Evaluasi Kinerja Perbenihan Benih Padi DI Upbs Terhadap Penyediaan Benih Padi DI Provinsi Bengkulu (original) (raw)
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This study tries to explore the degree of competition in tobacco Industry in Madura. By doing so, this study examines the competition in all markets of the distributional levels of Madura’s tobacco, from farmer to tobacco’s final user. In addition, for every market of the distributional level, the discussion is focused on the competition among the sellers themselves, the buyers themselves and also the consequences for the sellers and the buyers in terms of price, strategic behavior and profit. Linear “Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P)’ model is being used as the main framework in this study. Additionally, this study uses primary and secondary data. Furthermore, this study shows that in the upstream industry of tobacco, the degree of competition is almost perfect, and as it gets closer to the downstream industry of tobacco the degree of competition is close to monopoly. Hence, the closer a firm to the upstream industry of tobacco, the profit is less, and as it gets closer to the...
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BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen)
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Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian
Sarmi Regency is a coconut producer with a productive plant area of 5,085 ha or 19.9% of the total coconut area in Papua Province covering an area of 25,585 ha in 2019. There was an increase in land area of 60.96% from the previous year, but this increase was not accompanied by a significant increase in productivity. The low productivity is caused mostly by old coconut plants, not using high yielding varieties of coconut and maintenance activity not using cultivation technology. Nowadays, coconut productivity in Sarmi Regency is only 0.22 tons/ha, under the national coconut productivity 1.1 tons/ha. This paper discusses the prospects, constraints, and opportunities for developing coconut farming in Sarmi Regency, Papua. The area of coconut plantations in Sarmi Regency, coconut trees are only 60.6% productive, of which the rest is immature plantations, damaged plants and new plants. The existence of a large area of land is an opportunity for the development of smallholder coconut pla...
Đánh Giá Hiệu Quả Sử Dụng Đất Sản Xuất Nông Nghiệp Tại Một Số Xã Phía Tây Thành Phố Thái Nguyên
TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 2021
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Parenting training for 6-9 years old is a need of parents as well as children rights to get the best care from parents. The globalization has influenced various problems faced by children such as game addiction that impact to the child personal development. The parenting course to parents' of 6-9 years old in SD Muhammadiyah Setiabudi 12 Pamulang Tangerang Selatan found that parents from middle class economy have good awareness on best care. However, through four session of parenting course namely, the rights of the children, child development, parenting style, and effective communication, parents understand that their practice of parenting has not adequate yet. Some parenting practiced that faced by parents are the best interest of the child, listening for children voice, practice authoritarian parenting styles, and difficult to practice effective communication. Hence, a parenting training is necessary for each of child development process.
Perusahaan Umum Badan Urusan Logistik atau disingkat Perum Bulog adalah sebuah lembaga pangan di Indonesia yang mengurusi tata niaga beras. Sebagai perusahaan yang tetap mengemban tugas publik pemerintah, Bulog tetap melakukan kegiatan pembelian gabah sesuai dengan harga yang ditetapkan pemerintah, stabilisasi harga khususnya harga pokok, menyalurkan beras untuk masyarakat miskin (raskin) dan pengelolaan stok pangan. Bulog adalah perusahaan besar yang tentu para karyawannya memiliki banyak tantangan dan permasalahan dalam menjalankan pekerjaan, baik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pengadaan gabah beras maupun lain sebagainya, tentunya hal tersebut memiliki kaitan pada bagaimana kepuasan kerja dan stres kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, agar dapat lebih diperhatikan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan stres kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan Perusahaan Umum Badan Urusan Logistik Divre Lampung. Penelitian ini mengambil popu...
Strategi Investasi Pada Rumah Tanga Petani Tradisional DI Kecamatan Mapattunggul Selatan
Analyzing household’s investment behavior in remote environments is attractively conducted as a scientific effort to tackle the problem of poverty in the long term. The population of study was households located in remote areas in Pasaman Regency, district of South Mapattunggul. It is about 1,991 heads of household. The sample is 307 households which are formulated by using Slovin formula. This study uses multiple regression analysis and qualitative analysis on mixed method perspective. Investment behavior in traditional farming households in the District of South Mapattunggul is influenced by consumer behavior, knowledge, hope the old days, learning, price, and level of education. Partially, learning process and life expectation do not affect the investment behavior. Knowledge of pricing information has a negative correlation with the investment. It means that the higher the price, or the risks they run, the lower investments. This is in line with the general logic that the higher...