Applying Project Based Learning Strategy in Teaching Speaking at English Community Course of American Corner, Pattimura University €“ Ambon (original) (raw)
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Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Project Based Learning (PBL)
PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education), 2019
Project Based- Learning (PBL) is one of teaching technique where the students work in group project and it is required students for designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project that produces a publicly- exhibited output such as a product, publication, or presentation. This research used Classrom Action Research as the research method. The sample of this research were 30 students of the tenth grade, Tehnik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik of SMK PGRI 3 CIMAHI. The students assessed by using speaking rubric by Brown 2004. The data were calculated by using SPSS. As the result, the technique can improve the students speaking skill. It is concluded based on data analyzed. In the first cycle, the students categorized as the poor and low English speaking while the second and the third cycle, the students showed a significant achievement and categorized in good average. This technique can be the affective technique that can be used by the teachers who want to improve students’ speaki...
The Implementation of Project-Based Learning to Improve Students' Speaking Skill
This study addresses specific teaching methods, which are believed to achieve a beneficial outcome to students' learning ability. Project Based Learning is a modern teaching method. The core idea of Project Based Learning is to connect student's experiences with school life and to provoke students to acquire new knowledge. This study aims at (1) describing to what extent the use of Project-based Learning can improve the students' speaking skill and (2) describing the teaching and learning process when Project-Based Learning is implemented in the class. The subject of the study is the seventh-grade students of one of Junior High Schools in Surakarta. The method of the study was classroom action research with two cycles. Furthermore, the data were collected through speaking assessment. The finding showed that there was improvement in the students' speaking skill. Some aspects which are improved including students' fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and comprehension. To conclude, PBL (Project-based learning) help student in improving their speaking skill.
The The Implementation of Project-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill
International Journal of Language Teaching and Education
This study addresses specific teaching methods, which are believed to achieve a beneficial outcome to students’ learning ability. Project Based Learning is a modern teaching method. The core idea of Project Based Learning is to connect student's experiences with school life and to provoke students to acquire new knowledge. This study aims at (1) describing to what extent the use of Project-based Learning can improve the students' speaking skill and (2) describing the teaching and learning process when Project-Based Learning is implemented in the class. The subject of the study is the seventh-grade students of one of Junior High Schools in Surakarta. The method of the study was classroom action research with two cycles. Furthermore, the data were collected through speaking assessment. The finding showed that there was improvement in the students' speaking skill. Some aspects which are improved including students' fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and compre...
The Effect of Project Based Learning to the Students’ Speaking Ability
Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics
Project based learning (PBL) is an appropriate and applicable learning method in all levels of education. In this method, the lecturer acts as a facilitator or the one who takes a main role in teaching and learning process. The aim of PBL is to solve problems and develop students’ critical thinking. It also encouraged the students’ way of thinking in doing or creating something. This method was implemented in English for Management class at. It was expected to make the students to be more creative facilitated by a discussion, sharing, and collaboration work. The aim of this study was to describe the implementation of PBL in non-English department class (Management department class) and to know the effect of PBL in students’ speaking ability. There were 25 students selected as the sample. The methodology used pre-experimental design. Data were collected by observation to answer the first research question and test to answer the second research question. The acquired quantitative dat...
The Use of Project-Based Learning to Improve the Students’ Speaking Skill at Universitas Abulyatama
Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan
The objective of this study is to know the use of Project-Based Learning to improve the students' speaking skill at the students of third semester of Abulyatama University. The study was quantitative approach which used pre-experimental research. This study only took eight students as sample of the research by using purpthe osive sampling technique. The sample was divided into two groups, namely Group A and Group B. The instruments used in this study were pre-test and post-test. The result of the study showed that the use of Project-Based Learning can improve students' speaking skill. It can be proven by the t-test result and the students' scores on pre-the test and post-test. It can be seen based on the mean in pre-test of the Group A was 62.5 and mean in post-test was 90. While the mean in pre-test of Group B was 50 and mean in post-test were 65. Based on the result of the computation of statistical hypothesis test, the students' speaking score can be calculated by using t-test with significance α = 0.05. It indicated that the difference was significant because the t-test result was higher than the ttable (3.81 > 2.92). The students' scores based on the Group A result was indeed better than their scores in Group B which indicates that the treatment contributes the tstudents' speaking skill as seen from the scores difference. In other words, it can be concluded that Project-Based Learning was able to improve students' speaking skill. The project provides opportunity to the students to become more creative and engaged in the interaction. The Project-Based Learning can be promoted by the teacher as a teaching method to English speaking skill.
Analysis of the Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Students’ Speaking Skill
International journal of social science and human research, 2024
This research aims to explore the ways of teacher implement Project-based Learning Model in teaching and to know what the impact of Project-based Learning model on students' speaking skill. This research used Qualitative research. The data were obtained using three instruments, namely observation checklist, document and reording. The subject of the research were two English teachers who taught the elevent grade, selected by Purposive Sampling Technique. The finding of this research revealed that both teachers implemented the Project Based Learning syntax, but not entirely. Teacher 1 did not implement the last poin in the evaluating the project stage, while teacher 2 did not implement the last two steps, namely Assesing the Project Result and Evaluating the Project. Therefore, the finding also shows that Project-based Learning Model has a positive impact on students speaking skills, while no students achieve an excellent category in pronunciation, 96% performed good, students have a great change of getting excellent in all aspect of speaking if teacher implement project based learning model throughly. Meanwhile, based on the data the conclusion that the Project-based Learning Model significantly contributes on the development of students' speaking skill.
Speaking adalah salah satu dari empat ketrampilan yang penting dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dan dianggap sebagai ketrampilan yang paling sulit untuk dikuasai. Di lapangan, ada dua masalah yang menjadi penghalang utama dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya di SMKN 1 Jombang. Masalah itu adalah rendahnya motivasi para siswa dan pengurangan alokasi waktu mengajar Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Dua masalah itu ada di jurusan pemasaran. Melihat masalah tersebut, Project-based learning dianggap sebagai strategi yang paling tepat untuk mengatasi dua masalah tersebut dalam satu waktu. Selain itu, strategi project-based learning berdampak pula pada peningkatan speaking siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan speaking siswa menggunakan project-based learning dan berfokus pada satu masalah penelitian yaitu bagaimana project-based learning dapat meningkatkan speaking siswa dari jurusan pemasaran di SMKN 1 Jombang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian...
Incorporating Project-Based Learning (PBL) Into a University Speaking Classroom: Why and How?
Learning a language means learning thelanguage knowledge (vocabulary and grammar) and the language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing). Of all the four skills, speaking skill is considered to be the most favourite and challenging one.It contains a complex process of constructing meaning and requires the language learners to produce linguistically and pragmatically correct utterances. To achieve such goals, a teacher who teaches speaking skills especially at a university level classroom should use a meaningful, appropriate and a challenging teaching method or technique. One of the methods that attract many language teachers' interests currently is project-based learning. Project-based learning is a teaching method in which the students gains knowledge and skills byworking for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. It empowers learners to pursue content knowledge on their own and demonstrate their new understandings through a variety of presentation modes. In this paper, the writer will discuss about speaking skill, teaching speaking skill, project-based learning definitions, characteristics and its steps, the reasons why English teachers especially at universities should incorporate project-based learning into a speaking classroom and an example on how to incorporate the project-based learning into a university speaking classroom.
The Effect Of Project-Based Learning On The Students’ Speaking Ability
Journal on Education
This research investigated the effect of Project-based learning on students’ speaking ability. This was a mix research, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative was used to describe the implementation of the project based learning in Accounting Study Program students. The quantitative research used was a pre-experimental research with a One Group Pretest-Posttest design to find the effect of project based learning on the students’ speaking ability. There was a single sample, 35 students, of the population (1st to 4th semester Accounting Study Program Students of Universitas Potensi Utama). The qualitative data were collected by using interview, observation, and documentation. The quantitative data were collected by using tests, pre-test and post-test. Since this study was intended to find the effect of the Project-Based Learning toward students’ speaking ability, the quantitative data were analyzed statistically by paired sample t-test by using IBM SPSS 22 for Windows. The result o...
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature
The objective of the study is to see whether or not project-based learning improves students’ speaking skills and their perceptions towards the implementation of PBL. The author used the quasi-experimental method. The population was 120 students. The research sample was class VIII A consisted of 16 students as an experimental group, and class VIII B consisted of 16 students as a controlled group. The instrument of the research was a speaking test and questionnaire. The author collected data through pre-tested the students, giving treatment, post-tested, and spreading questionnaires through Google form. The data were analyzed by using SPSS program version 28. The students’ result of average score in the pre-test of the experimental group was lower than the average score in the post-test (35.81 < 64.94). Meanwhile, the average score of the students in the pre-test of the controlled group was lower than the average score in post-test (41.00 < 50.75). It means that the average sco...