Pengaruh Senam Hamil Terhadap Berat Badan Dan Kadar Gula Darah Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Kota Pekanbaru (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Senam Hamil Terhadap Tingkat Stres Ibu Hamil Trimester III DI Kecamatan Sukawati Tahun 2020


Latar Belakang: Stres dalam masa kehamilan adalah fenomena yang sering dihadapi ibu hamil terutama trimester III karena akan menghadapi proses persalinan. Stres ini meningkatkan risiko kelainan bawaan, operasi sesar, persalinan alat, kelahiran prematur, bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) dan gangguan jangka panjang berkaitan dengan gangguan perilaku emosi anak. Setiap ibu hamil diharapkan rutin melakukan senam hamil dengan tujuan siap menghadapi proses persalinan baik secara fisik dan psikologis sehingga tidak stress saat proses kehamilan. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh senam hamil terhadap tingkat stress ibu hamil trimester III di Kecamatan Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest without control dan dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Sukawati. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 ibu hamil trimester III. Teknik analisa data bivariate menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil: Dari 50 responden sebanyak 86% berumu...

Hubungan Motivasi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Senam Hamil Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di BPM Hj. Dince Safrina, SST Pekanbaru


Kehamilan dan persalinan merupakan proses yang alamiah bagi seorang wanita, pada masa kehamilan tubuh akan banyak mengalami adaptasi fisiologi dan psikologi. Pada trimester ketiga (27-40 minggu), kecemasan menjelang persalinan ibu hamil pertama akan muncul. Untuk memutus siklus kecemasan tersebut, maka senam hamil sebagai salah satu pelayanan prenatal, merupakan suatu alternatif pada ibu hamil karena dalam gerakan senam hamil terkandung efek relaksasi yang dapat menstabilkan emosi ibu hamil serta senam hamil dapat memperkuat otot-otot. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui Hubungan Motivasi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Senam Hamil Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di BPM Hj. Dince Safrina, SST Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini bersifat cross-sectional dengan unsur variabel independen dan variabel dependen ditanyakan dalam waktu yang sama kepada responden. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh dari ibu hamil TM III yang memiliki motivasi tinggi 26 orang (63,4%), dengan nilai P Value 0,001 dan OR 6,933. Diharapkan...

Hubungan Senam Hamil Dengan Persalinan Normal DI BPM Ernita Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2018


Childbirth is a physiological thing experienced by the mother. Every mother wants her childbirth to be proceed normally. Factors that influence childbirth include power, passage, passenger, psychic and helper. Power is a very important factor in the process of childbirth, power can be controlled by pregnancy exercises. Pregnant exercise is an exercise to train the muscles so that they function optimally in normal childbirth. There were 92% of mothers who regularly had pregnancy exercise experienced a normal childbirth period and 8% were abnormal. The initial survey at Ernita's BPM found four mothers (66.7%) experiencing normal childbirth and there were two mothers (33.3%) experiencing abnormal childbirth, apparently the mother did not take pregnancy exercises. This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnancy exercise and normal childbirth BPM in Ernita Pekanbaru City Year 2018. Types of quantitative analytical research with retrospective design, Purposive sampling...

Manfaat Senam Hamil Selama Kehamilan Trimester III di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi

Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), 2021

During pregnancy, there will be various changes in the mother, both physiologically and psychologically. These changes are largely due to the influence of hormones, namely the increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone produced by the corpus luteum which develops into the corpus gravidity and continues its secretion by the placenta after it is fully formed. This causes the mother to feel uncomfortable during pregnancy and triggers stress, which is a sign that the mother is often gloomy. Pregnancy exercise is a form of physical activity that is beneficial because it develops body muscles, increases the elasticity of the pelvic muscles and ligaments and reduces the incidence of bleeding during and after childbirth and can reduce the incidence of fetal distress. Target Output The results of this educational activity on knowledge of physiological changes in pregnant women will also be published in the form of a national scientific journal so that it can be accessed by the public...

Hubungan Senam Hamil dengan Lama Tidur Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Putri Ayu Kota Jambi


Pregnancy is a period that is eagerly awaited by mothers. In conditions of pregnancy there are hormonal and physiological changes. The changes that occur are expected to be carried out by pregnant women in order to have a comfortable pregnancy. Sleep disturbance is one of the complaints that occurs during pregnancy, the complaint is caused by various physiological, hormonal, vascular and metabolic changes. Empirical studies show that up to 25% of pregnant women report significant sleep disturbances in the first trimester, with rates rising to 75% in the first trimester. third trimester. Overcoming sleep disorders during pregnancy can be done in various ways in order to stabilize good sleep quality, such as determining a good and comfortable sleeping position while sleeping, basic relaxation exercises, one of which is pregnancy exercise. This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnancy exercise and sleep duration of pregnant women. Quantitative research design. The sub...

Pemilihan Tempat Bersalin Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Selama Pandemic COVID-19 DI Kota Pekanbaru

Ensiklopedia of Journal, 2022

Pregnancy is a natural and physiological process. Most of the pregnant women have determined the place where to give birth. The Indonesian Health Profile in 2019 noted that there were 90,95% of pregnant women choosing health facilities. But due to the increasing cases of the covid-19 pandemic during 2021 causing mother who will be worried to choose the place of birth. The initial survey showed 3 pregnant women have not decided and choose a place to give birth because they are worried about giving birth during the Covid-19 period. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the selection of the place of birth for pregnant women in the third trimester during the COVID-19 period in Pekanbaru City. This type of quantitative analytical research with descriptive design. The population of all trimester III pregnant women in Pekanbaru City. A sample of 30 taken using the Accidental sampling method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that 21 people (70%) of pre...

Efektifitas Senam Hamil Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III DI Klinik Pratama Arrabih Pekanbaru


Sulit tidur pada ibu hamil ini biasanya dapat terjadi mulai pada pertengahan masa kehamilan sampai akhir kehamilan. Sulit tidur dapat disebabkan oleh perubahan fisik yaitu pembesaran uterus. Di samping itu sulit tidur dapat juga disebabkan perubahan psikologis misalnya perasaan takut, gelisah atau khawatir karena menghadapi kelahiran. Akibat dari kurang baiknya kualitas tidur bisaberisiko terhadap kehamilan dan saat proses melahirkan (Rahayu & Hastuti, 2019). Adapun peran bidan dalam membantu ibu mengurangi keluhan sulit tidur yaitu dengan menyarankan untuk mencari posisi tidur yang nyaman, atau ibu hamil juga bisa mengatasi sulit tidur dengan olahraga.Olahraga yang diperuntukkan bagi ibu hamil adalah olahraga yang aman bagi kehamilannya. Jenis olahraga yang paling sesuai untuk ibu hamil adalah senam hamil (Mediarti et al., 2014).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektif Senam Hamil Terhadap Kualitas Tidur pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Klinik Pratama Arrabih Pekanbaru.Jeni...

Hubungan Senam Kegel Pada Ibu Hamil Primigravida TM III Terhadap Derajat Robekan Perineum Di Wilayah Puskesmas Pembantu Bandar Kidul Kota Kediri

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Chiilddbirt injuries often result in the birtht canal, or tearing of the perineum or perineum rupture. Perineum laceration can be caused by maternal parity, estimated fetal weight, and so on becaused the perineum is elastic, but can also be found on the perineum rigid, especially on the first pregnancy (primigravida). Doing Kegel exercises can increase elastisitasion maternal perineum area. Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles before delivery, and can flex muscle of perineum as delivery baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of kegel exercises for pregnant women primigravida TM III with the degree of rupture perineum on normal deliveries at Puskesmas Bandar Kidul district of kediri. The design of this study using Analitic Correlation study with cross- sectional approach. Population from this study were 19 respondent and Samples were 16 respondents pregnant women primigravida TM III with Consecutive Sampling. Instrument in this study using a cheklis...