Analisis Pengaruh Penjualan, Current Ratio Dan Hutang Terhadap Net Profit Margin Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Dasar Dan Kimia DI Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2015-2017 (original) (raw)
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The research that test the effect of Fixed Asset Turnover, Return On Asset, Current Ratio, and Total Asset Turnover on stock prices in the Basic Industry and Chemicals Sector was conducted either simultaneously or partially used non-probability sampling technique with a quantitative research and also a classical assumption test that obtained sixty (60) companies as a sample in the basic industrial and chemical sectors is obtained. The value of Ftable with 0.05 significance, namely 2.56 with Fcount > Ftable so that it is concluded that the independent variables have a substantial effect on the dependent variable”. T-Test result’s (partial test) are “FAT (X1) and CR (X3) do not affect stock prices (Y). ROA (X2) states a negative affect on stock prices (Y). TATO (X4) defines a positive affect on stock prices (Y). Keywords: Fixed Asset Turnover (FAT), Return On Asset (ROA), Current Ratio (CR), and Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
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