Certificate (original) (raw)
l o N y Parents and8rothers Wiose support a n d h e lias made it possi611. And to My Teacher, Pro$ G. Ven&ateswerCu Who prdedinvaCu.a6G? source of strength andinspiration DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE OSMANIA UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD-500 007, INDIA DECLARATION I here6y declhre that this Ph.D thesis entitiid 3hrsi on &u&s thuringieth ~W R F i n w f d i n the p m d i i ofime&f ~' m f r o m pikmjm: represents the originat research wo* carried out by me in the Department of Biochemistly, Osmania University, Xyderabad under the supervision ofw G. V e n &~& and that I have not submitted this tfiesisforany other degree ofthis orany other University or Institute.