EDUCATION CHARACTER CURRICULUM AT UNIVERSITIES (Study Case of the University of Medan Area) (original) (raw)

The Implementation of Character Education in the Civics Education Syllabus at SMA Negeri 1 Sleman

JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi), 2020

Students ' behaviour lately is becoming more concerned with being far from virtue values, needing to improve students ' character to be better. This research aims to know: 1) The values of the character in the syllabus, 2) Implementation of character education in the PKn-bus, and 3) supporting factors and inhibiting the implementation of character education in PKn syllabus in SMA Negeri 1 Sleman. This research uses qualitative methods. Data retrieval is done with observation and interviews. PKn teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Sleman implements character education in PKn syllabus in the sidelines of the subject matter, provide for example, and habituation. The implementation of character education in syllabus is quite effective in forming students ' character, indicated by good student behavior during school. The contributing factor to the implementation of character education in syllabus is the teacher's cooperation in character education, support of the headmaster by providing literature, direction and coaching, as well as the instruction of 18 character values that must be applied. The factor is that when there is solid material, the teacher sometimes forgot and did not get to instill the character values related to the material. Teachers need to plan learning better, so that the subject matter can be completed and character planting is also possible.

Character Education: Creators of the Nation

Religio Education, 2022

Until now, there are still many deviant behaviors carried out by students, such as brawls, bullying, drug cases, and other immoral behavior. This behavior when viewed from an Islamic point of view is certainly very contradictory because this behavior is very likely to cause a decrease in quality Human Resources (HR). The existence of national education goals stated in the Law on the National Education System Number 20 of 2003 is one of the efforts that can be made to minimize these deviant behaviors which in turn can also create quality Human Resources (HR). It can be said that the purpose of national education is closely related to character education. The purpose of this study is to determine character education, especially religious values that can create a nation's successor that has a positive impact on the country. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method through literature study or literature review by collecting several reading journals, after that they are reviewed, and analyzed according to research needs. The data collection technique was carried out by collecting data from various systematic search studies. The results obtained from the research are that quality Human Resources (HR) are created not only because of one's intellectuality, but must also pay attention to the spiritual and religious aspects. Therefore, character education related to religious aspects is very important to be realized both in the school environment and in the family environment. The form of its application can be started by habituation to simple things, such as being a good role model for students or children and doing activities related to religious values continuously or continuously.

Implementation and Effectiveness of Use The Character Education Instruments at Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to determine the implementation and effectiveness of character education assessment instruments at Universitas Negeri Medan. The level of implementation achievement using interview and observation related to implementers' resources, implementers' attitude, communication between implementing organizations, Interviews and observations were conducted on 233 lecturers at the Unimed as respondents that using character education assessment instruments. The results of interviews and observations showed that respondents' understanding of character assessment instruments constraints and external support in the very good category (92.3%), respondents' knowledge of the use of character education assessment instruments in the very good category (94.7%). The response of the implementers showed accepting 96.5% while the rest showed a neutral response, and no one rejected the implementation of this character assessment instrument. Communication between related organizations (faculty commission and lecturer) in the excellent category (87%). The intensity of the use of character education instruments by respondents was in the very frequent category (91.6%). The implementation of this character assessment instrument does not face significant obstacles and has positive support from parties related to the implementation of this character education instrument. The effectiveness test conducted by giving questionnaires to the respondent shows that the character assessment instrument is easy to understand (94.5%), easy to use (96.2%), efficient (95.2%), on target (92.5%) as well as being following the objectives of the assessment (95.3%). Thus, it can be concluded that this character education assessment instrument can be widely used in the learning process at Unimed.

The Development of Assessment Instrument for the Character Education at the State University of Medan


The aim or this study was to develop a set of instruments to asses.~ the character education in the learning process at the State University of Medan. The study adopted the research and development method by following the principles of instrument development synthesized from instrument development experts. The developed instruments include assessment of the six pillars of character, namely trustworthiness, fairness, caring, respect, citizenship, and responsibility. To assess the instruments developed, qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out. Qualitative analysis is carried out with the assessment of experts and practitioners which shows that the instruments developed have good content validity in the range of 0.67 to 0.97. Factor analysis was used to test construct validity with results in the range or values 0.528-0.918 which were categorized as good. While the reliability test results show a value of 0.699-0.910 which is categorized as good.Thus it can be concluded b...

Management of Character Education (Analysis on Students at Unima Sociology Education Study Program)


The Indonesian nation is a large nation, with a population of around 240 million people, occupies the fourth position in the world, but has very complex and serious problems, such as the fragility of commitment to the basic values of life that are becoming guidelines, which we know as views nation's life. According to the national policy master book, the building of the character of the Indonesian nation in 2010-2025, there are 6 factors of national problems that lie behind the waning of character education, namely: (1) disorientation and not living up to Pancasila values; (2) the limitations of the integrated policy of integrated policy in realizing the values of Pancasila; (3) shifting ethical values in national life; (4) waning awareness of cultural values; (5) the threat of national disintegration; (6) the weakening of national independence. The young generation which is currently referred to as the next generation of the nation including students who are agents of change ha...

Character Education Strategies Through the Islamic Personal Development Program at It Annida Lubuklinggau Junior High School

Al-Banjari : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman

The purpose of the study is to determine the strategy of character education through the Islamic personal development (BPI) program in shaping the personality of students. The research approach is skin research. The effectiveness of the research used is phenomenology which examines how the implementation of the Islamic personal development program. The concept of purposeful sampling is used in qualitative research where the researcher selects individuals and research locations for a study because these choices can provide information to answer the researcher's problems. The samples and participants of the study were principals, vice principals, BPI chief coordinators, and BPI teachers. Data collection with interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that SMP IT Annida Lubuklinggau has carried out a character formation strategy for students by making habituation and exemplary program, this is a good character building so that students are more religious and al...

Analysis of the Implementation of Character Education at Junior High School in Sumbawa Besar Regency

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020), 2021

Education is the most important aspect in a person's life. Through education, a person can be seen as respectable, have a good career and can behave according to the norms. Besides that, education also has a very important role. With high education, a person can have a good job, live a good life and improve his social status. Higher education will able to change a person's behavior and character to be better. This study aims to determine the implementation of character education at Sumbawa Besar Regency. The approach used in this research was qualitative research, since it was focusing on the understanding of social phenomena from the perspective of the participants. Data collection techniques used in the study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusion or verification. In order to obtain the validity of the data so that will obtain the valid findings, it is necessary to examine its reliability by using technical triangulation and source triangulation. The results of this study are that planning for character education in Sumbawa has been arranged by the principal and then the teacher is instructed to make a syllabus and lesson plans to insert those values in the learning process. The implementation of character education in teacher learning activities inserts some character values in the learning process. Furthermore, the most common characters that implemented in learning processes are religious, honesty, discipline, responsibility, and hard work.

Character Education on Students in Social Science Faculty at Manado State University

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities (ICESSHum 2019), 2019

In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, character education was one of the serious challenges to be implemented. Character education would help the students to develop into more complete human beings. But in reality, education in Indonesia, especially in higher education, prioritized graduating students who were good at academic matters and rather secondary in personality education. This study focused on the challenges of Character Education for the Students of Faculty of Social Science at Manado State University. This research objectives were (1) to find out the challenges faced by students in character education, (2) to find its solutions. This study used a qualitative approach. Data collection was conducted through observations, literature studies, interviews and documentation. The conclusions of this study were as follows: (1) Discipline attitudes are not optimal, (2) Understanding of character values that have not been optimal (3) Student morality that needs to be addressed. Expected solutions were (1) Changes in the paradigm of the objectives of the lecture (2) The involvement of students in the activities of distribution of talents, seminars and training in character education. It will be a pride of education in Indonesia if its students were able to apply the values of the character.


; Character education is an effort to help the development of the soul of children/learners both inward and inward to a better human. Therefore character education is a continuous and never ending process, in order to produce a future human figure rooted in the cultural values of the Indonesian nation. Thus character education has a higher meaning than moral education, because character education is not only about right-wrong problems, but how to instill habits of good things in life, so that children / learners will have awareness, and high understanding, as well as concern and commitment to apply the virtues in everyday life. Character education in today's context is very relevant to children / learners to overcome the moral crisis that is happening in our country. Whether or not this real moral crisis exists that involves our generation is our children as future leaders. The crisis is among others promiscuity, crime against friends, teenage theft, cheating habits, drug abuse and drugs, pornography, and so forth. This should be addressed early on by characterizing character education through an integrated curriculum to children / learners. This is done by researchers as a continuation of research activities in 2015 with the object of basic education research in Muhammadiyah Elementary School 29 of Sunggal. The year 2016 was continued again in Muhammadiyah Junior High School 47 of Sunggal as part of basic education. Because the so-called elementary education is elementary (primary school) and junior (junior high school) equal. This research was conducted to see the development of character education model conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah 47 Sunggal through integrated curriculum. Because so far there is a stigma that the character education education is only the responsibility of teachers REM and PCE in school, so that dichotomous character education (only inculcated by both teachers while other teachers do not do). It turns out through an integrated curriculum that character education is willing or not to be inculcated by all teachers and school residents. So the model of character education today is through 2 approaches, character education is positioned as the subject itself and character education is positioned as the mission of every subject (integrated into each subject). This research is conducted as an effort to assist the government in anticipating and overcoming the moral crisis that occurs in order to prepare a generation that character in the future

Implementation of character education at seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen Tomohon, Indonesia

International journal of applied research, 2020

The purpose of this research was to obtain a detailed and clear description of character education at seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The research described about: (1) The planning of character education (2) The implementation of character education, (3) The evaluation of character education. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach that takes place in a natural setting, as is without any particular treatment. Data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation presented in the form of words and images. The reason for using this approach is to deepen understanding and scholarship about character education at Seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The results of this research are that: Character education planning is very important so that it is routinely programmed and implemented periodically to be able to find the types of activities and programs that are in line with the objectives of character education. The implemen...