Lectura transdisciplinar de paisajes cotidianos, hacia una valoración patrimonial. Método de aproximación (original) (raw)
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ACE. Architecture, City & Environment, 2023
Academic and administrative interest in cultural landscapes has increased in recent decades due to globalization (and the consequent loss of distinctiveness of different territories) and accelerated process of environmental change. As occurred earlier with tangible and intangible heritage items, this has given rise to inventories of cultural landscapes as a first step towards understanding, recognizing and preserving them in the face potential threats that endanger their cultural and natural values. The various theories, methods and techniques which guide the construction of these inventories can be identified in the answers given to the following questions: What is to be inventoried? For what purpose and for whom is the inventory to be produced? Who will direct its production? How will the work be realized? What information is necessary? How will this nformation be generated and managed? We use a bibliographic analysis to compare the principal criteria, methods and techniques used in the development of a set cultural landscape inventories from Europe and North America, and others of world-wide reach. We conclude that, even though cultural landscapes are an increasingly established category in the theory and practice of heritage research and management, the definition of commonly accepted criteria for its recording and ocumentation remains necessary. // El interés por los paisajes culturales desde ámbitos académicos y administrativos se ha incrementado en los últimos decenios debido a la globalización, con la consecuente pérdida del carácter distintivo de los territorios, y a la aceleración de los procesos de transformación del medio. Esta situación ha propiciado, como ocurrió en el pasado con el patrimonio mueble e inmueble, la elaboración de inventarios de paisajes culturales como primer paso para su conocimiento, reconocimiento y preservación ante los potenciales impactos que ponen en riesgo sus valores culturales y naturales. Las diferentes teorías, métodos y técnicas sobre las que se construyen estos inventarios pueden identificarse a través de las respuestas a los siguientes interrogantes ¿Qué se va a inventariar?, ¿Para qué y para quién se va a realizar el inventario?, ¿Quién va a liderar su elaboración? ¿Cuál va a ser el proceso de trabajo? ¿Qué información es necesaria? ¿Cómo se va a producir y gestionar esta información? A partir de un análisis bibliográfico se compararán los principales criterios, métodos y técnicas aplicados en la elaboración de un conjunto de inventarios de paisajes culturales de Europa y Norteamérica, y otros de alcance mundial, para concluir que, aunque el paisaje cultural constituye una categoría patrimonial cada vez más asentada en la teoría y en la práctica de la investigación y gestión del patrimonio cultural, aún necesita de la definición de criterios comúnmente aceptados para su registro y documentación.
Sustainability, 2015
This study focuses on the granite mountain known as Monte Pindo (627 m above sea level) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain). This territory is included in the area classified as "Costa da Morte" in the "Politica de Ordenación Litoral" (POL) (Coastal Planning Policy) for the region of Galicia. This coastal unit, located between "Rías Baixas" and "Cape Fisterra" has great potential for demonstrating geological processes and its geomorphological heritage is characterized by a high degree of geodiversity of granite landforms. The main objective of our work is to assess the geomorphological heritage of the site, thus revealing its wide geodiversity. We shall analyze and highlight: its scientific value, developing an inventory of granite landforms; its educational valuel and its geotouristic potential. It must be ensured that the Administration understands that natural diversity is composed of both geodiversity and biodiversity. Only then will the sustainable management of Monte Pindo become possible by integrating natural and cultural heritage values. The goal is to ensure that Monte Pindo and its immediate surroundings become a geopark with the aim of promoting local development projects based on the conservation and valorization of its geological heritage.
Time is one of the most important driving forces in Landscape Ecology. Time along with geosystem, biosystem and socialsystem determines landscape heterogeneity which reveals itself in different patterns and functions. Cultural Landscapes are the result of the interactions between man and environment along time. Évora (the pre-roman Ebora), the most important town in Alentejo province (Southern Portugal) is involved by a cultural landscape where not only archeological sites and old built structures (walls, roads, bridges houses, etc.) of several epochs are present, but also old parcel networks and specific agro forestry pastoral systems, the montados, exist. Many of the limits of those parcels are materialized by vegetation galleries playing an important role in what concerns the landscape ecological quality of the area. The work developed is a comparative study of the quality of the Évora cultural landscape between 1958 and 2007. This study is based on the interpretation of vertical aerial photos from 1958 and 2007, and on the use of GIS as a tool for the spatial and temporal analysis. The main goals are:
EGA Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica
El análisis del proyecto y la obra del Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo y su entorno, permite tomar conciencia del hacer arquitectura de Álvaro Siza. Al estudiar esta obra maestra, percibimos que la forma surge esencialmente como consecuencia del encuentro poético que fusiona aspectos prácticos y dimensiones mentales, el conocimiento y el deseo, el pensamiento y el sentimiento. Siza se siente atraído hacia un útil representativo como la topología, intrínsecamente relacionada, no a unas percepciones sensoriales restringidas, sino a la manera de mirar al mundo bajo la óptica de las totalidades, en el que la realidad se entiende como un todo vivo donde cada elemento está relacionado con los demás de una manera decisiva para el todo y para el resto de los componentes. Este modo de ver y sentir da lugar a un concepto de espacio no extensivo ni geométrico, sino más bien basado en un proceso perceptivo de configuraciones complejas.
The study of the landscape: from a holistic approach to a social concept of knowledges
Annals of Geophysics Annali Di Geofisica, 2012
Italy are presented. The interdisciplinary approach to this topic is carried out not simply by juxtaposing disciplines, but by the integration of different ambits. In this way, disjunctive thought is substituted by a holistic approach that produces communication more appropriate to research. This offers the scientists a tool that is of paramount importance for their studies, and for ordinary citizens, a new way of considering the landscape. Example 1: Sustainable tourism and manlandscape relationships: Ecomuseum, Castello di Serravalle (Bologna). By studying the landscape of a hilly wine-producing area, it has been possible to observe the signs of reciprocal man-environment interactions that have characterized the area for over two millennia. For this reason, an Ecomuseum was founded, to provide an efficient tool for the enhancement of sustainable tourism, and also to popularize knowledge of local cultural heritage among the citizens. Example 2: Lago Bracciano near Montese (Modena): re-assessment of an Apennine area combining archeology, landscape and history. The landscape of areas containing historical settlements of local populations was reconstructed. This started with archeological and documentary data that had not yet been correlated, which was integrated with geological and geochemical data. In this way, a marginal tourism area has been improved by appraisal of its intrinsic cultural and historical values. Example 3: Geological elements and poetic trails in Frignano Park. This geological-literary itinerary starts from the assumption that there is a specific poetic and cultural value to the Modena Apennines that is linked to the morphological and geological features of this territory. Geology and literature become an accompaniment to a new pilgrimage of knowledge.
Perspectivas paisajísticas | Landscape perspectives
El concepto de paisaje es, sobre todo, una construcción cultural que recoge la relación del hombre con su entorno y en la que se integran compresión y construcción del medio en un proceso iterativo. De este modo, el paisaje es al mismo tiempo constructo y construcción, puesto que implica una “lectura” y una “escritura” no solo comprensivas, sino creativas del lugar. La complejidad y el dilatado alcance del concepto de paisaje dan lugar a que en torno a él se aglutinen un amplio abanico de perspectivas, como las formuladas desde la ecología por Leopold, Carson o McHarg, o aquellas que, como las de Long y Smithson, provienen del mundo del arte. Y entre ambas, otras muchas de diferentes disciplinas como la arquitectura, la planificación o el diseño. Todas estas miradas surgen de nuevos marcos conceptuales ya enunciados por Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, Baudrillard, Delueze y Guattari y de su relación con pensamientos científicos, como los desarrollados por Lovelock, Prigogine o H...
La percepción en la evaluación del paisaje* Perception in landscape evaluation
1Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Veracruz. Carretera Xalapa-Veracruz, km 88.5 Predio Tepetates, Municipio de Manlio F. Altamirano, Veracruz, Veracruz. C. P. 91700. (andres.bruno@colpos.mx; parturo@colpos.mx; felipegl@colpos.mx; monivar28@yahoo.com). 2Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Cordoba. Carretera Cordoba-Veracruz, km 34.8, Congregacion Manuel Leon, Municipio Amatlan de los Reyes, Veracruz. C. P. 94946. (jcruz@colpos.mx). Tel: 271 71 6 65 04. §Autor para correspondencia: jcruz@colpos.mx.
Sustainability , 2022
Landscapes have history and memory, which are eloquent generators of testimonies and traces on the processes of the landscape that take place today, and that will take place in the future. In recent years, numerous methods of analysing land and landscape patterns have been developed and evaluated, based on the multiplicity of these type of geographic and historical data sources, which have developed the concept of the geohistorical source. The goal of these sources of information allows us to historically reconstruct landscapes. With this in mind, the basic objective of the present research is to approach a geohistorical source with a wide spatial spectrum in Europe and America: the geographical and topographical relations of Philip II. This source has been chosen for the quality, quantity, variety and systematization of the data it provides on the territory and landscape of the crown of Castile. In addition, it ended up being the model of how to obtain organized and homogeneous knowledge of a large spatial area, considering the geographical, anthropological and historical data of the different territories. This geohistorical source is reliable, because the local authorities, both secular and ecclesiastical, are questioned, as they are the ones who inhabit, use, and, at different levels, govern the territory and its people.
Patrimonio y valores de la arquitectura en tierra de los Paisajes Culturales.
This paper presents a research design developed by the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage (ISCEAH) to define and identify earthen cultural landscapes. A survey methodology has been implemented collaboratively by ISCEAH members in order to elicit responses from academics, professionals, and policymakers regarding concepts and definitions of cultural landscapes. The questionnaire used as the survey instrument focuses on key concepts and components of cultural landscapes generally and landscapes comprising built earthen heritage, more specifically. Included in the paper are motivations for the research, consideration of principal terms and concepts, description of the collaborative process used to develop the questionnaire, and analysis of preliminary results.