The cadets' understanding of the ballast water management convention (original) (raw)

The Compliance of Ship's Crew Toward International Convention Implementation for Controlling of Ballast Water and Sediment from Ships In Offshore Port of Taboneo


This study aims to analyze the level of compliance of the ship’s crew toward The BWM Convention. (Ballast Water Management Convetion). This research is kind of qualitative using a research design that relates the independent variables and the dependent variable at the same time. The study was conducted in the Offshore Port of Taboneo with a total sample of 54 respondents. The research data is primary data from interview by using questioner and secondary data obtained from interview and literature study. The results showed that the Compliance of the crew on the ship that has been equipped with Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) is 66.67 % of respondents fall into the category approach to obedient and 33.33 % of respondents approach to non-obedient category. So also the compliance of crew on board ship that has not been equipped with BWTS there are as many as 60.61 % of respondents fall into the category approach to obedient and 39.39 % of respondents approach to non-obedient categ...

Operation ballast water of commercial vessels in Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang

MATEC Web of Conferences

The commercial vessel uses sea water to stabilty a vessel when the vessel is not loading a cargo. The water stabilized for the vessel is known as ballast water. The activity of loading the ballast water for the ship from origin port and dissposal to the distination port has caused impact on spreading the unidenfied organism the local port. Aim of the study to determine disposal value of water ballast either from a foreign merchant vessel or domestic merchant vessel so that Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (PTES) is able to determine a policy on ballast administration from merchant vessel include a data of Arrival and Departure Report of the Vessels (ADRV) documents for the last five years (2009-2014). Disposal ballast water of domestic vessel to PTES is average about 37,036 m³ and increased by 76.68% in a year. Yearly ballast water disposed from the foreign commercial vessels has reached 576.045 m3 for the last 5 years. The increasing of ballast water is about 122.19%. Level of vunerability on the PTES waters is due to ballast water dissposal caused mainly from foreign commercial vessels. The PTES administration should provide water reservoir and and water ballast treatment of commercial vessels which has 51,090 m³/per month or 81,744 kl/month.

Key Ballast Water Management Regulations With a View on Ballast Water Management Systems Type Aproval Process Ključni propisi za upravljanje balastnim vodama s osvrtom na postupak odobravanja sustava upravljanja balastnim vodama

Over the last few decades, the spread of invasive aquatic organisms via ships' ballast water became one of the global environmental issues of most concern. The Ballast Water Management Convention is the main instrument of the International Maritime Organization through which a number of regulations and standards have been developed and implemented to manage and control the discharge of ballast water from ships internationally. Since the United States is not a signatory to the The Ballast Water Management Convention, all ships operating in United States waters must comply with United States Ballast Water Management federal regulations. The paper highlights the essential The Ballast Water Management Convention and United States national Ballast Water Management regime topics to be recognised by the stakeholders of the shipping industry, predominantly ship operators and shipowners. Particular attention is given to the Ballast Water Management Systems type approval process where United States testing protocol and requirements are considered to be more rigorous and comprehensive compared to the International maritime Organization's type approval protocol. Although the Ballast Water Management regulations are considered to be matured they are still "living" provisions, and further regulatory enhancements are likely to be expected in the future. Therefore, it would be beneficial for all Ballast Water Management stakeholders to harmonize the Ballast Water Management Systems type approval requirements.

The Implementation of Maritime Curriculum in Indonesia


The curriculum in primary and secondary education in Indonesia is developed with the principle of diversification, which is based on local needs, school characteristic, and student needs. Maritime curriculum has been developed based on local need. The curriculum was developed in the framework of a national program to achieve the vision of Indonesia as a world maritime center. Implementation has been limited in 34 provinces since 2017. Implementation can be done through 4 (four) implementation models suggested in the implementation guidelines. The research objective is to see how far the implementation is in the schools. This research uses qualitative methods with documentation and interview study techniques. The school samples are 18 schools. The results of the study shows that: (1) only a view school put the maritime curriculum on their schools vision and mission, (2) all schools implement the curriculum as a context of subjects, (3) all schools implement the curriculum as an subje...

Improvement of the Indonesian institute of merchant marine education and training


EDI WALUYO. The Improvement o-f the Indonesian Institute of Merchant Marine Education and Training. A thesis to ful-fill one o-f the requirements -for the award of Master of Science Degree in General Maritime Administration. Malmoe, Sweden ; World Maritime University, October 1989. The objective of this project is to analyse the present condition of the Indonesian Institute of Merchant Marine Education and Training <PLAP) in Jakarta Indonesia. The objectives of education are grouped into three objectives namely Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. Factors which are assumed influencing the achievement of those objectives are organization structure and its tasks, educational system and its curriculum, training facilities and training equipment, teachers and instructors. Research was done by doing library research and field research. Technical analysis used qualitative description by comparing the PLAP to the USMMA as an ideal example. By learning aforesaid factors which are not po...

Practical impediments to the effective utilization of Ballast Water Management Plan from Port facilities and Shipping practice

Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology

Since the new Ballast Water Management Convention entered into force in 2017, the ballast water should be cleansed of any harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens, wastes or even bacteria, before being released into a new aquatic environment. For this purpose, the ships are required to carry i) a ballast water management plan with detailed descriptions upon the implementation of the Convention's requirements, ii) a ballast water record book, clearly stating the release spots and stations of ballast water and iii) an International Water management certificate, stating if the ship should abide the D-1 or D-2 standards. The research questions of this paper are, i) should these standards apply when ballast water is released into more aggressive aquatic environments than the one that the outgoing ballast was collected? ii) how a port authority will be able to enforce the Convention's rules when the water release happens in open waters and how a vessel can be criminalized? iii) Are th...

Maritime Preference Of Students From Schools In Ciliwung Watershed


This research aims to study maritime preference of students from schools in Ciliwung watershed. Maritime preference in a community pictures how a country could be depicted as a maritime country. The population in this research are 12th grader students that have been taught about Indonesia’s maritime potential in geography class from 29 schools located in Ciliwung watershed. The data was obtained through survey using questionnaire. The result shows that overall, the maritime preference from students have a weak tendencies in all aspects, including foods, fashion, travelling, daily behaviour, and professions/preference. Students whose schools located in the upstream part of the watershed have lower maritime preference compared to students from the middle and downstream area, even though they also have learned about maritime topic in school. The individual and family background affected their maritime preference and it could be said that the people who lived in the hinterland have a le...


This study sought to find out the profile of students and their reasons for taking maritime education at NSU. The BSMarE and BSMT students served as respondents of the study of which the former comprised 48 of them and; the latter, 52 of them constituting an aggregate number of 100 respondents. The data were gathered with the use of a questionnaire and the same were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, means and rank to describe the findings. Results revealed that the average age of respondents was almost 20 years old, predominantly males and single with a great number of them residing in boarding houses in Naval town. Their parents were the source of their financial support for their education. The respondents reasoned out that they were persuaded to take maritime education because it is an "in demand course", among other reasons.


"During the career of nautical sciences, the University forms the future professionals who will sail the seven seas transporting goods in all its various forms. This remains a very important profession, however the importance of these activities it is not usually well known by the rest of the society not directly involved with the maritime world. The professions have being evolving, and the nautical job is not an exception. Our labor market, thanks to economic reasons and the natural history of the profession has increased the barriers in the traditional job fields, specially related to the nationality of the marine professionals. Thanks to this, the marine professionals had opened new gates to develop new activities in other different positions which traditionally were busy by others carriers, for example, shipping companies. However, training in this sense is lacking, nautical students in most of the cases are not trained and specialized in this regard. The idea of this research paper is to quantify and identify the needs on the training, thru an analytical and statistical investigation and propose a training plan according to current needs in this area. The methodology to be used is to conduct a survey in several universities or faculties of nautical studies and at different levels of the training. Upon receipt of the data can be quantified, first for really know the degree of importance of this subject for nautical students, major weaknesses, and points that they think consider being included in this education. On the other hand there will be a survey of experts in the shipping industry in order to know the opinion, based on the students that they are receiving for internship during the year, setting out what they see as necessary to be learned. After the key stakeholder’s opinion is defined, the last step will be the developments of a comparative table, in order to create a curriculum model that will aim to cover these gaps identified in the study "

A Survey of Students, Professors, and Stakeholders' Expectations for the New MSc Study Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management at the University of Montenegro/Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor

Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development

This study presents achieved results of conducted survey within the Erasmus + CBHE project "Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management - MEP&M". The purpose of the study was to determine the expectation of students and professors at University of Montenegro/Faculty of Maritime studies Kotor and Montenegrin blue economy stakeholders toward new regional interdisciplinary joint MSc program Marine Environmental Protection and Management. In addition, the study included a survey of professors' and students' satisfaction with existing courses in different fields of marine environmental protection and management, the implementation of distance learning at the Faculty, and their knowledge of English, as the new program will be held in English and organized as blended learning. Survey on satisfaction level of blue economy stakeholders with cooperation with academia was conducted as well. According to the findings, the ma...