Theoretical constraints on brane inflation and cosmic superstring radiation (original) (raw)

Brane inflation: A field theory approach in background supergravity

To appear in the Proceedings of COSGRAV-2012 (International Conference on Modern Perspectives of Cosmology and Gravitation), Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, February 7-11, 2012, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 405 (2012) 012009

We propose a model of inflation in the framework of brane cosmology driven by background supergravity. Starting from bulk supergravity we construct the inflaton potential on the brane and employ it to investigate for the consequences to inflationary paradigm. To this end, we derive the expressions for the important parameters in brane inflation, which are somewhat different from their counterparts in standard cosmology, using the one loop radiative corrected potential. We further estimate the observable parameters and find them to fit well with recent observational data. We have studied extensively reheating phenomenology, which explains the thermal history of the universe and leptogenesis through the production of thermal gravitino pertaining to the particle physics phenomenology of the early universe.

Towards inflation in string theory

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2003

We investigate the embedding of brane inflation into stable compactifications of string theory. At first sight a warped compactification geometry seems to produce a naturally flat inflaton potential, evading one well-known difficulty of brane-antibrane scenarios. Careful consideration of the closed string moduli reveals a further obstacle: superpotential stabilization of the compactification volume typically modifies the inflaton potential and renders it too steep for inflation. We discuss the non-generic conditions under which this problem does not arise. We conclude that brane inflation models can only work if restrictive assumptions about the method of volume stabilization, the warping of the internal space, and the source of inflationary energy are satisfied. We argue that this may not be a real problem, given the large range of available fluxes and background geometries in string theory.

Old Inflation in String Theory

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2004

We propose a stringy version of the old inflation scenario which does not require any slowroll inflaton potential and is based on a specific example of string compactification with warped metric. Our set-up admits the presence of anti-D3-branes in the deep infrared region of the metric and a false vacuum state with positive vacuum energy density. The latter is responsible for the accelerated period of inflation. The false vacuum exists only if the number of anti-D3-branes is smaller than a critical number and the graceful exit from inflation is attained if a number of anti-D3-branes travels from the ultraviolet towards the infrared region. The cosmological curvature perturbation is generated through the curvaton mechanism.

Theoretical and Observational Constraints on Brane Inflation and Study of Scalar Perturbations through the Effective Field Theory Formalism


In this thesis, consisting of two main parts, we study observational signatures of cosmic (super)strings in the context of D-brane inflation and properties of scalar perturbations on generic homogeneous inflating backgrounds. In the first part we study the production, nature and decay processes of cosmic superstrings in two widely used effective models of D-brane inflation, namely the D3/D7D3/D7D3/D7 and D3/barD3D3/\bar{D}3D3/barD3 models. Specifically, we show that the strings produced in D3/D7D3/D7D3/D7 are of local axionic type and we place constraints on the tension while arguing that the supersymmetry breaking mechanism of the model needs to be altered according to supergravity constraints on constant Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. Moreover, we study radiative processes of cosmic superstrings on warped backgrounds. We argue that placing the string formation in a natural context such as D3/barD3D3/\bar{D}3D3/barD3 inflation, restricts the forms of possible radiation from these objects. Motivated by these string models, which inevitably result in the presence of heavy moduli fields during inflation, in the second part, using the Effective Field Theory (EFT) of inflation, we construct operators that capture the effects of massive scalars on the low energy dynamics of inflaton perturbations. We compute the energy scales that define the validity window of the EFT such as the scale where ultra violet (UV) degrees of freedom become operational and the scale where the EFT becomes strongly coupled. We show that the low energy operators related to heavy fields induce a dispersion relation for the light modes admitting two regimes: a linear and a non linear/dispersive one. Assuming that these modes cross the Hubble scale within the dispersive regime, we compute observables related to two- and three-point correlators and show how they are directly connected with the scale of UV physics.

Supergravity inflation on the brane

Physical Review D, 2003

We study N = 1 Supergravity inflation in the context of the braneworld scenario. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the onset of inflation at sub-Planckian field values and the ensued inflationary observables. We find that the so-called η-problem encountered in supergravity inspired inflationary models can be solved in the context of the braneworld scenario, for some range of the parameters involved. Furthermore, we obtain an upper bound on the scale of the fifth dimension, M5 ∼ < 10 −3 MP , in case the inflationary potential is quadratic in the inflaton field, φ. If the inflationary potential is cubic in φ, consistency with observational data requires that M5 ≃ 9.2 × 10 −4 MP . PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq, 98.65.Es

Brane inflation in background supergravity

Phys. Rev. D 85, 043529 (2012)

"We propose a model of inflation in the framework of brane cosmology driven by background supergravity. Starting from bulk supergravity we construct the inflaton potential on the brane and employ it to investigate for the consequences to inflationary paradigm. To this end, we derive the expressions for the important parameters in brane inflation, which are somewhat different from their counterparts in standard cosmology, using the one loop radiative corrected potential. We further estimate the observable parameters and find them to fit well with recent observational data by confronting with WMAP7 using CAMB. We also analyze the typical energy scale of brane inflation with our model, which resonates well with present estimates from cosmology and standard model of particle physics."

Inflation in supersymmetric cosmic string theories

Physics Letters B, 1999

We examine a non-Abelian SUSY SU (2) × U (1) gauge theory and a SUSY U (1) theory originally used to investigate the microphysics of cosmic strings in supersymmetric theories. We show that both theories automatically include hybrid inflation. In the latter theory we use a D term to break the symmetry. SUSY is broken during inflation and restored afterwards. Cosmic strings are formed at the end of inflation. The temperature anisotropy is calculated and found to vary as (MGUT /MP ) 2 .

Lectures on string/brane cosmology

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2002

An overview is presented of some cosmological aspects of string theory. Recent developments are emphasised, especially the attempts to derive inflation or alternatives to inflation from the dynamics of branes in string theory. Time dependent backgrounds with potential cosmological implications, such as those provided by negative tension branes and S-branes and the rolling string tachyon are also discussed. † * Permanent address.

Inflationary scenarios from branes at angles

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002

We describe a simple mechanism that can lead to inflation within string-based brane-world scenarios. The idea is to start from a supersymmetric configuration with two parallel static Dp-branes, and slightly break the supersymmetry conditions to produce a very flat potential for the field that parametrises the distance between the branes, i.e. the inflaton field. This breaking can be achieved in various ways: by slight relative rotations of the branes with small angles, by considering small relative velocities between the branes, etc. If the breaking parameter is sufficiently small, a large number of e-folds can be produced within the D-brane, for small changes of the configuration in the compactified directions. Such a process is local, i.e. it does not depend very strongly on the compactification space nor on the initial conditions. Moreover, the breaking induces a very small velocity and acceleration, which ensures very small slow-roll parameters and thus an almost scale invariant spectrum of metric fluctuations, responsible for the observed temperature anisotropies in the microwave background. Inflation ends as in hybrid inflation, triggered by the negative curvature of the string tachyon potential. In this paper we elaborate on one of the simplest examples: two almost parallel D4-branes in a flat compactified space.