The Profile of Students’ Mathematical Communication Ability on Statistics Based on Adversity Quotient (original) (raw)

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Skills Class VII SMP Negeri 22 Padang on Material Set


Students mathematical communication skills are not optimal. Students have not been able to interpret questions in the form of mathematics, either symbol and pictures. From the problem found, researchers do the research under the title "Analysis of Mathematical communication skills write students in SMP Negeri 22 Padang on material set" This research aims to describe the ability of mathematical communication in the students ' study in the mathematical problems and to know the factors that affect the mathematical communication skills of students ' writing. This type of research is qualitative research. Data obtained from the test results of mathematical communication skills and interviews to obtain information about the factors affecting the ability of mathematical communication of students ' writing. The results of this study showed that many students who have high writing mathematical communication skills are 21.43%, students with moderate mathematical communic...

Mathematics learning achievement of vocational high school students' viewed by adversity quotient

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1157 042121; doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/4/042121, 2019

Efforts to improve the quality of education have been done by improving the implementation of learning, but the effort has not been enough. This can be seen from the low achievement of students' mathematics learning. One of the factors can influence student's mathematics learning achievement is the students Adversity Quotient. There are three types of AQ, they are quitters, campers, and climbers. The purpose this study is to find out which one provides better mathematics learning achievement between students with AQ quitters, campers, or climbers type. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative. Data collection techniques of mathematics learning achievement obtained from the value of mathematics test, while the AQ data obtained by the student questionnaire. The subjects of the research are 189 students from three Vocational High Schools in Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia, with high, medium and low school category. The data analysis technique used is one-way anova with unbalanced cells and post hoc test using Scheffe method. The results show that students with AQ climbers type have better mathematics learning achievement than students AQ type campers and quitters. Students with AQ campers type have better mathematics learning achievement than students AQ quitters type.

Analysis of Students' Mathematical Communication Ability in Solving Problems Viewed from the Mathematical Disposition

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2023

This study aims to describe students mathematical abilities in problem solving in terms of mathematical dispositions. Research subjects are 5 student's class VIII-A SMP Negeri 2 Kutorejo which is taken based of the mathematical disposition test given trought the google form. The method use a mix method with a quantitative approach for taking subjects and qualitative approach for data description and data analysis. The results of tests conducted on several problem solving questions showed that in expressing ideas, very high mathematical disposition are able to write in complete according to indicators. While the other four subjects did'nt write one aspect of the indicator. In understanding the problem only subjects with a very high mathematical disposition and the subject of high mathematical disposition who wrote down the calculation process. In presenting mathematical ideas, all subject does not use symbols and mathematical notation according to the test. If can be concluded that the mathematical communication skills of the students with very high mathematical dispositions are better than students with high, medium, low and very low disposition..

Mathematical Communication Ability Based on Mathematical Resilience


Mathematical communication plays a very significant role in the success of mathematical learning. In the process of learning, attitude factors also have influences towards students’ psychological aspect. One of those factors is mathematical resilience. The research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The aim of this research was to describe and analyze students’ abilities in solving problems about mathematics communication skills viewed from the mathematics resilience categories. The subjects in this research were twenty eighth grade students in a state junior high school in West Java Province, Indonesia. The methods of collecting data were giving a test, conducting interviews, and taking documentations. The students were categorized into three resilience categories and then their mathematical communication skills were analyzed using the data from the test and the interview. The results show that the mathematical communication skills of the students with high resil...

Mathematics Disposition of Vocational High School Students Viewed by Adversity Quotient

5th ICRIEMS Proceedings Published by Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences Yogyakarta State University, ISBN 978-602-74529-3-0, 2018

The inclusion of character building education in Indonesia curriculum education that should be strengthened and integrated in students, effect the curriculums at school make adjustments. In the context of such adjustment, students' mathematics learning needs to be instilled in a diligent, persistent, and critical thinking in exploring mathematics problems. In mathematics, it is called mathematics disposition. One of the factors that might influence a student's mathematics disposition is the student's Adversity Quotient (AQ). Adversity Quotient is an ability to change, or process a problem and make it a challenge that must be solved. In mathematics learning, each student has a different AQ. There are three types of AQ, they are quitters, campers, and climbers. The purpose of this study is to find out which one provides better mathematics disposition between students with AQ quitters, campers, or climbers type. The type of this research is quantitative research with survey method. The data were collected through questionnaires. The subjects of the research are 189 students from three Vocational High Schools in Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia, with high, medium and low school category. The data analysis technique used is one-way anova with unbalanced cells and post hoc test using Scheffe method. The results show that students with AQ climbers type have better mathematics disposition than students with AQ campers and quitters types. Students with AQ campers type have the same mathematics disposition as students of quitters type.

Adversity Quotient in Mathematics Learning (Quantitative Study on Students Boarding School in Pekanbaru

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya juang/Adversity Quotient (AQ) siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika ditinjau dari aspek gender. Penelitian ini merupakan studi survey kuantitatif pada siswa di MTs Pondok Pesantren Al-Munawawarah Pekanbaru, siswa kelas VIII yang terdiri dari 75 siswa perempuan dan 63 siswa laki-laki. Data dikumpulkan melalui skala AQ dan dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (uji-t). Indikator AQ terdiri dari control, origin, ownership, reach, dan endurance. Hasil analisis secara deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan masing-masing mean indikator untuk kedua kelompok, namun dari hasil analisis uji-t menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan AQ matematis siswa antara kedua kelompok jender siswa. Melalui uji variansi, AQ Matematis siswa pada kedua kelompok homogen. Indikator AQ siswa laki-laki berkategori tinggi yaitu endurance dan reach. Sedangkan pada siswa perempuan yaitu aspek control. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam studi literatur untuk mengidentifikasi AQ siswa serta upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan AQ siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze students' Adversity Quotient (AQ) in mathematics learning viewed from gender aspect. This study is quantitative survey study on students in MTs Al-Munawarah Boarding School, Pekanbaru. The subjects of study are 8 th grade students consisting of 75 girls and 63 boys. Data are collected by AQ scale and analyzed with statistic descriptive and inferential (test-t). The indicator of AQ consist of control, origin, ownership, reach and endurance. The result of descriptive analysis shows that there is difference in mean of each indicator for two groups, but analysis of test-t shows that there is no difference in students' mathematical AQ for two group of gender. Through variance test, students' mathematical AQ in two groups is homogeneous. The indicator of AQ in boys which is categorized as high are endurance and reach. While, the indicator in girls is aspect of control. This study contributes to literature study in identifying students' AQ and the effort done to enhance students' AQ in mathematics learning.

Analysis Mathematical Communication Skills Student at the Grade IX Junior High School

International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2017

This research is a qualitative descriptive study aimed to analyze the mathematical communication skills junior high school students using written tests. The subjects were students of class IX-1 state of junior high school 3 Bilah Hulu Labuhan Batu as many as 30 students. From the analysis of data obtained for indicators of development results in this study that the student is able to connect the pictures, diagrams, tables mathematical idea into as many as 21 (70%) students of class VII-1. The second indicator in this study that the student is able to explain mathematical ideas in writing with drawings, diagrams, tables or algebra 4 (13.33%) students of class IX-1. The third indicator in this study that the student is able to express the situation into the language or math symbol as much as 8 (26.76%) students of class IX-1. Mathematical communication skills of students in classes IX-1 SMP Negeri 3 Bilah Hulu Labuhan Batu is still low so it needs to be made in consideration for furth...

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Skills of Junior High School Students Reviewed from Gender and School Origin

Proceedings of the International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE 2019), 2020

This study aims to analyze and describe the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students reviewed from gender and school origin. This reaserch is a qualitative descriptive study, with the subject of the study being the eighth grade students of Pasir Sakti State 2 Junior High School, which subject of study eight students, namely 4 students from State elementary schools (2 males and 2 females) and 4 students from Private elementary schools (2 males and 2 females). The data collection technique was mathematical communication skills tests used the data presentation material consisting two questions. The research data was collected by researchers directly. Technique of data analysis in this study are Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusions Drawing/Verification. The results showed: The mathematical communication skills of junior high school students overall are (1) The ability of female students were higher than male students with a difference of 11.11%. (2) The ability of students from public elementary schools were higher than students from private elementary schools with a difference of 2.78%. (3) The ability of students in Drawing aspect were higher than Written Text aspect, and Mathematical Expression aspect.

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Ability in Learning Proportion Topic Using Scientific Approach


Communication is an important aspect in learning mathematics. In the process of learning mathematical communication, there is a standard communication process that must be met. The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical communication ability on direct proportion topic and inverse proportion topic using a scientific approach and to explain the factors inhibiting mathematical communication ability. The design of this research was qualitative descriptive research. The instruments used were lesson plans, modules, worksheets, and documentation. The research results that were obtained included achievement of mathematical communication process standards such as (1) organizing and consolidating students' mathematical thinking through communication, (2) communicating students' mathematical thinking coherently (logically) and clearly to friends, teachers, and others, (3) analyzing and evaluating mathematical thinking and strategies used by others, and (4) using mathematical language to show mathematical ideas appropriately in each peer teaching activity.

Examining Prospective Teachersr Mathematical Communication Skills in Statistics


The mathematical communication skill is an important thing to support the teachers’ role as facilitators in helping students to master 21st-century skills. The efforts to improve the skill must be well prepared since they are still as prospective teachers. The communication skill involves some aspects. Therefore, to improve the skill of prospective teachers, it must be identified what aspects need to be improved. This study aims to describe students' mathematical communication skills in Statistics. The mathematical communication skills in this study refer to the students' skills to 1) present the data or information into table or diagram correctly, 2) use mathematical terms, symbols/notations, charts, diagram, illustrations or formulas correctly, 3) solve the problems correctly and systematically, and 4) provide the correct reasons or explanations on the solution they got. The participants of this study are 35 students of Mathematics Education Department, Yogyakarta State Un...