აშშ-ს ენერგეტიკული დიპლომატია მსოფლიო ენერგეტიკული ბაზრების ტრანსფორმაციის პირობებში (სამხრეთ კავკასიის ვექტორი (original) (raw)

მსოფლიო იმპერიათა კავკასიური გამბიტი და ერეკლე მეორე

Kartveluri Memk'vidreoba [Kartvelian Heritage], 2021

The current study is the first attempt to examine the relations between Russia and Georgia within the context of international political processes of the second half of the 18th century, in particular, the Seven Years’ War, the plan for the redistribution of Europe, and the “Greek Project”. The global historical process of the second half of the 18th century is of special importance for the proper assessment of the history of Georgia. The Russian and Soviet historiography deliberately distorted the facts and events of the time leading to the improper assessment of the annexation of Georgia and the Caucasus. The European contacts of King Erekle II of Kartli-Kakheti were deliberately erased, and hence the Caucasus was declared a geostrategic space on Russian orbit and was artificially separated from the global historical processes. Therefore, a violent political act, the conquest of Georgia was disguised as an alliance corresponding to the idea of Christian common faith. The article a...

ადვოკატი წარმომადგენლის ეთიკური ვალდებულებები მედიაციის პროცესში (ქართული და ამერიკული მოდელის შედარებითსამართლებრივი ანალიზი)

Alternative Dispute Resolution Yearbook, 2019

Court Intervention Limits in Solving the Issue of Recognition-Enforcement of the Arbitral Award The main purpose of the present work is to demonstrate main bases for intervention of courts in solving an issue of recognition-enforcement of the arbitral award. More attention will be paid to corruption, because it destroys main principles of public order of every civilized state that is firmly proved and condemned at the international level. In this work there are discussed main bases, when and within what limits a court can intervene in the decision of the arbitral court when an issue of recognition-enforcement of the decision is being solved. The harmonization of different jurisdictions in relation to this issue will decrease contradictions in practice of international conflicts resolution on issues connected with corruption and other grounds discussed in this article.

ტელეიკონური გამოსახულება საბჭოთა საქართველოში

სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი, 2018

სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი წარმოადგენს ტელეიკონური გამოსახულების ექსპერიმენტულ კვლევას საქართველოს გვიანი საბჭოთა ეპოქის კონტექსტში. ნაშრომი ექსპერიმენტული მცდელობაც არის, რადგან თავისთავად კონცეპტი "ტელეიკონურობაც" ჯერ არ არის ბოლომდე გამოკვლეული. იგი მოითხოვს დღევანდელ თანამედროვეობის კონტექსტშიც გაანალიზებას, რაც მომდევნო ნაშრომის საგანი გახდება.

Weather, Climate and Their Change Regularities for the Conditions of Georgia


In the monograph "Weather, climate and their change regularities for the conditions of Georgia" the natural factors causing the formation and variability of weather, as well as one of the important problems of modernity, climate change and causing reasons are studied in the complex manner using modern technologies. The data of the ground based hydrometeorological network and satellite observations of the Earth Observation Mission are used. The impact of climate change on the number of sectors of the country's economy (construction industry, tourism, healthcare, education and others) has been evaluated. The monograph has both scientific and practical value. The monograph is intended for specialists working in this field and the wide society. It can be used as the supplementary handbook for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of higher education institutions.

კრიზისული კომუნიკაცია და სოციალური მედიის გამოწვევები / Crisis communication and social media challenges

MOAMBE, 2023

The article discusses issues of crisis communication, a still developing direction among social sciences. Its thorough study began in the 80s of the 20th century and, therefore, it is accompanied by certain difficulties, including different opinions about the definition, the lack of empirical studies and the undefined possibilities of social media, because of which a crisis can be planned and instigated in the virtual space by a single social network user. It should be noted that crisis communication, as a discipline, is mostly based on the case study method, and the existing theories of crisis communication are being improved along with technological progress. Virtual space itself creates new crises and dictates new, unusual standards of crisis communications, with which there is virtually no precedent for dealing with. However, social media has a great opportunity to influence not only the course of crisis communication, but also the future perspective of companies and the formation of public opinion.

Optimal Economic Stimulus Policy in the Pandemic Situation


The risk factors named in the 2021 Draft Scenario for Amendments to the Budget Law of Georgia include: risk of pandemic exacerbation; a sharp decline in revenues of the tourism sector; despite the increase in trade turnover, the increase in supply costs, which is explained by the world's ongoing inflationary processes; increased global debt and changes in global consumer behavior are also mentioned. In a pandemic, it is especially difficult to stimulate the economy in low- and middle-income countries. The article discusses global issues and potential solutions. The economy must be recovered as quickly as possible. Government actions create an economic incentive to encourage the private sector. Economic stimulus is based on the analogy of biological stimulus and response processes. Keywords: Economic stimulus, recession, stimulus, investment, economic stimulus plans, Rickard equivalence.

რეფლექსურობის კატეგორია და ‘თავ’ უკუქცევითი ნაცვალსახელი ქართულში


The represented article discusses one of the most actual issues of linguistics, namely, the category of reflexivity, also those lexical means by which the features are shown in Georgian. The history of studying the mentioned category in Georgian linguistics as well as in foreign languages, are briefly discussed in the article. Special attention is paid to the newest views of the issue shown in the latest investigations. The main point of our investigation is to study the reflexive pronoun 'tavi' (head = myself, itself, himself...), to show its morphological-syntactic characteristics in the Georgian language, and to find out the specifications of the constructions and their usage. In our investigation, we have underlined the fact that it is necessary to show the difference between the narrow and the broad meaning of reflexivity. In its narrow meaning, reflexivity is characteristic of the pronoun 'tav' (head = 'self') and this pronoun formally represents the direct object but in its broader meaning, it also contains the forms of subjective version which have vowel prefix i-. The forms with the vowel prefixes are also considered reflexive forms, as well as one-valency verbs in which the action does not go on to the object, it does not leave the space of the subject. The reflexive pronoun is derived through grammaticalization of the noun tavi (head) (a similar phenomenon occurs in some other languages as well). The word 'tavi' as a reflexive pronoun ('head' in the meaning of 'self') is also documented in some texts as being used earlier, in the Old and Middle Georgian language forms. According to N. Amiridze, the simple and complex reflexives can be marked out as 1. Reflexive can be said simple when only the Georgian reflexive pronoun 'tavi' is connected to the verb; 2. Reflexive can be complex if the reflexive pronoun is accompanied by a possessive one ('chemi tavi'-myself; 'sheni tavi'-yourself, and so on).

Monitoring of Cadmium Levels in River Mashavera Coastline in Bolnisi-Dmanisi Region


In the region of Bolnisi-Dmanisi, mineral extraction is carried out, where the certificate (ISO) is not maintained and the environment is polluted. Quantitative study of heavy metals, in particular cadmium, in this area shows that an increase in the concentration of cadmium is observed along the coastline of the Mashavera river, which poses a threat to human health. Aim of the study: monitoring of the content of cadmium in the water of the river Mashavera in the region of Bolnisi-Dmanisi. Monitoring in 2021-2022 revealed that the concentration of the heavy metal cadmium in the Mashavera river is increased, especially in the summer period in the settlements located near the quarry. The fact is very remarkable and requires the adoption of appropriate measures, as the population uses this water for irrigation, and the cadmium contained in the water accumulates in the vegetables, the population uses vegetables for food. The accumulation of cadmium in the human body is a risk factor for the development of acute or chronic diseases.

Impact of Modern Technologies on Combat and Military Decisions

Works of Georgian Technical University, 2021

The history of the society development and its scientific and technological progress is constantly correlated with the history of wars. The desire to raise a person’s standard of living, the rapid pace of life and the aspiration to its high quality have always depended on inventions, technological innovations and the continuous process of development. Military science and the military industry are no exception. The importance of using modern technologies and precision intellectual weapons in a 21st century war is discussed. The issue of reconnaissance drones and the kinetic-strike capability of drones in combat is highlighted, as well as their support by space-based systems. This opened a new era in the art of modern warfare and pointed to the transformation of modern warfare. The article discusses features that have actually emerged in combat in airspace and cyberspace. All the challenges and problems that accompany military decision-making process are shown in the synthesis of the...