Development of Innovative Chemistry Practicum Based on Multimedia Senior High School Class XI Semester II Integrated Character Education According to the 2013 Curriculum (original) (raw)

Multivariate Test of Multimedia Implementation Effects in Development of Chemical Concept Materials for Class X Students of SMK Private Satrya Budi I Perdagangan

International Journal of Research, 2018

This study aims to improve student learning activities and achievement through the use of multimedia in the material development of chemical reaction concepts in the SMK Private Satrya Budi I Perdagangan. This research is a classroom action research study consisting of two cycles. Each cycle consists of action planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the study were students of grade X in SMK Private Satrya Budi I Perdagangan in 2018/2019 Academic Year. Data sources come from teachers and students. Data obtained through interviews, observations, tests, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multivariate analysis with SPSS software. The conclusion of this research is the use of multimedia can improve student learning activities and achievement on the material development of the concept of chemical reactions and chemical practice class X SMK Private Satrya Budi I Perdagangan.

The Development Of Textbook In Growing The Character Of Students

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications Part 1, WMA-01 2018, 19-20 January 2018, Aceh, Indonesia, 2019

This study aims to measure the effectiveness of chemistry textbooks in High School Class XI Semester 1 generated in this study in developing the character of students so that in accordance with the objectives of the 2013 curriculum. The sample of this research are chemistry teachers in senior high school at Medan City, North Sumatra Province. The sample was taken purposively. The approach used to achieve the objectives that have been formulated is qualitative descriptive research. Data in the form of conformity assessment of the contents of the book with the character to be developed. Data obtained from the questionnaire given to the respondents are high school chemistry teachers in Medan City. Prior to giving treatment to the sample, a prerequisite test of data normality was done by SPSS 20 Kolmogorof-Smirnov test at significance level α = 0,05. The results showed that the chemistry textbook developed in this research was effective in developing the character of responsibility, creativity, and communicative. This can be seen from the results of book assessments that indicate that the average assessment results fall into the "high" category.

Development of Chemical Teaching Materials for Acid and Base SolutionsBased Chemo Edutainment for State High School Students of Class 6 of Bandar Lampung

The aim of this research is how to overcome the problems in teaching and learning at SMA N 6 grade X in mastering chemistry. The researcher developed the material teaching about computer-based learning media with a chemo edutainment (CET) approach. The research was development using a model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations).The measurement results show that learning motivation is better after using CET chemical teaching materials on acid-base solution with an average of 77.92 while in the control class with an average of 63.78. The average value of the percent increase in learning outcomes in class X experiment was 63.26% while the average value of the control class was 46.95%.

Development of chemical element practical workbook based on projects and characters for class xii senior high school

Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia, 2019

This investigation based on analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) method intended to develop an innovative chemistry laboratory workbook of Chemistry Element integrated with project-based learning and characters. Two chemistry lecturers and teachers respectively selected to validate three local chemistry laboratory workbook and chemistry laboratory workbook developed. Questionnaires distributed to the lecturer and teacher samples and found that content, language, presentation, and feasibility of graphics scores were 3.31., 3.37., 3.22., 3.15 and 3.15 respectively and the average score was 3.26 which means that the chem. Lab workbook developed is very valid. In addition, student samples consisted of 2 classes of grade XII of science students which classified into experimental group and Controled group. The developed chemistry laboratory workbook and the conventional workbook were tried out to group Experiment and group Controlled respectively. The average scores of student outcomes in group Experiment was higher than group Controled or 87.5%>73.8%. Then the average psychomotor scores of group Experiment was larger than group controled or 84.64>78.42. In addition, the affective scores of group Experiment was larger than group Controled or 82.78>76.38. The hypothesis tested with one way ANOVA at the significant level of α = 0.05, and found that tCalc > tTable or 4.536 > 1.697 It is concluded that the Innovative chemistry laboratory workbook is highly very good.

Development of Chemistry Instruction Material Using Problem Based Learning Model for Increasing the Student of Senior High School Learning Achievement

JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)

This research aims to develop chemistry learning materials PBM models oriented in curriculum 2013 to improve learning outcomes of high school students on the material factors that affect the rate of reaction. This research is the development by using Kemp models,et al. Limited trial design uses one group pretest posttest design with descriptive analysis techniques of quantitative and qualitative descriptive. This study uses the subject of the trial class XI SMA-Based Leading Pesantren Amanatul Ummah 2015-2016 school year on the subject of factors that affect the rate of reaction. The results showed: (1) The quality of the device can be seen from the validation RPP, validation BAS, validation worksheets, and validation of THB categorized either by reading level easily understood, (2) practicality of the device can be seen from Keterlaksanaan RPP categorized very well, (3) Effectiveness learning tools can be seen from the thoroughness of individual student learning outcomes and the tr...

The Influence of Innovation Chemistry Practicum Guide and Kit Integrated Guided Inquiry Model for Class XI Second Semester Senior High School to Student Skills


This study was aimed to developing valid chemistry practicum guide and kit for class XI second semester senior high school integrated inquiry model according to BSNP criteria and knowing the effectiveness of the chemistry practicum guide and kit integrated guided inquiry on student skills. The sample in this study is 2 chemistry practicum guidebook with different publisher of class XI second semester Senior High School, the practicum guide that has been developed, 5 chemistry teachers, 5 peer review, 2 lecturers of postgraduate chemistry education program of Medan State University, and 22 students of class XI IPA Senior High School Muta'allimin Aceh Besar. Sample selection using purposive sampling technique. This type of study is research and development with ADDIE. Data analysis technique in this study is descriptive quantitative. Data obtained from questionnaire of validity analysis guide practicum according to BSNP criteria, questionnaire questionnaire of validity analysis practicum kit according to BSNP criteria, and student skill observation sheets. The result of validity analysis of the practicum guide used in the school has an average value of 3.01 with the valid category, but there are some components of the practicum guide that need to be developed. The developed chemistry practicum guide has an average grade of 3.54 with very valid category. The developed practicum kit has an average grade of 3.54 with a very valid category. The effectiveness of use chemistry practicum guide and kit on student skills shows an average score of 79,92 means that the average value of student skill is greater than the KKM score of 73.

Validity and Practicality of Guided Inquiry-Based Interactive Multimedia on Topic of Acid-Base for Senior High School Learning

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

This research aims to generate a guided inquiry-based interactive multimedia on an Acid-Based product. It also categorizes its validity and practicality. The method of research used in this paper is research that will create a certain product called Research and Development (R&D). Three phases of the Plomp Model will be used in this research including preliminary research phase, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. In this research, the instrument will be used in a questionnaire consisting of a validity sheet and practicality sheet. The actual product was validated by 6 chemistry expert validators and 3 multimedia expert validators. The practicality test was carried out by 2 chemistry teachers and 33 students of XI MIPA 3 from SMAN 2 Padang Panjang. The data analysis technique used is Aiken’s V technique for validity and the percentage technique for practicality. The result of the analysis of the chemistry expert validation and multimedia expert validation data based on Aiken’s ...

Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Kimia Model Inkuiri Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Dan Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Sma

JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)

Research development of chemistry teaching materials inquiry model with scientific approach has been done by using 4-D model which aims to increase the student concept mastery and critical thinking skills on coloid topic at senior high school. The research subject of teaching materials which tested on student of science class 11th grade in senior high school 6 Surabaya with one-group pretest-posttest design, the results from the research show that the lesson implementation plan, the student’s book and student’s worksheet were feasible, then the validation instrument were valid. Implementation of lesson plan was good, the activity of student in learning process has increased highly, students gave the positive response to learning process, as well as concept mastery and practicing critical thinking has been achieved. The conclusion of this research, show that the chemistry teaching materials of inquiry model with scientific approach is feasible and able to increase concept mastering ...

Development of Work Sheets Based On Character Integrated Problems In Improving Learning Outcomes In Basic Chemical Eyes In The Education In Higher Education

Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference Community Research and Service Engagements, IC2RSE 2019, 4th December 2019, North Sumatra, Indonesia, 2020

KKNI guides every lecturer to be able to deliver material according to students' needs, but it does not occur in the Faculty of Agriculture, UISU Medan Agrotechnology Study Program, has not been able to apply learning well and the results are still not good basic chemistry courses, this is because there are no appropriate teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity and practicality, effectiveness and improvement of learning outcomes of student worksheets that were developed based on the problem of integrating characters in the acid-base material of the Agriculture Semester Study Program (AGT) of the Faculty of Agriculture UISU Medan 2019/2020 Academic Year. The method of this research is Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE model, samples were taken by purposive sampling of 60 students. Data collection techniques are tests of learning outcomes and Likert scale questionnaires. The research results obtained were (a) Integrated problem-based Student Worksheet (LKM) developed which was declared valid and practical; (b) the integrated problembased MFI developed was declared effective and (c) the integrated problem-based MFI developed could improve the acid-base learning outcomes of the 1st Semester Agriculture Faculty (AGT) Agrotechnology Study Program (AGT) of the Faculty of Agriculture, UISU Medan, Academic Year 2019/2020



Textbooks plays an important role in learning. One of its functions is to implement the value of character education. It is therefore important to analyze the content of the character values in a textbook. This research aims at revealing: (1) the characteristics of the character value content in physics textbooks of the 2013 curriculum at eleventh grade and conformity to map the value for high school students based material development of the nation's culture and character education, (2) the suitability approach to character education in textbooks within the framework of the comprehensive approach, as well as (3) the display characteristics of integration character values in the textbook. The research method is inferential content analysis with quantitative-qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were two eleventh gradephysics textbooks on dynamic fluid material that refers to the 2013 curriculum and those widely used as the primary learning resources in the district of Rembang.The content analysis of character valuesinvolved three independent raters who were given the structured observation sheets. Book A contains 15 of 18 values with the most dominant responsibility of 14.81%. While book B contains 12 values and dominated by the value of curiosity of 16.67%. Both of the books have not fully implemented a comprehensive approach. The presentation of the value of characters in both books is integrated implicitly and explicitly.