M-110 Onto Semiotic Approach Profileof Senior High School Student Based on Cognitive Style in Solving Statistics Problem (original) (raw)

Analizing of field independent and dependent students’ understanding in solving statistical problems based on ontosemiotic approach

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The purpose of this study is to analyze prospective teachers in problem solving ability using an onto-semiotic approach. The onto-semiotic approach is a method emphasizing mathematical object meaning based on language, concept, procedure, computation, proposition and argument. This research is an explorative qualitative. The subject of research is a mathematic students of STKIP PGRI Tulungagung who have high mathematical ability. The main instrument of the research is the researcher herself, the auxiliary instrument are math problems solving test and interview guidelines. The collecting data techniques are tests and interviews. Data analysis consist of data reduction, display and conclusion. The data are validated by time triangulation. The result of the research shows that, prospective teacher have good categories in the language and the concept in understand the problem, good categories in language, concept, procedures and argument in devise a plan, good categories in terms of language, procedures, computations and arguments in carry out the plan, and bad categories in the look back. So, the onto-semiotic approach can be implemented on learning to improve prospective teachers' understanding in solving math problems.

Cognitive Process of Students in Solving Mathematical Problem Judging from Cognitive Style of Field Independent and Field Dependent in Junior High School


This study aims to describe Field Independent (FI) students and Field Dependent (FD) students in solving mathematical problem of triangular. The type of research used in this study is a descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques namely conducting interviews and Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) tests and first to each subject given a problem solving test. The GEFT test was given to 31 students and then examined the results of these tests to determine 6 research subjects, namely 3 subjects who were cognitive in Field Independent (FI) and 3 subjects who were cognitive in Field Dependent (FD). Then given a problem solving test to the subject and interviewed the 6 subjects to find out the cognitive processes that occur in solving mathematical problems. The results show that cognitive processes that are cognitively styled by Field Independent (FI) are able to recall, understand problems, calcify, analyze and evaluate in solving problems while cognitive processes that are cog...

Analysis of Mathematics Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students Viewed from Students' Cognitive Style


The process of thinking in solving problem needs teachers’ attention to help students in developing problem solving ability. Problem solving ability in mathematics can be viewed from several dimensions, one of them is cognitive style. This study aims to analyze the students' problem solving abilities Field Dependent (FD), Field Intermediate (FDI), and Field Independent (FI). Type of the research is descriptive qualitative research. The cognitive styles of 27 students of class VIII G were determined using Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). Each category of cognitive styles was taken two students with the highest and lowest scores and were used as research subjects. Students of class VIII G were given lessons to introduce Polya problem solving steps and Problem Solving Tests (TPM). Students' answers in TPM were analyzed, and subjects were interviewed as triangulation. The results of students' problem solving were also analyzed to be given scaffolding. Weak FD (FDL) subject...

Analysis of the Mathematical Problem-Solving Characteristics Based on Cognitive Style on Students in the VIII Grade

Edumatica : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2021

This study aims to analyze the students’ mathematical problem-solving characteristics based on cognitive style that is field independent, field dependent, reflective, and impulsive. Fourty-five students of VIII grade at PGRI 5 Junior High School were involved. The students were given 4 descriptive math problems. The result showed that the characteristics of independent field cognitive style showed that could understand the problems, determined the right problem planning, careless in solving, and did not re-check the answer. The subject could solve questions faster than the specified time, but the answer was wrong. For the characteristics of field dependent cognitive style, they could understand the problems, determined the right problem planning, careless in solving, and did not re-check the answer. The subject could not solve questions on time, but the answers tended to be correct. For the characteristics of reflective cognitive style, they did not understand the problems, determin...

Pre-service Teachers’ Statistical Reasoning based on Cognitive Style

Jurnal Didaktik Matematika

The use of statistical concepts in real-life problems has become a challenge for students. This challenge is related to statistical reasoning (SR) ability which is influenced by several factors including cognitive style. Therefore, this research aims to understand the process of statistical reasoning from the perspective of cognitive style. A qualitative method was used and the subjects were students who are pre-service mathematics teachers. The instrument used were Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), statistical reasoning tests, as well as interview guidelines, and the data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive method. The results showed statistical reasoning of the field independent pre-service mathematics teacher is better than the field dependent. Also, those with the same cognitive style, which is field independent, but different genders showed different reasoning processes. It was concluded that males have better Statistical Reasoning processes than females, and cogn...

Analysis of Students’ Statistical Reasoning in Solving Non-Routine Problems

MATHEdunesa, 2020

Statistical reasoning is needed by students to understanding statistical concepts and problems. Students’ efforts in understanding statistical information and problems often involve statistical process, namely the process of organizing and reducing data and the process of analyzing and interpreting data. This research is descriptive study with qualitative approach that aims to analyze and describe the senior high school students’ statistical reasoning in solving non-routine problems. The subjects in this study were three high school students of grade XII who have same sex and have equivalent mathematical abilities. The instruments used in this study consisted of the Mathematical Ability Test (MAT), the Statistical Reasoning Test (SRT), and interview guidlines. The results showed that students who have low mathematical ability are also reach low level in statistical reasoning. In solving problem related to process of organizing and reducing data, the students reached level 1 and lev...

Students’ Thinking Process in Solving Mathematics Problems Reviewing from Cognitive Style


This research aims to identify and describe the thinking process of students in solving mathematical problems, both students who have a field-independent type of cognitive style (GK-FI) and students who have a field-dependent type of cognitive style (GK-FD). The subjects of this study were eight people, consisting of four GK-FI students and four GK-FD students. Data was collected using the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). The process of selecting subjects was carried out in stages (a) determining the class to be the subject of the study, (b) giving the GEFT test, (c) analyzing the results of the GEFT test, (d) determining the research subjects, each consisting of 4 students. The research process follows the stages: (a) reviewing theory and conducting an initial survey, (b) preparing research instruments, (c) collecting research data both written data and interview data, (d) validating data using triangulation techniques, (e) analyzing data on mathematical problems to get an overvi...

Students' Reflective Abstraction Level in Solving Mathematics Problems Based on Cognitive Styles Field Independent (Fi) and Field Independent (FD)

Matematika dan Pembelajaran, 2022

Abstraksi reflektif merupakan aktivitas mengambil kesamaan-kesamaan yang ada untuk membangun konsep matematika dengan menggunakan koordinasi, operasi dan relasi dari struktur-struktur yang telah dibangun dan direorganisasikan yang mencakup 4 level yaitu pengenalan, representasi, abstraksi struktural, dan kesadaran struktural. Masing-masing individu mempunyai gaya kognitif yang berbeda dalam mengolah informasi yang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan dalam memahami masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat abstraksi reflektif siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika ditinjau dari gaya kognitif field independent (FI) dan field dependent (FD). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara berbasis tugas. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa siswa dengan gaya kognitif FI dalam memecahkan masalah matematika dapat melakukan semua tingkatan abstraksi reflektif (4 level), sedangkan siswa dengan gaya kognitif FD hanya dapat melakukan 2 level abstraksi reflektif yaitu pengenalan dan representasi saja.

Intuition Characteristics of Student in Mathematical Problem Solving in Cognitive Style

Journal of Education and Learning Mathematics Research (JELMaR)

This study aims to describe the student's intuition characteristics in solving mathematical problems in the cognitive style Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI). Source of data comes from students taken with a purposive technique. Data collection techniques using tests, field notes, and interviews. The data validity inspection technique used triangulate technique. Data analysis techniques used data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study concluded that: students with a Field Dependent (FD) cognitive style used intuition with direct, self-evident, extrampolativeness, intrinsic certainly, coerciveness, and conclusive characteristics. While students with Field Independent (FI) cognitive style use intuition with direct, extrampolativeness, self-evident, intrinsic certainly, coerciveness, and conclusive characteristics. In addition, there are also characteristics that are not found in Field Dependent students, there are globality ...