Kajian Efektifitas Kerja Operator dan Kondisi Alat pada Front Penambangan Tambang Besar Pemali PT Timah Tbk (original) (raw)
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TB 2.2 Tempilang is managed by partner of PT Timah (Persero) Tbk. Mining system that applied is asystem of mechanical mine, where mining activities carried out by moving the overburden materialprior to mine kaksa layer. The problem that occurs was the productivity of conveyance on the actualcondition only 98.76% of target had been determined, which led to their failure in overburden removalvolume amounted to 1.24%. Therefore, it was necessary to do an evaluation of the performanceaffecting factors of load haul equipment and conveyance in the field. Evaluation was carried out bycalculating the value of productivity, work efficiency and Match factor. The data required includedcycles time data, effective working time, the amount of bucket loading, the type of overburden materialand haul road geometry. Then the data was processed using the formula of mechanical soil removaland analyzed based on the literature related to the problem. The factors causing productivityconveyance has not rea...
Mining activities in TB 2.2 TempilangSite was conducted by Bahtera Sarindo Utama as a partner of PT Timah (Persero) Tbk.The method and technology used in mining site was Mechanical Mine as an alternative of conventional open pit mining which had been applied to overcome a great lack of hydraulic mining. There were several problems occurred in tin mining activities of TB 2.2 Tempilang included less of cycle time of gravel pump per day due to several problems that appeared in mine site such as gravel pump were often broken, Front Work landslides, so the production activity was inefficient. Mine planning of Mining mechanical methods plan Mechanics in TB 2.2 TempilangSite had production target of 320 m3 / h or 5,760 m3 / day. Therefore it was necessary to optimize the mining design to make it more efficient. The study included the election needs of load haulage equipment and conveyance based fleet to achieve production targets.Based on the results obtained, the need of equip...
Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan, 2016
Location of the study area is Pit 1 Wara PT Adaro Indonesia, in which inactived since the end of 2013, causing the pit into a waterlogged.On January 1, 2015, the volume of water in the pond of 2.,790,071.14 m 3 and it is elevationat 27 m above sea level. The maximum volume of water that can be accommodated is 16,637,518 m 3 or 62 m above sea level Mine planning projected the pit will be operate in May 2015 (12 m above sea level). Thus, it will be necessary pond draining, deminished and prevented flow of surface water into the pond, and the handling of total suspended solids before water discharging into the river. Based on 5-year return period runoff water entering to the pit amount to2.837 m 3 /sec. Pond dewatering starts from January 1 to April 17, 2015 using two units pump Multiflo MFC-420 for 77 days, applied for 22 hours/day and pumping discharge 826.023 m 3 /hrs. After that period, then only 1 unit Pump Multiflo MFC-420 needed each month appropriate to the working time. Draining control of surface water to prevent coming into the mine, we use ditches, which also referredto the drainingwater from the pond. The dicthes made of 2.65 km along and inlet elevation is about 82 m above sea level and outlet is 60 m above sea level. Geometric design of ditch is a trapezoid with a height of 2.5 m, surface width of 3 m, base of 2 m width and the side wall slope is 63.4 o , draining capacity is 2.8276 m 3 /sec. Water from ditch flow to the settling pond and at the same time precipitate solids (suspended solids) before discharged into the river. The design of rectangular settling pond consists of three compartments, with dimension of length 150 m, width 50 m and height of 3 m, with a percent of solids precipitate is 50%.
Tin ore mining activities in Front 2 of 2.2 Tempilang Large Mine was operated by business partnerof PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, PT Bahtera Sarindo Utama used Open Pit Mining Method with mechanicalsystems. Open Pit Mining Method would eventually form a large basin, so that would become a placefor air accumulation at the base of mine site, applied drainage system used Repressive KuruativeDrainage System by allowing water to pour into the mine and then concentrated on the front sump andthey would be removed from the mine using pumping systems. Rainfall data used included amaximum rainfall data with period of 2005-2014, the calculation of rainfall plans used Gumbeldistribution and calculation of rainfall intensity with Mononobe Equation, but for the period of rain istaken with the 2-year period. From the research, the existing sump had capability to retain water with avolume of 79.5 m3 and existing pumps had the capacity of 86.4 m3/h, while the total water poured inthe mine was 2172.588 m3/...
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The process of tin ore mining in TB 2.1 is conducted by channeling slurry (the mixture of ore and water) from the stock pile into the washing unit by using slurry pump. Now, TB 2.1 is planning block 3 for the operation of tin ore production proceess. Thus, a good technical planning in accordance with the characteristic of tin ore in TB 2.1 and evaluation of operating system design in Block 1 are necessary. The sample of tin ore concentrate is taken as many as 250 gr from the washing unit to detect P80 of particle size distribution (PSD) of sample. The data of sucker and pressure pipe’s lenghth, store tank’s height, quantity of primary and secondary jig and tin ore monthly production are required to furthermore plan the mining design, washing plant and equipment needs in the drying unit. Based on the research findings, It is obtained the grain size distribution of tin ore is 1.001 mm, so that the amount of lifting velocity is 3.27 m/s. Slurry pump discharge with a p...
fachri , 2019
Pada lokasi utama penambangan merupakan perbukitan yang tersusun dari gamping marmeran, sehingga aktivitas penambangannya diterapkan sistim tambang terbuka dengan metode quarry. Pada penambangan marmer yang dilakukan PT. Wutama Tri Makmur, aktivitasnya tidak terlepas dari penggunaan alat mekanis maka kondisi jalan pada lokasi penambangan juga mempengaruhi efisiensi kerja alat-alat mekanis. Pemilihan peralatan produksi pada operasi penambangan merupakan hal yang penting untuk mencapai perusahaan sasaran produksi akhir yang telah ditentukan. Pentingnya memperkirakan produksi dari alat muat dan alat angkut ini karena ada kaitannya dengan target produksi yang harus dicapai oleh perusahaan. Hubungan antara sasaran produksi dengan produksi alat akan menentukan jumlah alat muat dan alat angkut yang harus dipakai guna memenuhi target tersebut. Dalam kegiatan pengagkutan dan pemuatan, keserasian alat muat dan alat angkut merupakan faktor penting karena hal ini sangat berpengaruh untuk mengetahui waktu kerja efektif dan produktif Namun dalam pencapaian target produksi biasanya perusahaan mengalami beberapa hambatan-hambatan sehingga target produksi tidak tercapai, disebabkan berkurangangnya waktu kerja efektif dipengaruhi oleh ketidak keserasian alat, kondisi medan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efektifitas kerja alat dan persoalan iklim terhadap penjadwalan produksi sehingga memperkecil efektifitas kerja alat yang ada.
Bina Tambang, 2021
PT Bukit Asam, Tbk. Tanjung Enim Mining Unit is a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in the coal mining industry. The mining system applied is an open pit mining system with two mining methods, namely the Shovel and Truck method (coventional mining), and the Bucket Wheel Excavator System (continuous mining) method. The coal production target set by PTBA was 230,872 tons in January. The mechanical tools used are 1 (one) unit of Bucket Wheel Excavator, 1 (one) Belt Wagon unit, 1 (one) unit of Cable Rair Car, 1 (one) Hooper Car unit and 1 (one) Tripper Car unit. With the use of the above tools, the production target produced was not achieved in January. So in this study a solution will be sought so that the coal production target set can be increased and can be fulfilled in January. The factors that can influence the production of loading and transport activities are as follows: fill factor, bucket wheel rotation time, number of spills, time of obstacle and work efficiency. From the observations, the time taken for one round of the bucket wheel is 10.10 seconds so that the value of the spill in 1 minute is 83 times. With work efficiency of 26.85% in January, the achievement of production was 186,500.37. In order for production to be improved, efforts need to be made to improve work efficiency by minimizing the obstacles that occur in the field. So that we get 34.14% work efficiency in January with an achievement of 237,136.78 tons.
Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan, 2019
A surface mine is a mining method in which all mining activities are conducted on the surface of the earth, and the workplace is directly related to the atmosphere. Thus, in this method, there are factors from the outside air that will be in, one of which is water. PT. Madhani Talatah Nusantara is contractor in a coal mining company. On Pit B panel 3 for planning will be move a main sump from west area to east area. To reduce pumps works that required a study that could overcome the water entering the mine like design channel and dimention of main sump. From the results obtained the study can be calculated Gumbel distribution, Mononobe equation, and the rational formula for runoff discharge. From the results of the calculation, the runoff debit is based on cacthmentarea 1 = 6,499 m 3 /s, cacthmentarea 2 = 1,074 m 3 /s. from calculation result using Manning equation got segment 1 segment dimension with open length (CW) = 1,029 m, water depth (h) = 0,488 m, and base width of channel (b) = 0,704 m. This channel can overcome the surface flow from cacthmentarea 2. For water that cant be prevented by using channel then it takes sump to accommodate all water entering so easily discharged by pump, where in one day water enter into Pit 94.379,97 m 3 /day so that the length and width of sump surface needed is = 252 m x 62 m, then the length and width of base sump = 236 m x 48 m, and sump depth = 7 m. Of the total discharge with two pumps running. Obtain a optimal work time in January= 28 day, February= 19 day, Maret= 17 day, April= 23 day, Mei= 23 day, June= 15 day.
Produktivitas merupakan kemampuan alat melakukan kegiatan produksi berdasakan waktu efektif dalam satuan waktu (1 jam). Produktivitas alat gali muat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter yaitu cycle time, bucket fill factor, swell factor, effective utilization. Target produktivitas alat gali muat PC 800 SE sebesar 265 BCM/jam dan target produksi dalam 1 shift adalah 1432,71 BCM. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi pada kegiatan pemindahan overburden. Observasi dilakukan baik pada alat mekanis (waktu siklus, waktu tunda, dan bucket fill factor) maupun pada sifat material (kepadatan dan swell factor). Data yang dikumpulkan dari pengamatan kemudian diolah menggunakan komputer untuk mendapatkan hasil produksi aktual. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan hasil pengolahan didapatkan bahwa rata-rata produksi 1001,44 BCM, rata-rata produktivitas 223,5 BCM/jam, rata-rata cycle time 0,43 menit, rata-rata effective utilization (EU) 54%, rata-rata waktu efektif dalam 1 shift 3,...