Radiation induced polygenic mutation in two common Nigerian sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars (original) (raw)

Inducing phenotypic variants in sesame ( Sesamunindicum L.) with fast neutron irradiation

Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, 2017

The mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of fast neutron irradiation on sesame was evaluated at M 1 and M 2 generations with the aim of deserning its abiity to induce beneficial mutants with improved agronomic traits that could facilitate selection within local genotypes. Five grames (5g) each of sesame seeds were exposed to four concentrations of sodium azide (0.5mM, 1.0mM, 1.5mM and 2.0mM).Untreated sesame seeds (5g) served as control. The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Fast neutron significantly (p<0.05) induced benefitial variabilities on the agronomic traits evaluated. Mutation frequency, mutagenic efficiency and lethalithy induced by fast neutron were not dose dependent. However, the mutagenic effectiveness decreased with increasing dose. Seeds exposed to 0.16sv fast neutron dose showed taller seedling height (15.70cm), reduced days to flowering (45.00), best height at maturity (32.43cm), highest survival rate (35.4...

Effects of fast neutron irradiation on yield parameters of two Nigerian Sesame cultivars

The effects of Fast Neutron Irradiation (FNI) using an Americium-beryllium source with a flux of 1.5 × 10 4 ncm -2 s -1 on the yield parameters of two cultivars of sesame (Ex-Sudan and E-8) were studied. Seeds of each of the cultivars were irradiated for 30, 60, 90 and 120 min (that is, 4, 8, 12 and 16 μSv doses of FNI) before they were sown with their respective controls in order to assess the effects of the different irradiation treatments on their yield parameters. While each of the two cultivars showed significant differences among the doses in terms of oil content at p<0.01, E-8 did not show any significant difference (p≥0.05) except for weight per capsule. Ex-Sudan on the other hand, showed significant differences (p<0.05) in yield parameters among the doses tested. Correlations between irradiation doses and the yield parameters also varied and they were generally higher in Ex-Sudan than in E-8 suggesting that Ex-Sudan was more sensitive to Fast Neutron Irradiation (FNI). FNI therefore, could serve as a valuable tool for the improvement of yield of the crop.

Radiation sensitivity of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes in M1 generation


The present study investigated the gamma ray sensitivity of two sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties viz., SVPR1 and TMV7 irradiated with five different doses from 250 Gy to 450 Gy at 50 Gy intervals. Germination percentage, root and shoot length, pollen fertility (%) decreased gradually and observed a dose dependent relationship with an increase in dosage of gamma rays. Survival percentage recorded irregular decreasing trend with upsurge in survival rate at certain doses. SVPR1 showed a pronounced maximum reduction in germination percentage (37.5%) than TMV7 (40.05) at 450 Gy, whereas survival percentage of TMV7 (20.02%) and SVPR1 (19.5%) was drastically reduced at 250 Gy itself. At a higher dose of 450 Gy, root (3.08) and shoot (3.03) length of seedlings of SVPR1 were greatly inhibited. Pollen fertility percentage showed a linear reduction irrespective of the genotypes, and maximum reduction was rear at 450 Gy in SVPR1 (62.76%) was recorded. LD 50 values that showed 50% reduction in biological parameters differed between TMV7 and SVPR1. Based on all the biological parameters studied, the mutagen sensitivity of SVPR1 is higher than TMV7. The overall considerations on M1 generation effects showed that SVPR1 were highly sensitive to gamma rays.

Yield Components of Some Sesame Mutant Populations Induced by Gamma Irradiation

Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, 2018

Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for...

Effect of gamma irradiation on quantitative traits of two genotypes of sesame crop in M 1 generation

The mutagenic effects of different doses of gamma rays (400, 500, 600 and 700 Gy) on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes i.e. AKT-64 and N-8 in M1 generation with aims to evaluate the effects of gamma rays on days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of capsules per plant, 1000 seed weight and seed yield per plant. In M1 generation the results revealed that there was more reduction at higher doses compared to lower doses for all the characters. Mutation breeding offers the possibility of recovering some of the lost but useful variability in sesame, especially improved yield.

Corresponding Author Effect of gamma irradiation on morphological traits of three varieties of sesame crop in M 1 generation (sesamum indicum L.)


The main objective for plant breeding is to increase genetic diversity. Mutation induction is a method to increase genetic diversity associated with selection, recombination, or a combination of these approaches in plant breeding. The present research was aimed to compare efficacy of different doses of Gamma rays (150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 Gy and zero dose control) on the sesame morphological traits. Results of cluster analysis of single branch Naz variety to M1 showed that mutations were classified into 8 groups of genotypic and single branch Naz variety exhibited more variation as a result of mutation. The maximum scatter in the measure traits is related to yield per plant, number of capsules and capsule length with coefficients of variation of the 55.29, 47.64 and 39.61 respectively. Thus, these study can introduce a new source of germplasm in breeding programs to classical methods to be evaluated and exploited subsequent generations.

Gamma irradiation effect on yield and yield attributing traits of sesame ( Sesamum indicu m L.) In M1 generation


Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) variety Rama and Tillotoma were exposed to different doses viz. 250, 300, 350, 400 and 450 Gy of gamma rays from Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and grown (along with control) during pre-kharif 2015 in split plot design at University experimental farm VisvaBharati, to study their effect on various characters like plant height, number of capsule per plant, number of branches per plant, days to first flower, days to 50% flower, flower duration, number of seeds per capsule, capsule length, days to maturity, 1000 seed weight (gm), and yield per plant. In M1 generation the results revealed that there was reduction and also amplification at higher doses compared to lower doses for the studied characters. The results were obtained in the present study clearly indicate that different doses of gamma rays can be effectively utilized to create variability for various quantitative traits of the crop.

Generation Mean of Yield Components of Some Induce Sesame Mutant Populations by Gamma Irradiation

Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri

Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for characters number of primary branches (30.16%), stem height from base to the first branch (30.96%), stem height from base to first capsule (14.82%), number of secondary branches (53.64%), number of nodes to first flower (72.66%), number of capsules/plant (44.90%), biomass yield/plant (28.37%), and seed yield/plant (36.68%). Genetic variability of plant population is very important for plant breeding program and to sustain level of high productivity.