Pengaruh Hasil Pelatihan Teknik Penyiaran Dan Penulisan Naskah Radio Pendidikan Terhadap Kinerja Pengelola Radio Komunitas Paseban FM (original) (raw)

Studi Kelayakan Pendirian Radio Edukasi

Jurnal Teknodik

Radio edukasi adalah radio yang memanfaatkan dunia pembelajaran, dimana pola atau ruang lingkup pembelajaran ialah pendidikan formal, nonformal, yang meliputi pembelajaran. Dengan format radio pendidikan dan informasi (jauh berbeda dengan siaran-siaran radio lain yang cenderung lebih besar porsinya kepada siaran hiburan), radio pendidikan mampu menarik perhatian audiens yang haus akan informasi pendidikan. Media radio mempunyai sifat sosial dan pendengar yang heterogen. Maka untuk pendirian sebuah radio edukasi diperlukan legitimasi melalui studi kelayakan dengan mengadakan jajak pendapat pada masyarakat sekitar dengan radius 5 km dari lokasi Radio edukasi dengan mempertimbangkan sifat heterogenitas pendengar radio. Penelitian ini diadakan pada tanggal 7 - 9 Februari 2007 . Dengan tujuan mendapatkan data yang berupa pendapat, masukan maupun saran yang berkaitan dengan radio edukasi/ pendidikan. Kenyataan di lapangan, masyarakat menginginkan adanya radio pendidikan dengan menampilka...


Kebijakan : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi

Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa sebagai perpusakaan rujukan bertaraf Internasional sekaligus instansi pemerintahan non profit, Dispusipda Jawa Barat dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat atau pemustaka, dengan pelayanan yang berkualitas ditunjang oleh teknologi yang canggih. Tentunya teknologi yang dipilih yaitu Radio Frequency Identification (RFId), teknologi yang ramah dan tepat guna,mudah diterima dan mudah dioperasionalkan oleh masyarakat, dari berbagai lapisan umur dan pendidikan. Rincian permasalahanya: (1) lokasi perpustakaan yang tidak strategis, (2) SDM yang belum kompeten dengan sistem, (3) sistem RFId sering mengalami gangguan, (4) ruang pembuatan kartu anggota tidak proporsional, (5) faislitas peprustakaan terbatas untuk pemustaka disabilitas, dan (6) pengalokasian biaya keterlambatan buku yang tidak transfaransi.Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas pelayanan perpustakaanberbasis RFId di Dispusipda Jawa barat. Me...

Kinerja Pra-Produksi, Proses Produksi, dan Pasca Produksi Tentang Radio Dalam Manajemen Siaran Dakwah

Da'watuna: Journal of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting

Da'wah is an activity to invite people to commendable activities and also keep away from those that are reprehensible. Da'wah activities can be carried out in various ways, either orally or in writing. along with the development of the times da'wah also utilizes existing media such as radio. Radio is one of the communication media that is relevant for carrying out da'wah activities. In addition, radio is also an auditive medium through the ear and also hearing, as a means of radio communication, of course, it provides benefits for the community, especially for preachers to carry out their preaching management to the community. Broadcasting of the Islamic religion carried out via radio certainly has its own advantages, this is because radio is audio in nature so that listeners can directly listen to the material conveyed by the preacher. To get good results, a planned process is also needed starting from production preparation to the completion of the event. Keywords:...

Manajemen Siaran Streaming Program Ngoping Rri Pro 2 Dalam Meningkatkan Eksistensi Sebagai Radio Anak Muda DI Pekanbaru


ABSTRAK Nama : Deffi Wulandari Nim : 11643200366 JuduI : Manajemen Siaran Streaming Program Ngoping RRI PRO 2 DaIam Meningkatkan Eksistensi Sebagai Radio Anak Muda di Pekanbaru Manajemen radio sangat penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan suatu program dan stasiun siaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi manajemen siaran streaming RRI Pro 2 dalam meningkatkan eksistensi dikalangan media baru yang bermuculan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang mana seorang peneliti mulai berfikir secara induktif, yaitu menangkap berbagai fakta dan fenomena-fenomena sosial, melalui pengamatan lapangan, kemudian menganalisanya dan berupaya melakukan teorisasi berdasarkan apa yang diamati. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang yaitu KASI Pro 2, program director, dan announcer. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah RRI Pro 2 telah mampu meningkatkan eksistensinya dengan mengguna...


Frequency Radio Spectrum is a limited resource because it required managefrom regulator so that use can be as effective and efficient as possible so as to provide maximum benefit to the prosperity of the people. Because that, this requires a powerful management information system for the management of the spectrum frequency. Currently Ditjen SDPPI as a regulator whose job is to manage the frequency spectrum has been using management information systems for the management of radio frequency spectrum as well as to provide services to the public using the radio frequency. The system is called Systems Information Management Frequency (SIMF). SIMF system is very important in Ditjen SDPPI for managing assets in the form of tax revenues Frequency BHP's worth trillions of rupiah. But with the rapid development in information and communications technology sector as well as based on examinationof Badan Pemeriksaan Republik Indonesia (BPK RI) and reports of the internasional consultant Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) that SIMF which built in 2004 already requires improvement because the current conditions are no longer able to meet the needs that exist because: still using old technology, has not been able to support the ministry towards to good governance services, the restructuring in the Ministry of Communication and has not been able to quickly present information that could assist management in planning, control and decision making. The improvement of SIMF will be named asSystem Information Management Spectrum (SIMS). To analyze the change in the increase SIMF required data related to aspects: financial, customer, internal business process and learning and growth. The data needed to describe the current conditions, are needed also data on the condition that expected in the future. Analysis of the data in this study using the Balanced Scorecard and Gap Analysis. By using the qualitative analysis of this proposal, it is expected to have the hypotheses that the increase in the quality obtained SIMF into SIMS with the ability to implement e-licensing and technology web-based and cloud computing can improve the radio frequency spectrum license service. Keywords: Improvement Quality of Systems Information Management Frequency, theRadio Frequency Spectrum License Service

Mengembangkan Radio Komunitas Pesantren

Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 2013

This article discusses the use of community radio as the base for scientific actualization along with actualization on culture and tradition of Pesantren. The author argues that the existence of Islamic boarding schools or pesantren that have positive traditions and uniqueness is without a doubt offer advantages to the development of the community radio. Different from profit-oriented radio, community radio of Pesantren that that involves community participation should offer broadcasting programs that expose activities and ideas related to Pesantren. Expectedly, through such programs in the community radio, Islamic teaching will be well known, understood, internalized and at the end will be implemented in the daily lifeas a way of life withinsociety.