Waiver of Right as a Complex Problem Relating to Criminal Procedure Law and Criminal Proceedings (original) (raw)
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The Stage of a Criminal Case Initiation: Are There Sufficient Guarantees from Abuse of Right?
Ugolovnaya yustitsiya, 2018
Проблема необходимости стадии возбуждения уголовного дела рассмотрена в статье с позиции вопроса о том, решает ли стадия возбуждения уголовного дела в своем нынешнем виде стоящие перед ней задачи. Сделан вывод о том, что первоначальный этап уголовного судопроизводства нуждается не в точечных изменениях, а в продуманной и системной реформе. Гражданскому обществу, законодателю должна быть предложена система сдержек и противовесов при начале уголовного преследования. Ключевые слова: возбуждение уголовного дела, злоупотребление дискреционными полномочиями, злоупотребление правом.
Anatoliy Lytvynenko.The application of the right to be forgotten in the context of criminal records expungement: the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the case law of the US courts. , 2020
The personal right to privacy, which had been elaborated in the jurisprudence of Anglo-American and Continental law states, has rapidly transmuted into modern forms owing to technological advancement of data maintenance and data processing which gradually involved photographing, fingerprints and various DNA data. At the dawn of the 20th century, lawsuits concerning criminal records expungement broke out – therein, the plaintiffs tried to obtain a court order for destroying their criminal record data, as well as data relating to a suspicion in committing crimes. The mode of data dissemination to, e.g. employers, educational institutions, banking and credit institutions has repeatedly had a negative effect on plaintiffs’ lives. The United States case law has not once shown that even in the pre-computer era the maintenance of such personal data for an unlimited time period could frequently bring to deplorable consequences – for instance, the plaintiff lost his job or business, or was unable to take a loan, which brought to new lawsuits wherein the plaintiffs applied for a court order either to expunge, or to restrict the dissemination of their criminal records data by the law enforcement agencies. However, the case law hints that such data was also disposed by banks and various governmental institutions. Actions for criminal record expungement were also lodged to the European Court of Human Rights since 1990s which brought the issue at an international level. Bearing in mind a series of various contemporary “right to privacy” interpretations, especially a “right to be forgotten”, the author suggests relating the aforesaid actions to the said category. This paper is devoted the “criminal record expungement” aspect of this right.
Some features of civil legal delict as right depriving jural fact
Держава і право, 2013
The article is devoted to the description of civil legal delict as a violation of the law and right-depriving jural fact. Analyzing the modern approaches to understanding the nature of legal civil delict, deal as right depriving jural fact and the means of its determination in civil relations author ascertains the existence of competition between presumption of deal’s relevancy and presumption of fault availability in law violation and as a result offers the ways of settlement of this question by the court. The author makes a conclusion that the most effective mean of protection the rights and legal interests that can be used by the invalid deal’s parts is the recognition such a deal as delict and as a result to apply to it the consequences of legal breach in civil relations
Abuse of Procedural Rights in Civil Proceedings
Naukovij vìsnik publìčnogo ta privatnogo prava, 2019
Цивільне право і цивільний процес; сімейне право; міжнародне приватне право © ВАСИЛИНА Н.В.-кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри правосуддя (Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка)
The article is devoted to research of problems of properties of right depriving jural facts, in particular properties of causing such consequences as depriving of rights, duties or legal relationships. An author examines jural facts from point of their aggregate as a system, analyse the classification of legal facts and criteria on which it is conducted. The point of views of scientists into place of right depriving jural facts in the system of jural facts were analysed in the article and improved. In addition, right depriving kind of legal facts is considered an author, in particular in the aspect of their division on actions and events. The article lays a theoretical foundation for further researches in the field of theory of jural facts.
The possibility of unimpeded relocation of a legal entity is a requirement of modern realities, as new technological capabilities and digitization of management processes and commercial operations have created the necessary tools to facilitate this process. However, the problem of cross-border mobility of legal entities remains one of the most difficult both in the doctrine of private international law and in judicial practice. The article is devoted to the conflicting aspects of the process of transfer of domicile of legal entities from one jurisdiction to another without loss of legal personality, which in the doctrine of private international law is known as "redomicilation". The authors conduct research into the barriers to cross-border mobility created at the level of conflict regulation of individual states and at the level of case law. The impact of the purpose of moving companies to other jurisdictions is also highlighted, such as finding more favorable and profitable tax laws or less stringent regulations of it, or gaining access to other capital markets, and so on. In the modern legal doctrine and conflict legislation of the world there are many criteria for determining the personal law of foreign legal entities. The most common are the incorporation theory and the real seat theory, the application of which to determine the personal law in the cross-border movement of companies causes many problems. The authors also pay attention to the conflicting aspects of relocation of legal entities using the norms of national legislation of Ukraine and highlight the dominance of the real seat theory as the main factor that creates the most negative consequences and obstacles to cross-border mobility of legal entities. Key words: redomicilation, personal law of legal entity, theory of incorporation, theory of domicile, the real seat theory, cross-border restructuring. Процеси перенесення місцезнаходження, або редомі-циляції юридичних осіб у правовій доктрині та правозас-тосовній практиці насамперед пов'язують із законодав-ством офшорних та квазіофшорних юрисдикцій. Держави, що встановили на своєї території офшорні режими, здавна допускають редоміцилювання компаній, тобто надають можливість місцевим компаніям змінити місце своєї реє-страції на іншу юрисдикцію, при цьому компанія продо-вжуватиме функціонування в новій юрисдикцій в анало-гічній чи схожій організаційно-правовій формі, під своєю незмінною назвою, банківськими рахунками, переоформ-леними на нову компанію, тощо. Для того щоб редоміциля-ція стала можливою, необхідно, щоб таку процедуру допус-кала і приймаюча країна. Прикладом може слугувати Закон про компанії республіки Кіпр, який у 2006 році був допо-внений розділом «Переміщення зареєстрованого офісу компанії до або за межі Республіки» (ст. ст. 354А-354 R) [1]. Подібні положення містяться також у законодавстві о. Гренсі, о. Джерсі, Багамських островів та багатьох інших популярних офшорних юрисдикцій. Але внаслідок глобалізації економіки та цифровіза-ції процесів корпоративного управління запит суб'єктів підприємницької діяльності на можливість швидкого та ефективного переміщення з однієї до іншої юрисдикції постійно зростає. В умовах глобального ринку діяльність юридичних осіб не може обмежуватись одним, назавжди визначеним напрямом і територіальним розташуванням. За умови жорсткої конкуренції та кризових явищ, викли-каних такими чинниками, як локдауни та карантини пан-демії COVID-19, підприємці мають швидко пристосову-ватись і змінювати товарні й територіальні ринки. Дуже важливим завданням є забезпечення можливості здійсню-вати певну діяльність в іноземній юрисдикції без фактич-ної юридичної присутності там або проводити та надавати свої повноваження філіям чи спеціальним агенціям тощо. Проблематика перенесення юридичної особи до іншої держави, або редоміциляції, стає дедалі більш актуальною темою правових досліджень як у публічному, так і в при-ватному праві. Перенесення компанії до іншої країни без-посередньо пов'язане з податковим регулюванням і може
Legal Mechanisms of Restoration of the Subject's Rights in Defective Transactions
We consider the issues properly to protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil relations defective committed transactions. The attention is paid to defects subjects, form and content of the transaction. It is indicated that failure to comply with the subject composition almost never leads to nothingness transaction. As for the flaws of the transaction form as the basis of its invalidity, it is mentioned that first we must determine the role played by the legal fact conditions and how they affect his ability to create legal consequences. The disadvantages of the content include flaws of law terminating legal fact — in the form of the transaction agreement. It is proved that the absence of purpose when all other elements of behavior meet the corresponding legal model, creates a fictitious or imaginary transactions. Proposed is the sequence for installation of law terminating legal facts in the form of contracts: 1) legal model of fact; 2) the actual fact of the parties; 3) le...
Вісник Національної академії правових наук України, 2022
The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that legal argumentation in the decisions of Ukrainian courts is frequently criticized as weak and poorly reasoned. A goal of this article is to suggest a general theoretical approach to arguing in judicial application of law as an activity that could help to improve legal argumentation. To that end, the following methodological tools were used: a dialectical approach, a general theoretical approach, a pragmadialectical approach, a method of legislation analysis, a method of analysis and reconstruction of argumentative practice, a comparative method. As a result, the following features of arguing in judicial application of law were revealed: dialogical character; instrumentality; dependence on the stage of law application; governance by rules established in a legal system; direction of its result to achieve legal consequences. This type of arguing is considered as a discourse activity carried out by particular methods and tools. Arguing at various stages of law application is analysed. The author examines rules of law-applicative arguing in the legal system of Ukraine suggesting ways of the improving. The practical value of this article consists in the fact that the analysed issues allow to outline directions for improving argumentative practice in the application of law, namely: its tools at various stages of application of law, procedural rules for arguing in the judicial application of law to ensure compliance of law-applicative argumentation with criteria for its evaluation.