First description of a sporadic breast cancer in a woman with BRCA1 germline mutation (original) (raw)
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Clinical and pathological findings of BRCA1/2 associated breast cancer
Breast, 2001
It is not known if the behaviour of hereditary breast cancer (HBC) differs from that of sporadic breast cancer (BC). The aim of the present study was to analyze clinical-pathological characteristics in patients with BRCA1/2-mutation associated to BC. These data could be useful in the management of HBC. This study includes 17 patients with BC in whom a germ-line BRCA1/2-mutation
Decreased Expression of BRCA2 Accelerates Sporadic Breast Cancer Progression
Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2015
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Molecular profile and clinical variables in BRCA1-positive breast cancers. A population-based study
To evaluate the clinical features of breast cancer patients with genetic susceptibility to this disease and to investigate the contribution of BRCA1 germline mutations to the phenotype of these tumors. We reviewed the clinical and pathological records of 102 women with suspected inherited susceptibility to breast cancer consecutively seen at the Genetic Oncology Service of Parma, Italy. Sixty-two patients with a high probability of harboring a germline, cancer-predisposing mutation were tested for BRCA1 mutations. Exon 11 was screened using the protein truncation test and detected mutations were confirmed by direct sequencing (DS). All other exons were analyzed by DS. Among the 62 patients with a completed mutation analysis, 48 (77.4%) had wild-type BRCA1, six (9.6%) had variants of unclear significance, eight (13%) had deleterious mutations. BRCA1-associated breast cancers (BABC) were significantly less likely to be diagnosed at stage I than breast cancers in women without mutation...
British Journal of Cancer, 2001
Breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumour suppressor genes the alleles of which have to be inactivated before tumour development occurs. Hereditary breast cancers linked to germ-line mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes almost invariably show allelic imbalance (AI) at the respective loci. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are believed to take part in a common pathway in maintenance of genomic integrity in cells. We carried out AI and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of BRCA2 in breast tumours from germline BRCA1 mutation carriers and vice versa. For comparison, 14 sporadic breast tumours were also studied. 8 of the 11 (73%) informative BRCA1 mutation tumours showed AI at the BRCA2 locus. 53% of these tumours showed a copy number loss of the BRCA2 gene by FISH. 5 of the 6 (83%) informative BRCA2 mutation tumours showed AI at the BRCA1 locus. Half of the tumours (4/8) showed a physical deletion of the BRCA1 gene by FISH. Combined allelic loss of both BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene was seen in 12 of the 17 (71%) informative hereditary tumours, whereas copy number losses of both BRCA genes was seen in only 4/14 (29%) sporadic control tumours studied by FISH. In conclusion, the high prevalence of AI at BRCA1 in BRCA2 mutation tumours and vice versa suggests that somatic events occurring at the other breast cancer susceptibility gene locus may be selected in the cancer development. The mechanism resulting in AI at these loci seems more complex than a physical deletion.
Overexpression of BRCA2 gene in sporadic breast tumours
Oncogene, 1999
The breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues as an 11-kb mRNA transcript that encodes a 3418-amino acid protein involved in the response to DNA damage. To obtain better a molecular characterization of BRCA2 expression in sporadic breast cancer, we quanti®ed BRCA2 mRNA by means of RT ± PCR in a large series of human primary breast tumours. BRCA2 expression showed wide variations in tumour tissues, being underexpressed in 14/127 (11%) and overexpressed in 25/127 (20%). BRCA2 overexpression (but not underexpression) correlated signi®cantly with Scar, Bloom and Richardson (SBR) histopathological grade III (P=0.007) and was mainly attributed to nuclear polymorphism (P=0.005) and mitotic index (P=0.048), suggesting that the BRCA2 gene contributes to the proliferation rate in breast tumours. BRCA2 status (under and/or overexpression versus normal expression) was not associated with subsequent relapse and with signi®cantly shorter disease-free survival. The observed disruption of BRCA2 expression is not due to allelic loss, because the latter did not correlate with altered BRCA2 mRNA expression in our tumour series. Taken together, these data suggest the involvement, especially by overexpression, of the BRCA2 gene in sporadic breast tumours, and the existence of another important tumour-suppressor gene in breast cancer, in the 13q12-q13 region.
Prognosis and clinical presentation of BRCA2-associated breast cancer
European Journal of Cancer, 2000
54 female breast cancer patients from 22 families with BRCA2 germ line mutations from Sweden and Denmark were compared with 214 age-and date of diagnosis-matched controls identi®ed among breast cancer patients from South Sweden. At diagnosis, BRCA2-associated cases were more often node-positive (N+). OR=1.9 (95% con®dence interval (CI)=1.0±3.6; P=0.036), and were more often clinical stage IV: OR=4.6 (95% CI=1.3±17; P=0.021) than the controls. Bilateral disease was also more common among the BRCA2-associated cases: OR=2.4 (95% CI=1.1±5.3; P=0.027). Breast cancer-speci®c survival (BCSS) was sig-ni®cantly worse among the BRCA2-associated cases: RR=2.0 (95% CI=1.2±3.4; P=0.010). When stage was corrected for in a multivariate analysis, BCSS was no longer signi®cantly worse for the BRCA2-associated cases: RR=1.6 (95% CI=0.85±3.1). The corresponding eect after correction for bilateral disease was: RR=1.8 (95% CI=1.0±3.1; P=0.034). The unfavourable prognosis in BRCA2-associated breast cancer seems, to a great extent, to be a consequence of the higher clinical stage at diagnosis. The increased presence of bilateral cancers appears to have less impact on survival in this group of hereditary breast cancer. Data presented here needs to be taken into account when counselling healthy carriers of BRCA2 germ line mutations.
Inherited Mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in Breast Cancer
International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies, 2019
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are unrelated proteins, but both are normally expressed in the cells of breast and other tissue, where they help repair damaged DNA, or destroy cells if DNA cannot be repaired. They are involved in the repair of chromosomal damage with an important role in the error-free repair of DNA double-strand breaks. If BRCA1 or BRCA2 itself is damaged by a BRCA mutation, damaged DNA is not repaired properly, and this increases the risk for breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been described as "breast cancer susceptibility genes" and "breast cancer susceptibility proteins". The predominant allele has a normal, tumor suppressive function whereas high penetrance mutations in these genes cause a loss of tumor suppressive function which correlates with an increased risk of breast cancer. Keywords: BRCA1; BRCA2; Breast cancer; Mutation; Gene.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 in breast cancer
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1999
Breast cancer, one of the most common serious malignancies affecting women, occurs in hereditary and sporadic forms. Hereditary breast cancer accounts for 5-10% of all cases and has some distinctive clinical features compared with sporadic breast cancer. The recently identified genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 appear to account for the majority of hereditary breast cancer in US and European populations. Both of these genes have already been localized and isolated; however, the exact functions of their proteins are not clear yet. The detection of LOH in the 17q21 and 13q12-q13 regions, where the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are located, indicates that BRCA1 and BRCA2 act as tumor suppressor genes. The list of identified germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 is still growing, and mutation carriers have a substantial lifetime risk of both breast and ovarian cancer. However, it is still undetermined whether BRCA1 and BRCA2 play similar important roles in sporadic breast cancer. This paper reviews the current advances in BRCA1/BRCA2 research: the structure of their genes and proteins, their mutation frequencies, their possible roles in both hereditary and sporadic breast cancers, and their functions in transcriptional regulation and DNA repair.
Cancer, 1998
BACKGROUND. Women with breast carcinoma diagnosed before age 40 years have a greater prevalence of germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations than women with breast carcinoma diagnosed at older ages. Several recognizable histologic characteristics have been identified in breast carcinoma from studies of BRCA1/2 mutation carriers who belong to multiple-case families. The authors attempted to determine whether breast carcinoma occurring before age 40 years in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers who were not selected for family history could be distinguished histologically from one another and from breast carcinoma in women of a similar age without a germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
BRCA1/2 Germline Mutations and Their Clinical Importance in Turkish Breast Cancer Patients
Cancer Investigation, 2014
BRCA1/BRCA2 genes were screened in 117 patients with breast cancer by sequencing. Fourteen percent of patients tested positive for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations. Four frame shift mutations, four pathogenic missense mutations, and 25 different sequence variations were detected. BRCA mutation positivity was significantly associated with Ki67 (p = .001). BRCA protein expressions were decreased in the patients harboring important mutations and polymorphisms (BRCA1;P508stop, V1740G, Q1182R, Q1756P and BRCA2;V2466A) related with disease. Our findings contribute significantly to the types of germline BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations and their biological effects in Turkish women. These data could help guide the management of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation-carrying patients when considering breast-conserving therapy.