Komunitas Merek Sebagai Sarana Efektif Word of Mouth Yang Positif (original) (raw)
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This research examines the implications of brand community of Honda Vario Club toward the words of mouth of Honda Vario. This research aimed to study the effect of brand community on the words of mouth in Honda Vario Club, and the dimensions of brand community which significantly influence the words of mouth in Honda Vario Club. The data of this quantitative research were collected through questionnaires filled out by members of Honda Vario Club. The result shows that the brand community significantly influences the words of mouth in Honda Vario Club. In addition, the customer-company relationships and customer-brand relationships also significantly influence the words of mouth.
This research based on the premise that marketing activities played an im-portant role in increasing the company’s sales volume. Company needed to run markets strategy to achieve sales target which have been set. Therefore, this research aimed to described the positive influence of word of mouth through brand ambassadors, taglines, television advertisements with brand awareness as the mediation that was carried out to consumers of Wardah products in the Lotte Mart Center Point Medan. Population of this study was the number of customers at Wardah Counter in Lotte Mart which cannot be known certaintly. The sample in this study amounted to 100 people. Data collected by questionnaires that were assessed on a Likert scale, each of which was tested and met the requirements of reliability and validity. Data analyzed based on structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results obtained and at the same time concluded that brand ambassadors, taglines, television advertisements had a positi...
Jurnal Riset Manajemen dan Bisnis (JRMB) Fakultas Ekonomi UNIAT, 2019
The devolepment of internet made the brand community move to online activities by using a social media chat group platform. This study aims to examine the relationship between social networking and brand trust on brand loyalty in online brand community. Data were collected through a questionnaire of 150 respondents. Through SEM analysis (PLS), the results show that social networking has a positive effect on brand trust and trust mediates the relationship between social networking and brand. This finding implies that brand community must pay attention to social networking activities that can increase brand trust and brand loyalty. Companies and communities need to think about how to develop strong relationships and bonds between members so that members feel the value of the brand and build strong commitment with the brand Key words: Online-based brand community, social networking, brand trust, brand loyalty, partial least square
Keterlibatan Merek Dan Motif Konsumen Dalam Komunikasi E-Word of Mouth Melalui Sosial Media
Optimum: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
The objective of this research is to test and analize brand involvement ang motives consumer in the electronic-word of mouth communication engagement in social media. The kinds of electronic-word of mouth communication in social media such as writing, liking, sharing, recomending, commenting, and tweeting. The subject of this research are people who ever makes an electronic-word of mouth in social media. The object of this research are Facebook, Titter, Google+, and Alexa. The method used in the research is survey by using purposive sampling technique to 200 sosial media's users in Indonesia that ever wrote a testimonial.. Datas analyze using SPSS and hypothesis testing using simple linear regression. This • ndings shows brand involvement, product involvement, self involvement, and advice seeking has positive and signi• cant e• ect to electronic-word of mouth communication in social media, and the other hand, other involvement has positive e• ect but not signi• cant, and also need for social interaction has negative e• ect to the electronic-word of mouth communication in social media. In means in the research, there are 4 hypothesis supported and 2 hypothesis not supported.
Komunikasi Getok Tular Pengantar Popularitas Merek
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Word of mouth (WOM) is a self-spreading chained series of communication in a certain community. The term 'mouth' was derived from the fact that the mode of message delivery in WOM is mainly orally, informally, and personally-reflecting the ways we had been talking each other in daily conversation. Technological advance has broadening the scope of WOM. Through the Internet, WOM appears in many digital communication features such as website, online profile pages, personal blog postings, and of course, exchanging mails. WOM, in many ways, has enriched conversation content by exchanging information, knowledge, views, and so on. In a collectivist society like Indonesia, WOM melted-in fact integrated within families (family, clans, working class, etc.). Traditionally, WOM occured when people interested in certain topic. As a form of communication, WOM could be developed as reference channel to popularize a brand (product). This is due because audience believe more to message delivered by somebody they know or respected by them.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand image on positive word of mouth through Jakarta MRT passenger satisfaction. The research sample used as many as 125 respondents came from passengers aged 20 years over and had used the Jakarta MRT services. Questionnaires were distributed and filled out directly by respondents and by Google forms. Data analysis using SPSS (Statistical Package For The Social Sciences) version 23 software and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with Lisrel application version 8.80. The results showed brand image and customer satisfaction had a significant influence on positive word of mouth MRT Jakarta passengers. However, customer satisfaction is most influential on positive word of mouth, then followed by brand image. In sequence the most dominant dimensions that shape brand image are value, corporate identity, reputation and personality. Furthermore, sequentially the most dominant dimensions that shape customer satisfaction are service q...
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis, 2012
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brand community brand loyalty through customer value on the Yamaha Vixion Club Indonesia Chapter Semarang. Which is in this study were divided into three communities brand awareness variables together, rituals and traditions, and moral responsibility. This type of research is explanatory, with the technique of collecting data through questionnaires. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, the sample of 40 peoples who are members of the Yamaha Vixion Club Indonesia Chapter Semarang. The method of analysis used in this study is Part Analiyst. Based on the calculations show that there is a variable effect of collective consciousness, rituals and traditions, moral responsibility, and customer value significant positive effect on brand loyalty in the amount of 66.7%.Based on the analysis of pathways directly influences have a greater value than the indirect effect, it shows a member of the community with brand customer will immediately have a sense of loyalty to the brand without having to feel the value or benefits as a member of the community.
e-Proceedings of Management, 2018
Abstrak Kaos dan jaket merupakan sebuah objek fashion yang berputar sangat cepat di mata masyarakat banyak, selain menjadi sebuah barang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sandang. Kaos dan jaket ini merupakan barang yang dapat membuat individu lebih percaya diri, dilihat dari bahan, warna, dan design dari produk kaos tersebut. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Brand Resonance sebagai variabel yang memediasi hubungan Brand Equity terhadap Repurchase Intention. Dalam penelitian ini Brand Resonance adalah variabel yang dapat memperkuat hubungan variabel enksogen dan variabel endogen. Penelitian ini juga mengevaluasi pengaruh langsung variabel dan pengaruh tidak langsung. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan kuisioner dengan jumlah responden 300. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan pelanggan Prostreet Indonesia. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis SEM untuk menguji efek dekomposisi dan pengaruh tidak langsung hubungan masing – masing va...
Peran Komunikasi Word of Mouth Tradisional Dan Electronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Merek
Choosing a brand done by customers indicates their trust in the quality or in the conformity to the image made by the brand. Comprehensive conformity of using the brand obtained by the customers forms a point of view to the brand. Customers play a vital role on the success of a product. They have an ability to do word of mouth communication, personal communication means in oral or utterance form. As technology develops, word of mouth evolves to electronic word of mouth, and it focuses on communication done by the customers through the internet. Word Of mouth communication is an either direct or virtual conversation about a goods or services between one people to another. Word of mouth behavior is determined by customers’ satisfaction. Customers who are satisfied with a product will do a positive word of mouth communication. Otherwise, customers who are not satisfied with a product will do a negative word of mouth communication. The effect of either positive or negative word of mouth...
The purpose of research to determine the influence of brand loyalty community against consumers with a case study community Indorunners West Jakarta. The concept Of this Research Communication theory, brand community theory, and customer loyalty theory. The Research methods used in this research that is a method of observation. Research with the approach of a quantitative approach .Data collection method that is used to this research is primary data from 63 respondents consisting of Nike brand users who are categorized as residing in west jakarta and active as a member of a community Indorunners. Data is collected by spreading quisioner. Hypothesis in this research using analysis linear regression by using SPSS 20.0. The Result Of this research brand community influential to consumer loyalty of Indorunners members at West Jakarta is 64.1 %. The Conclusions Of this Research brand community influential positively and significantly to consumer loyalty.