Resolusi Konflik GAM Aceh (original) (raw)

Dinamika Konflik Dan Perdamaian Aceh


The roots of the conflict in Aceh have been seen since the days of the feodal. Conflicts in Aceh not only occur with the central government, but Aceh has internal conflicts within the government. The reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda has divided the Aceh region into two groups, Uleebalang and Ulama. Allegedly the two groups already have a relationship that is not harmonious. Entering the period of Indonesian independence, the conflict in Aceh could not be resolved despite several peace compromise actions. Aceh's internal conflicts during independence occurred between Islamic groups and secular groups related to the Aceh government system. In addition to these internal conflicts, Aceh also has conflicts with the central government. The Acehnese feel that the central government is not paying attention to their well-being, causing a lot of poverty. Efforts to resolve conflicts in Aceh with the central government have been carried out by granting regional autonomy and political autonomy...

Penyelesaian Sengketa/Perselisihan Secara Adat Gampong di Aceh


ABSTRAK: Eksistensi gampong sebagai MHA, sudah sesuai dengan Pasal 18B ayat (2) UUD 1945. Masalahnya, apa saja dan bagaimana hak-hak tradisonal masyarakat hukum adat wujud dalam tataran empirik ? Aceh sebagai daerah istimewa dan berotonomi khusus, mulai mengisi implementasi MHA dengan diberinya kewenangan kepada gampong untuk melakukan peradilan adat guna menyelesaikan sengketa/perselisihan secara adat. Hak dan kewenangan ini tegas diatur dalam UUPA, Qanun Aceh 9/2008, Qanun Aceh 10/2008, Pergub 60/2013, dan menjadi lebih operasional dengan adanya Surat Keputusan Bersama Gubernur, Kapolda Aceh, dan Majelis Adat Aceh tahun 2012. Sehingga, secara juridis formal, gampong sebagai MHA telah menjadi dasar kewenangan yang cukup legal dan kuat. Customary Dispute Settlement i n Aceh ABSTRACT: The existence of the village as MHA (customary villagers) is pursuant to Article 18B paragraph (2) 1945. The problem raised are what and how the rigths of indigenous people’s traditional form of the emp...

Resolusi Konflik Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata Papua

AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam

Papuan Armed Criminal Group has carried out various attacks on TNI-POLRI , Papuan civilians, and migrant civilians in recent years. Every act of terrorism that occurs disturbs the Papuan people who live or work there. There are many victims of the KKB attack in Papua, ranging from military personnel, teaching staff, medical personnel, then students who are studying in their school. The type of research that the author uses in writing this thesis is normative juridical research. This type of research is research that seeks solutions to legal issues that arise to provide prescriptions regarding what should be the issues raised. And using the Conceptual Approach, Statute Approach, and Comparative Approach. The Papuan armed criminal group does not match the characteristics and definition of terrorists, in which terrorists do not aim to establish their own country and seek their sovereignty through militia and diplomacy. The Papuan Armed Criminal Group aims to get international attention...

Resolusi Konflik Bentrok Gojek dan konvensional

kebijakan publik, 2018

Abstrak : Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang, perkembangan zaman yang semakakin maju membuat Indonesia ikut serta dalam perkembangan tekhnologi, kemudahan yang disajikan oleh tekhnologi menarik perhatian masyarakat untuk menggunakannya. Salah satunya yaitu layanan perjalanan online yang bisa diakses melalui smartphone saja, pro dan kontra yang terjadi dengan adanya layanan perjalanan online menimbulkan konflik sosial di masyarakat, contohnya bentrokan pengemudi ojek online dan ojek pengkolan, perkara sederhananya adalah rebutan penumpang. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui cara penyelesaian konflik sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yaitu penelitian berangkat dari data lapangan dan menggunakan teori yang sudah ada sebagai pendukung, kemudian hasilnya akan memunculkan teori dari data-data tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa masyrakat awam kurang memahami kemajuan tekhnologi dan akan berdampak pada konflik, tetapi dengan adanya pemahaman yang diberikan pihak-pihak dan seiring berjalannya waktu masyarakat awam bisa menerima. Pemerintah dalam konteks ini dapat berperan sebagai penengah dan bertindak adil di antara yang berseteru ini dengan tujuan mencari solusi keseimbangan kepentingan antara pihak-pihak yang berbeda ini. Kata kunci : resolusi konflik, ojek online, tekhnologi, masyrakat awam Absract : Indonesia is a developing country, the development of the era that is increasingly advanced makes Indonesia participate in technological developments, the ease presented by technology attracts the public's attention to use it. One of them is that online travel services that can be accessed only through smartphones, the pros and cons that occur with online travel services lead to social conflicts in the community, for example online motorcycle taxi drivers and motorcycle taxi drivers, the simple case is the seizure of passengers. This study has a purpose to find out how to resolve social conflicts that occur in the community. This study uses qualitative research, namely research departing from field data and using existing theories as support, then the results will bring the theory from these data. From the results of the study stated that ordinary people do not understand technological progress and will have an impact on conflict, but with the understanding given by the parties and as time goes by the public can accept. the government in this context can play a role as mediator and act fairly between these hostilities with the aim of finding a solution to the balance of interests between these different parties.

Respek Dan Rekognisi: Resolusi Konflik Wadas


It can be said that mining projects, dam construction, and other similar endeavors present many obstacles. Mining, dam building, and similar businesses are complicated by environmental impact assessments and land acquisition issues. This research was conducted using the literature review method. This strategy is intended to search, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence in scientific journal publications. The aim is to collect informative and evidence-based responses to the research topic. In Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition, the descriptive analysis provides a precise, objective, methodical, analytical, and critical description, and explanation of wadas conflict. We must not forget Abraham Maslow's description of the hierarchy of human needs in psychology. Maslow described the Hierarchy of Needs hierarchically, including physiological conditions, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, and the need for self-esteem. In conflict resolution, t...

Konflik di Aceh dan langkah-langkah penyelesaiannya (1976-2005)


INDONESIA : Sejak Indonesia merdeka tahun 1945, wilayah Aceh telah menjadi “modal awal” bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Setelah Aceh bergabung dengan Indonesia, Soekarno pernah menjanjikan kepada rakyat Aceh bila nanti Indonesia merdeka khusus untuk wilayah Aceh akan diberikan kewenanggan khusus untuk mengatur suatu hukum syariat Islam bagi pemeluk Islam di wilayahnya. Namun semua itu seperti angin berlalu, sehingga muncul suatu gerakan untuk memisahkan diri, dari Indonesia yang dipelopori oleh Teungku Daod Beureueh. Gerakan ini dikenal dengan DI/TII/NBA/NII, dan setelah itu dilanjutkan oleh Teungku Muhammad Hasan di Tiro yang dikenal dengan GAM/ASLNF yang diproklamirkan tahun 1976. Sejalan dengan uraian tersebut, maka diperoleh rumusan masalah dengan pertanyaan sebagai berikut: Pertama, mengapa muncul konflik konflik di wilayah Aceh? Kedua, bagaimanakah kronologi konflik yang terjadi di Aceh? Ketiga, bagaimanakah solusi yang dilakukan kedua belah pihak di dalam menyelesaikan konflik te...

Perempuan dalam Konflik Aceh


This is a study about women in Aceh during and after conflict. Serius human right violation against women, including rape and another forms of sexual abuse, have been reported in Indo-nesia’s Aceh during the last decades. The military repression continued for a decade until the collapse of Suharto’s authoritarian goverment in May 1998. Democatization started since then, but it did not affect the situation in Aceh as the military continued the internal war which was endorsed by the post-Suharto civilian president. The oppotunity for peace finally arrived in the end of 2004 when Aceh was hit by tsunami. This research treis to understand how the condition of women changed before and after the peace-settlement. Many literatures on Aceh’s conflict tend to highlight the “success story” of its post-conflict recovery which has been suported by various approach. However, this research found that women are still marginalized in various recontruction initiative largely due to the very lack of ...

Pemetaan Konflik Sosial di Aceh Tengah 2014

Konflik sosial merupakan bagian dari dinamika kehidupan masyarakat. Konflik itu terus tumbuh dan berkembang seiring dengan gesekan kepentingan antar kelompok terus terjadi. Konflik antara pemilik modal dengan pekerja menjadi fenomena konflik sosial yang terjadi dimana saja. Aceh Tengah adalah salah satu kabupaten di provinsi Aceh yang mempunyai potensi konflik sosial. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari berbagai kebijakan pemerintahan Aceh yang dianggap diskriminatif dan cenderung men-sub-ordinate, meskipun kenyataannya tidak demikian. Beberapa hal lain yang bernuansa politik, seperti kebijakan pengesahan wali nanggroe, distorsi kelompok PETA dengan pendukung PA menjadi fenomena yang menjadi dinamika sosial yang berpotensi konflik laten di kabupaten dataran tingggi Aceh ini.

Aceh Paska Konflik dalam Demokrasi Abu-Abu

Paska konflik, Aceh memulai agenda baru dengan transisi konflik. Peralihan ini dibungkus dengan semangat menuju/atau beradaptasi dengan konsep demokrasi. Berbagai perangkat pemerintahan disusun dengan asas keistimewaan, kekhususan dan kebutuhan. Tujuannya adalah bertransformasi dari kondisi negative peace (ketiadaan kekerasan) kepada positive peace (perdamaian pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat). Hal ini melihat bahwa demokrasi dapat menumbuhkembangkan budaya civic dan mempertebal modal social dalam masyarakat Aceh sehingga mencerdaskan masyarakat yang akhirnya berkontribusi mencegah lahirnya konflik kembali. Demokrasi memiliki beragam intepretasi. Benar, ia adalah konsep yang dipopulerkan oleh akademisi barat, namun secara filosofis, ianya telah berkembang dalam berbagai institusi masyarakat klasik. Sehingga jangan harap praktik demokrasi adalah seragam, bukan hanya dalam konteks antar negara saja namun juga antar daerah atau rezim di dalam negara, termasuk Aceh.

Dinamika Politik; Solusi Akhir Eksistensi Konflik Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Masyarakat Pasca Perdamaian DI Aceh Besar

Jurnal Humaniora : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Ekonomi dan Hukum, 2019

This study was aimed to investigate whether there is still an effort to maintain the final solution of conflict existence in the politic and its impact to the society after the peace agreement has been signed. This study used the descriptive qualitative approach by using interview and observation as data collection. The research findings revealed several indicators of conflict existence; they were unfairness, dishonesty, structured, massive and sistematic fraud that is still occured in politic democratic such as black campaign and money politics. As the impact, these indicators remain as a trigger of conflict that cause violence acts in the society in almost every part of Aceh which also occured in Aceh Besar. The most likely impact in the society was a demonstration which often happen in a campaign that often followed by violence acts, terror, and also intimidation