. Materials and method. This study used an experimental field testing method, with a pretest-posttest control group design approach. The participants were 52 male volleyball athletes aged 11-12 years and had an average weight and height of ±36.02 kg and ±144.63cm. The instrument used to measure the smash technique was a volleyball skill test. Results. The results of the descriptive analysis showed differences in the mean and standard deviation of the conventional group and the experimental group. The average value of the conventional group is 75.562 with a standard deviation of 8.7956, while the average value of the experimental group is 87.492 with a standard deviation of 1.9343. Hypothesis testing conducted using Mann-Whitney analysis found that the value of Asymp sig (2-tailed) was 0.000 <0.05, which indicates that the hypothesis is accepted. Conclusions. Knowing the descriptive results and hypothesis testing, it is concluded that the experimental group experienced a significant improvement and was better than the conventional group. Based on the category of posttest average result assessment, the experimental group was included in the very good category. In other words, the experimental group was very competent. On this basis, this research can be used as a reference in training smash techniques for volleyball athletes at the beginner age.

A Study on the Needs for Guidelines on Part-And-Whole-Based Training for Volleyball Smash Basic Technique


This study aims to identify coaches’ needs for guidelines on training volleyball spike basic techniques, combining both part and whole training methods. Data in this descriptive study were collected using questionnaires filled out by 39 volleyball coaches in Special Region of. Data were then analyzed using quantitative descriptive method reported in percentage. Results indicated that coaches (100%) agreed that a combination of part and whole trainings was effective and capable of maximizing the quality of volleyball spike basic techniques. 40% of the respondents claimed highly necessary while to the other 60%, guidebooks to volleyball spike basic technique combining part and whole training methods were necessary. In regard to availability of instrument for assessing performance on volleyball spike technique, 63% of the coaches claimed that practical instrument for assessing spike technique performance of beginner volleyball athletes remained absent in sensor systems because the sens...

Review Of Basic Techniques In Club Volleyball, Pekanbaru City Transportation Office

International Journal of Humanities Education and Social Sciences, 2024

The purpose of this research is to see the basic technical skills of volleyball Pekanbaru City Transportation Department club. Based on the results of observations made at the Pekanbaru City Transportation Service club, several problems were found, including passing due to the ball being hit on the finger incorrectly, errors occurring in serving, not following the rules that have been explained so that the ball being served does not reach the opponent's court. or less than optimal, when smashing, the strength of the arm muscles and handling of the ball when smashing is less accurate, and the player's discipline must be improved in carrying out training more seriously and following all the rules. The tests used in this research used the under serve, under pass and smash tests in volleyball. The sample in this study was 12 people. From the results of tests carried out on volleyball athletes from the Pekanbaru City Transportation Service club, results were obtained in the " Good " category .

The Effect of Active and Passive Recovery of Weight Training on the Volleyball Smash Performance

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021

This study aims to examine the effect of the type of weight training with active and passive recovery treatment on the composition of the improvement of volleyball smash technique. This research is a quasi-experiment, with data analysis using SEM-PLS in the weight training model treatment group with active and passive recovery intervals. The subjects of this research were 120 semester IV students of the 2018/2019 Academic Year in the Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNISMA Bekasi. The measurement results show that the active and passive recovery weight training treatment has a significant effect on the volleyball smash technique skills. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that active recovery weight training improves volleyball smash technique skills (β=0.521, T count = 5.602 ≥ T table = 2.001, P-Values =0.000 ≤ 0.05). These findings could assist in adjusting strength training for volleyball player performance enhancement in an effort to improve certain technical abilities, and enable coaches to positively detect people who stand out in volleyball smash speed and accuracy.

The Effect of Push-Up Exercises on the Precision of Men's Permata Club Volleyball Smash

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021

The problem to be answered in this study is whether there is an effect of push-up training on smash accuracy in volleyball games at Club Permata. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of push-up training on smash accuracy in volleyball at Club Permata. The research used in this research is pre-test and post-test which are experimental. Researchers collected data from 12 male players of Club Permata as the research sample. Data in this study are collected using test techniques. The type of test is a smash accuracy test. Based on the analysis with inferential statistical techniques, smash accuracy test obtained a calculation that is t_count of 16.55 with t table with a significant level of 5% d.b: (N-1) (12-1) = 11 of 2.201. So t_count is greater than table or t_count =: 16.55> t_table = 2.201. The conclusion of this study is that push-up training can improve smash skills at Club Permata volleyball players. The contribution of this study is a new push-up training model that is appropriate for improving the accuracy of Club Permata's men's volleyball smash and can be implicated for other coaches in an effort to improve men's volleyball smash skills.