Analisis Multidimensi Kebijakan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Strategi Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan DI Kabupaten Bogor
Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah
ABSTRACTProtection of sustainable food agriculture land is an efforts in order to control the high rate of conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land, as well as food security and sovereignty. In addition, agricultural land has a very strategic role and function for the people of Bogor District who are agrarian because there are a large number of residents of Bogor District who depend on the agricultural sector. This study aims to formulate the strategy of the Bogor District Government through a strategy to control the transformation of sustainable food agricultural land to meet the level of food sufficiency and protect from the rate of land conversion. To achieve these objectives, a review needs to be done to check the availability of agricultural land, with the formulation of Analytical Hierarchy Process for policy development decisionKeywords: agricultural land conversion, agricultural land protection strategy.ABSTRAKPerlindungan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan...
Implementasi Kebijakan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik
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The area of rice fields in the city of Bogor continues to decline. The cause of the decline in the area of rice fields is the development of residential, industrial, and public infrastructure. The conversion of paddy fields occurred in the city of Bogor. To restrain the rate of conversion of paddy fields, the government issued a policy in the form of Bogor City Regional Regulation No. 16 of 2019 concerning the Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (Perda PLP2B). For the PLP2B Regional Regulation policy to run well, it is necessary to know the perception of the rice farmer group leader towards the multifunctionality of paddy fields as well as the policy strategy for the sustainability of paddy fields in the city of Bogor. This study uses two analytical methods: descriptive analysis of the Likert scale and analysis of Preference Ranking Organization METHODs for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE). This study indicates scale that rice farmers have a good perspective,they still...
Analisis Potensi Lahan Pertanian Pangan Untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Kota Bandung
Jurnal Teknotan, 2016
Program ketahanan pangan di Kota Bandung saat ini dihadapkan pada semakin berkurangnya ketersediaan lahan petanian akibat tingginya laju konversi lahan ke non pertanian akibat pembangunan permukiman dan industri.Walaupun konsep pertanian kota mensyaratkan praktek berbasis teknologi, namun ketersediaan lahan juga tetap tidak bisa diabaikan keberadaannya.Tulisan ini mencoba untuk mengkaji potensi lahan pertanian, yaitu lahan yang sesuai peruntukannya bagi komoditas tanaman pangan di Kota Bandung.Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis deskiptif melalui prosedur penilaian evaluasi kesesuaian lahan dengan aplikasi pemetaan yaitu Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG).Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa dibandingkan dengan kota-kota di Jawa Barat, luas lahan pertanian Kota Bandung masih cukup luas, namun laju konversi cukup tinggi mencapai 577.2 Ha per tahun selama periode Tahun 2010-2015.Potensi lahan yang sesuai peruntukannya untuk sawah dengan kategori S1 (sangat sesuai) mencapai 804.18 Ha, sedangkan untuk tanaman pangan (ubi jalar, ubi kayu, jagung, kacang tanah) termasuk kelas kesesuaian lahan S2 (sesuai) dan S3 (sesuai maginal) masing-masing seluas 37 Ha dan 3.95 Ha.Dengan demikian, ketersediaan lahan potensial untuk pertanian di Kota Bandung tidak mencukupi untuk menyokong ketahanan pangan.Hal ini terbukti hingga saat ini kebutuhan pangan masyarakat Kota Bandung 80% tergantung pasokan dari luar Kota Bandung.
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan, 2012
The passing of Law 41, 2009 on the Protection of Sustainable Food based Agricultural Land (PSFAL) is expected to control the pace of agricultural landuse change inparticular fields. This law is still new so that many of its implementation have not been realized, including the planning and establishment of regions, prime land and reserve land. West Java Province is the provinces second-largest contributor to the national rice with large area of rice paddy field. Spatial analysis can be used to determine the potential of sustainable food based agricultural in province based on data and supporting information. The purposes of this study were (1) to collect data and information for identifying potential sustainable food farming land, (2) to identify potential food based agricultural land at the provincial and district levels, and (3) to develop data and information of potential sites to be proposed as the sustainable food agricultural region, prime food agricultural land and reserve food agricultural land at the provincial and district levels. The results showed that the main factor indeciding of sustainable food agricultural area is the availability of land. Attheprovincial level, the results show that more general planning area proposed, including assemblage of some small regions, and indication of prime and reserve land. The proposed planning at the provincial level is a reference in the preparation of the proposed planning district, with more detail data for regions, prime and reserve land along with prediction size of area. At district level, the implementation of the PSFAL should be integrated with community participation.
Appraisal Keberlanjutan Multidimensi Penggunaan Lahan Untuk Sawah DI Karawang -Jawa Barat
Indonesian national food sovereignty is very dependent on the supply of rice from paddy fields in Java Island. Various factors influence the farmer's decision to continue using his farm. This study aims to analyze the sustainable use of paddy field, determinant factors and strategies for improving sustainability. The study was conducted in Karawang Regency, one of the centers of rice production in West Java. The methodology used is a multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) using 43 attributes of 5 dimensions (ecological, social, economical, technological and legal and institutional dimension). Against the sensitive attribute analysis resulting from MDS, a prospective analysis was conducted to determine the key factors of sustainability. Priority policies for improving sustainability are developed based on the location of the key factors in the prospective diagram. The research results showed that the land utilization for paddy field in Karawang is actually less sustainable. Increasing the sustainability can be done through intervention and improving performance, preferably on sensitive attributes resulting from leverage analysis, covering 16 attributes. Priority policies is directed in the 5 key factors resulting from prospective analysis. Policies suggested are the tightening of new permits for building, strict implementation of the official spatial land use planning and delineation of agricultural land for sustainable food crops, counseling the community, revitalizing the role of BULOG, provision of subsidies as well as capital assistance to farmers.
Strategi Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan DI Kabupaten Tangerang
Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah, 2016
The study was based on the issue faced by the agricultural sector in Tangerang Regency which is the conversion of irrigated land. This conversion occurred due to increased population growth and economic development in Tangerang Regency, as the buffer zone of Special Capital Region of Jakarta. This issue led to the shrinkage of irrigated land area and endangerment of food security in Tangerang Regency, which acted as one of the national granary. The purpose of this study was to formulate a strategy for the protection of sustainable food crop agricultural land in Tangerang Regency. A review of Regional Regulation (Perda) No.13, 2011 on Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) of Tangerang Regency was carried out to achieve that purpose. Methods used in this study were the analytical overlay model and descriptive analysis in which the formulation of protection strategy was performed using the SWOT analysis model. The results showed that there was a potential reclamation of irrigated land area ...
Pemetaan Potensi Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan
Klaten Regency is one of the potential food barns in Central Java, but its existence is increasingly threatened because the conversion of agricultural land continues to increase. This study aims to map the potential of sustainable food agricultural reserves (LCP2B) to support the spatial data presentation for the determination of Sustainable food agricultural land (LP2B). The research was conducted through spatial analysis by overlaying the existing land use data with Spatial Planning Map. The results of the study showed that in Klaten District there was 30,703 Ha. or 46.84% of the potential land for LP2B and the potential land for LCP2B location is 6,877 Ha or 10.49% so that the potential area of LP2B and LCP2B is 37,580 Ha or 57.33% of the total area of Klaten Regency. Overlay results show that the LP2B Potential Location is appropriate with the RTRW which is 25,413 Ha or 38.77% and the inappropriate is 40,143 Ha or 61.23% of the total area of Klaten Regency. The efforts to protec...