On Pluhar's Solution to Certain Problems of Uniting the Three Kantian Critiques (original) (raw)
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The author in this text offers a seríes of hypothescs regarding lhe manner in which Kant solvcd lhe fundamental problem of transcendaital philosophy, narnely, the problem of the possibility of synthetic judgements a priorL The task at hand is to determine the a priori conditions required for synthetic judgements to be presumed as either given or true. This, as the author himself indicates, entails an analysis of some of the major steps of Kant's philsophical metod: the theory of categories, the metaphysical and trandscendental exposition of judgements, the status of concepts (eg space and time), and the operations of pure reasori The author also offers an analysis of the theses of objectivity and ideality, as well as Kant's transcendental deduction, In the end, the author demonstrates that there is a circle in Kands transcendental proofs, although not a vicious one.
Geltung - Journal of Studies on the Origins of Contemporary Philosophy, 2023
Gottfried Gabriel’s concise introductory book aims, in his own words in the preface, “to offer a clear and at the same time problem-oriented presentation of Kant’s philosophy with a view to the architectonics of the complete work” (p. 9). To this end, the book is divided into twenty-one short chapters, which offer an overall picture of Kant’s philosophy, ranging from the central themes of epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics to the more peripheral ones of his philosophy of religion and philosophy of history. Despite this comprehensiveness, Gabriel’s presentation revolves especially around the three critiques (Critique of Pure Reason [KrV], Critique of Practical Reason [KpV], and Critique of the Power of Judgment [KdU]) and how they integrate with each other. The large number of other Kantian works cited throughout the book – pre-critical or otherwise – are mainly, although not exclusively, mentioned in reference to the critiques and the system they encompass. Our purpose is to offer a descriptive analysis of the book, focusing on the main doctrines of Kant – we will thus omit many of the standard comments regarding the connection of Kant to the 19th and 20th centuries.