Design of Beam Optics for the FCC-ee Collider Ring (original) (raw)
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The electron collider ring of the Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider (JLEIC) is designed to provide an electron beam with a small beam size at the IP for collisions with an ion beam in order to reach a desired high luminosity. For a chosen beta-star at the IP, electron beam size is determined by the equilibrium emittance that can be obtained through a linear optics design. This paper briefly describes the baseline design of the electron collider ring reusing PEP-II components and considering their parameters (such as dipole sagitta, magnet field strengths and acceptable synchrotron radiation power) and reports a few approaches to reducing the equilibrium emittance in the electron collider ring.
Linac and Damping Ring Designs for the FCC-ee
We report the design of the pre-injector chain for the Future Circular e e Collider (FCC-ee) system. The electron beam from a low-emittance RF gun is accelerated by an S-band linac up to 6 GeV. A damping ring at 1.54 GeV is required for emittance cooling of the positron beam. The intermediate energy step from the exit of the S-band linac at 6 GeV to the 20 GeV injection energy of the top-up booster can be provided by the modified Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), serving as a pre-booster ring (PBR). An alternative option to reach 20 GeV energy would be to extend the S-band linac with a Cor X-band linac. An overall cost optimisation will determine the choice of the final configuration. Beam loss and emittance dilution in the linac due to space charge effects, wakefields, and misalignment of accelerator components can be mitigated by RF phasing and orbit steering. Start-to-end simulations examine the beam transport through the linac up to either 6 GeV or 20 GeV. The results indicate lar...
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The Future Circular Collider study program comprises several machine concepts for the future of high-energy particle physics. Among them there is a twin-ring e⁻e⁺ collider capable to run at beam energies between 45.6 and 182.5 GeV, i.e. the energies corresponding to the resonances of the Z, W, H bosons and the top quark. The conceptual design of the two 100-km rings has advanced to what is believed to be a working solution, i.e. capability to deal with low-energy (45.6 GeV) high-current (1390 mA) version as well as the high-energy (182.5 GeV) low-current (5.4 mA) one, with intermediate energy and current steps for the other 2 resonances. The limit for all of the versions is given by the 50 MW/beam allotted to the synchrotron radiation (SR) losses. The paper will outline the main beam/machine parameters, the vacuum requirements, and the choices made concerning the vacuum chamber geometry, material, surface treatments, pumping system, and the related pressure profiles. The location of...
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2019
One of the main challenges of the lattice design of synchrotrons, used as light sources or damping rings (DRs), is the minimization of the emittance. The optimal lattice configurations for achieving the absolute minimum emittance are the theoretical minimum emittance (TME) cells. This paper elaborates the optimization strategy in order to further reduce the betatron emittance of a TME cell by using dipoles whose magnetic field varies longitudinally. Based on analytical results, the magnet design for the fabrication of variable bends with the optimal characteristics is discussed. In order to have a global understanding of all cell properties, an analytical approach for the theoretical minimum emittance (TME) cells with variable bends is elaborated. This approach is employed for the design optimization of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) DRs. The margin gained in the emittance including IBS based on this new design strategy enables the removal of a number of TME cells from the existing arcs while still keeping the requirements of the collider. The reduction of the circumference is further enhanced by the use of optimized high-field wigglers. The optimization strategy followed for the CLIC DRs is explained in detail and the output parameters of the new design are presented.
Beam-beam compensation in a collider based on energy recovery LINAC and storage ring
SYNCHROTRON AND FREE ELECTRON LASER RADIATION: Generation and Application (SFR-2020), 2020
One of the aims of new circular collider projects is further increase in their luminosity. A high electromagnetic field of space charge at the meeting points limits the achievable current densities and consequently the luminosity. Nonlinear focusing compensation in a storage ring done by the opposite-charge beam circulating in another storage ring was proposed and tested many years ago. Ya. S. Derbenev has shown that such a scheme suffers from tune shifts of coherent betatron oscillations, which move betatron frequencies toward the nearest integer or half-integer resonance. In this paper, the collider based on electron energy recovery linac (ERL) and "figure-8" positron storage ring with beams of equal currents is considered. Positrons are circulating in a two-loop storage ring (positron-positron collider), and electronelectron collider uses ERL, as in original Tigner's proposal. Thus, a collision of four bunches and space-charge compensation in a multi-bunch mode can be ensured. The mathematical and numerical analysis of this configuration is presented.
Physical review accelerators and beams, 2020
The U.S. electron ion collider will utilize high current electron and ion storage rings with many bunches and large rf systems. Because of the dissimilarity of the two rings, the rf transients created by gaps or variations in the current distributions will be very different in the two rings. These transients cause a shift in the synchronous phase of the beams as a function of rf bucket position, can impact the luminosity through shifts in longitudinal position of the IP, will affect the performance of the rf and LLRF control loops, and may require significant rf power overhead to control. A machine design that uses superconducting crab cavities will also have sensitivity to gap transients and synchronous phase variations along the bunch train with variations in crab cavity voltage seen by each bunch, since the high Q of the crab cavities precludes modulating them to compensate for the time of arrival shifts caused by the gap transients in the main rf systems. All these effects make the problem of managing gap transients crucial to the operation of the EIC. This work presents methods to study the dynamics of the rf and LLRF systems for these heavily beam loaded facilities. An illustrative machine design example is presented and used to investigate the expected magnitudes of the rf gap transients, and exploration of various possible remedies to match the gap transients in the two dissimilar EIC rings. In addition to the study of the power required and gap transients, this work also estimates longitudinal coupled-bunch instabilities due to the baseline cavity fundamental impedance. The work is motivated to emphasize the importance of tools and methods to estimate these effects as part of the early design phase of the Electron-Ion Collider or any high current storage ring design.
Design studies of high-luminoisty ring-ring electron-ion collider at CEBAF
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007
Experimental studies of fundamental structure of nucleons require an electron-ion collider of a center-ofmass energy up to 90 GeV at luminosity up to 10 35 cm -2 s -1 with both beams polarized. A CEBAF-based collider of 9 GeV electrons/positrons and 225 GeV ions is envisioned to meet this science need and as a next step for CEBAF after the planned 12 GeV energy upgrade of the fixed target program. A ring-ring scheme of this collider developed recently takes advantage of the existing polarized electron CW beam from the CEBAF and a green-field design of an ion complex with electron cooling. We present a conceptual design and report design studies of this high-luminosity collider.
A conceptual novel optics was developed for a future upgrade of the LHC interaction regions (IR). Applying the collision scheme with a large Piwinski angle and crab waist, originating from e+e- colliders, to an existing pp collider requires fairly unequal IP beta functions, while the transverse proton emittances are naturally equal. The extremely small vertical IP beta function calls for a novel final magnetic focusing element, a so-called double half quadrupole. At least a partial local chromatic correction is mandatory. Similar, simpler optics designs were explored for the LHeC electron beam. Possible benefits were also studied for higher-energy proton collisions at the HE-LHC, for which the proposed scheme appears quite attractive. Pertinent beam experiments were performed, analysed and prepared at DAFNE and LHC.