Blutige Enthaltung. Deutschlands Rolle im Syrienkrieg (original) (raw)

Erwin Rommel is by any standard a mythical figure. He has been the subject of countless studies in English and German. However, the “Ital- ian side of the hill” has been largely neglected, despite the fact that the foundation of the myth around him lies in the North African campaign, where, after all, thousands of soldiers of the Italian army fought along- side the Afrika Korps. This article will provide an Italian view of the “Des- ert Fox,” using new primary material that provides insights into Italian assessments during the war. A major source is material gathered by way of eavesdropping by British intelligence on Italian officers held as POWs in Cairo and in England.

The conflict between Italy and Ethiopia in 1935–36 has been framed as a prelude to the Second World War and as a watershed towards 'Total War'. One perspective has so far been neglected: the assessments of foreign military observers. This article examines American, British, German, and Austrian views on the operations and thereby also analyses the mindset of European officers at the time. The core argument emerging from these reports is that the war was perceived as a rather 'normal' colonial conflict. Neither the use of gas, nor the employment of aircraft against civilians was seen as a taboo or created significant outrage among the military observers. Instead, they lauded the Italians' steady logistical efforts and employment of artillery and airpower to overcome nature and the enemy's resistance.

After the Second World War, a new Austrian Army (the Bundesheer) was formed to guarantee the country's armed neutrality. But the period between 1938 and 1945 remained a point of contention. While some Austrian officers had been sidelined, the majority had served in the Wehrmacht and thus shared experiences and soldierly values. As Cold War realities necessitated a professional experienced army, a group around Erwin Fussenegger (1908-1986) dominated the new Bundesheer and contemplations about reforming the military culture and value system were postponed; while at the same time, the Bundesheer managed to prevent becoming a mere continuation of the Wehrmacht. In contrast to the rich literature on the German Bundeswehr, very little has been written about Austria's postwar military: the (Second) Bundesheer. This seems striking, considering the fact that both armies were founded one decade after the war and faced similar dilemmas in regards to creating operational capabilities while deciding which soldiers were desirable to reconstruct new armed forces. In Germany, time pressure and missing alternatives made a complete discontinuity with the Wehrmacht impossible. A similar 'foundation compromise' was reached for the Bundesheer and other civilian institutions where 'men of the last hours' also became 'men of the first hours'. Reinhard Stumpf has

Studie 5/2016 der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Philippe Carasco, Nikolas Dörr, Die Bedeutung von Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik im Wahlkampf. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Bundestagswahlen 2002 und 2013, in: MIP – Mitteilungen des Instituts für deutsches und internationales Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (PRuF), 20. Jahrgang, Nr. 1/2014, S. 64–71.

Öz: Bu çalışmada Alman emperyalizmi incelenerek özellikle demiryollarının emperyalist araçlara nasıl dönüştüğü " Bağdat Demiryolu " projesiyle örneklendirilmiştir. Öncelikle Bağdat Demiryolu projesiyle Almanların siyasî ve ekonomik beklentileri irdelenerek Alman emperyalizminin Osmanlı'ya nasıl sızdığı incelenmiştir. Böylece Alman dış politikasının yayılma alanı olarak yönünü Osmanlı'ya neden çevirdiği sorusuna da yanıt aranmıştır. Abstract: In this study the German imperialism and its relation to Bagdad Railway Project will be examined in details and it has been aimed to understand how railways evolved into a tool of imperialism at the example of Bagdad Railway. This study firstly analyzes the political and economical expectations of the German imperialism from the Bagdad Railway in order to understand how German Imperialism has leaked into Ottoman Empire. Thus, an answer that explains why the German foreign policy headed for Ottoman Empire as an expansion area has been sought.