Dimethylsulfoxid-Komplexe von Beryllium(II)-chlorid. Kristallstrukturen von [Be(OSMe2)4]Cl2, [Be(OSMe2)3(H2O)]Cl2 und [Be(OSMe2)2(H2O)2]Cl2 (original) (raw)
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Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 1985
Reaction of Me2SbBr or Et2SbBr with AgN3 in ether affords Me2SbN3 and Et:SbN3. respectively. Me2SbN3 can also be obtained from Me2SbNMe2 and HN3 in ether. Me2BiN3 from Me2BiN(SiMe3)3 and HN3 in ether. Me2SbN3 and Et2SbN3 dissolve as monomers in benzene; 1H, 13C, iaN and 15N NMR spectra of the solutions are reported. IR and Raman spectra of solid Me2SbN3 and Et2SbN, as well as the mass spectrum of Me2SbN3 are assigned. The crystal structures of Me2SbN3 and Me2BiN3 were determined by X-ray diffraction data collected at -67 °C (888 and 439 reflexions, R = 0.024 and 0.076. respectively). Both compounds are isotypic, space group Pnma. Z = 4. Crystal data: Me2SbN3, a = 843.6. b = 919.3, c = 744.1 pm: Me2BiN3, a - 870.8. b = 911.3, c = 738.4 pm. In the crystals, the metal atoms are linked via the aN atoms of the azido groups to form endless zig-zag chains. Whereas the Bi -N distances are equal. Sb-N bonds alternate with two different lengths (232 and 243 pm). Including the lone pair of ele...
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 2000
Tris[3-hydroxy-2(1 H)-pyridinonato] complexes of Al 3+ , Cr 3+ and Fe 3+ are obtained by reactions of 3-hydroxy-2(1 H)pyridinone with the hydrates of AlCl 3 , CrCl 3 or Fe(NO 3) in aqueous alkaline solutions as polycrystalline precipitates. The compounds are isotypic. X-ray structure determinations were performed on single crystals of the uncoordinated 3-hydroxy-2(1 H)-pyridinone (1) (orthorhombic, space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 , a = 405.4(1), b = 683.0(1), c = 1770.3(3) pm, Z = 4) and of the chromium compound 3 (rhombohedral with hexagonal setting, space group R3c, a = 978.1(1), c = 2954.0(1) pm, Z = 6).
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 1999
È t zu Berlin und b Bundesanstalt fu È r Materialforschung und-pru È fung Bei der Redaktion eingegangen am 10. Juli 1998. Inhaltsu È bersicht. Aus wa È sserig-salzsauren Lo È sungen a È quimolarer Mengen von 1,4-Dimethylpiperazin und FeCl 2´4 H 2 O kristallisiert infolge Oxidation durch Luftsauerstoff die gemischtvalente Titelverbindung in der trigonalen Raumgruppe R3 mit a = 13,197(1), c = 38,405(6) A Ê. Auûer den Kationen in Sesselform entha È lt die Struktur sechs diskrete, einkernige Chloroferrat-Anionen in den Oxidationsstufen +2 und +3, wobei neben tetraedrischer und oktaedrischer Koor-dination erstmalig trigonal-bipyramidale Koordination fu È r Fe(II) auftritt. Im 57 Fe Mo È ssbauer-Spektrum lassen sich vier Subspektren in Form von Lorentz-Linien separieren, die allen vier Koordinationstypen zugeordnet werden ko È nnen. Mittels Raman-spektroskopischer Untersuchung orientierter Einkristalle konnten polarisierte und nichtpolariserte Schwingungen unterschieden sowie die beobachteten Schwingungsfrequenzen zugeordnet werden. Halogeno Metallates of Transition Elements with Cations of Nitrogen-containing Heterocyclic Bases. VII Two Oxidation States and Four Different Iron Coordinations in one Compound. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Spectroscopic Characterization of 1,4-Dimethylpiperazinium Chloroferrate(II, III), (dmpipzH 2) 6 [Fe II Cl 4 ] 2 [Fe III Cl 4 ] 2 [Fe II Cl 5 ] [Fe III Cl 6 ] Abstract. The title compound being stable on air crystallizes from aqueous hydrochloric acid solutions in the trigonal space group R3 with a = 13,197(1), c = 38,405(6) A Ê. Besides the cations in chair form, the structure contains six discrete, mononuclear chloroferrate anions arranged on a threefold axis. Tetrahedral, octahedral, and, for the first time with iron(II), trigonal bipyramidal metal coordinations occur. Four sub-spectra contributing to the 57 Fe Mo È ssbauer spectrum can be distinguished and have been attributed to all four types of chloroferrate anions in the structure. The Raman spectroscopic investigation of orientated single crystals allows to recognize polarized and non-polarized vibrations as well as to attribute all observed frequencies.
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 1998
Inhaltsu È bersicht: LiNPPh 3 reagiert mit den Cyclooctatetraenid-Komplexen [Ln(C 8 H 8)Cl(THF) 2 ] 2 von Cer und Samarium in THF-Lo È sung unter Bildung der Phosphaniminato-Komplexe [Ln(C 8 H 8)Li 3 Cl 2 (NPPh 3) 2 (THF) 3 ], in denen nach Kristallstrukturanalysen Heterocuban-Strukturen unter Beteiligung des Lanthanoid-Metallatoms, der drei Li-Atome sowie der beiden Cl-und der beiden N-Atome der NPPh 3 ±-Gruppen vorliegen. Die Kristallstruktur von LiNPPh 3 zeigt hexamere Moleku È le mit einem Li 6 N 6-Polyeder, das peripher durch die Phenylgruppen abgeschirmt ist. Die Struktur des als Nebenprodukt isolierten [Li(THF) 4 ][Sm(C 8 H 8) 2 ] entha Èlt das Samarium-Atom in sandwichartiger Koordination durch die beiden g 8-C 8 H 8 2±-Ringe, wie es auch von den entsprechenden Anionen mit Cer und Neodym bekannt ist. Reactions of LiNPPh 3 with the Cyclooctatetraenide Complexes [Ln(C 8 H 8)Cl(THF) 2 ] 2 of Cerium and Samarium. Crystal Structures of [LiNPPh 3 ] 6 , [Ln(C 8 H 8)Li 3 Cl 2 (NPPh 3) 2 (THF) 3 ] (Ln = Ce, Sm) and [Li(THF) 4 ][Sm(C 8 H 8) 2 ] Abstract. LiNPPh 3 reacts with the cyclooctatetraenide complexes [Ln(C 8 H 8)Cl(THF) 2 ] 2 of cerium and samarium in tetrahydrofuran solution forming the phosphorane iminato complexes [Ln(C 8 H 8)Li 3 Cl 2 (NPPh 3) 2 (THF) 3 ]. According to crystal structure analyses these complexes show heterocubane structures under participation of the lanthanoid metal atom, of the three Li atoms as well as of the two Cl und the two N atoms of the NPPh 3 ± groups. The crystal structure of LiNPPh 3 shows hexameric molecules with a Li 6 N 6 polyhe-dron which is peripherally shielded by the phenyl groups. The structure of [Li(THF) 4 ][Sm(C 8 H 8) 2 ], which has been isolated as a by-product, contains the samarium atom in a sandwichlike coordination by the two g 8-C 8 H 8 2± rings as it is also known from the corresponding anions with cerium and neodymium.